U.S. Department of Justice

Design Considerations in the Building of Women's Prisons

Publication year: 1989 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 010783

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  • 1989
  • 96 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Seven women's correctional facilities were surveyed to identify design inadequacies and obtain information about the planning process for a women's facility. The first of four sections in this report addresses Research Findings, which include a brief literature review, a review of recent litigation involving women offenders and facility design, and research on the relationship between environment and behavior. Section two, The Planning Process, presents an overview of the steps and issues surrounding the planning of a women's facility, while section three discusses the survey results and the Issues in Building Prisons for Women. The last part, Programming and Design Options, suggests concepts to follow when building a women's facility. A women's facility design checklist is provided in the appendix.

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