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  Youth & Gender Issues
  • Peer Educators Mentor Teens
  • This Future Scientist Is Going Places
  • Science is for Girls
  • Scholarship Recipient Helps Students
  • Reaching Children by Rickshaws
  • Counseling Helps Widows, Children Cope
  • From Firearms to Open Arms
  • Celebrating International Women’s Day
  • Sports Center Energizes Youth
  • Helping Trafficking Victims Rebuild Lives
  • Training Youth for Energy Jobs
  • Helping Trafficking Victims Rebuild Lives
  • Youth Line up for HIV Tests
  • Sara Helps Youth Confront Issues
  • Radio Gives Women a Voice
  • Preventing Early Marriages
  • A Woman at Risk Starts a New Life
  • Scholarship Gives Education and Hope
  • Choosing Education Before Marriage
  • Giving Children a Safe Place to Play
  • Village Elder Promotes Education
  • Kitchens Build Community
  • Children Start School in Relief Camps
  • Working Together to Change the World
  • Never Too Young to Learn
  • Milk Cooperative Boosts Family Income
  • Revitalizing a Traditional Calling
  • Women Learn How to Speak Out
  • Families Start Talking About Health
  • Ger Residents Rope in New Jobs
  • Stopping Trafficking, Saving Lives
  • Putting Democracy into Action
  • Women Take Pride in Participation
  • Women Stir Up Soccer Field Rehab
  • Scholarships Realize Girls' Dreams
  • Better Education Brings Better Health
  • A Village Responds to HIV/AIDS
  • Treated Nets Improve Overall Health
  • A Drop-Out Becomes First in Her Class
  • Women Candidates Flood Elections
  • Broadcasting the Pulse of the City
  • HIV Campaign Reaches Out to Youth
  • Coffee Farmers Target Quality
  • Communities Lead Their Recovery
  • Women Become the Arbiters of Peace
  • A Bountiful Harvest from the Sea
  • Rural Djibouti Enters Cyberspace
  • Video Encourages Girls' Education
  • Loans and Literacy Boost Food Security
  • Food Security Brings Better Health
  • Fulfilling a Promise for Better Education
  • Improving Education for Roma Students
  • Families Open Their Homes to Orphans
  • Urban Gardens Feed Families
  • Small Farmers Become Exporters
  • Goats Bring Food and Development
  • First Lady Rallies Support for AIDS Clinic
  • Health Agent Improves Women's Lives
  • Women Candidates Flood Elections
  • Caring for Remote Communities
  • Hearing-Impaired Girl Given New Hope
  • Women with No Time to Waste
  • Disabled Entrepreneur Helps Others
  • A Disabled Woman Starts a New Life
  • Stitching Toward a New Life
  • Learning to Live for Each Day
  • Meeting Community Health Needs
  • Cleaner Vehicles, Cleaner Air
  • Protecting Victims of Violence
  • Lessons That Save Lives
  • Runaway Boy Becomes Soccer Star
  • Runaways Get a Second Chance
  • Outreach Gives Options to a Runaway
  • From Housewife to Village Chief
  • Center Promotes Women's Health
  • Mothers Bring Children to New Homes
  • Supporting Families Affected by AIDS
  • AIDS-affected Families Get Help
  • Resources Focus on Children with AIDS
  • Reaching Womanhood in a New Era
  • Villages Can Get Access to Fresh Water
  • Entrepreneurship Goes Online
  • Shining a Light on Population and Growth
  • Entrepreneur Links Boost Business
  • A Small-Loan System Graduates
  • Neighbors Promote Healthy Eating Habits
  • Helping Women Access Services
  • Camp Connects Rural and Urban Youth

  •       Los campamentos unen a jóvenes de las áreas rural y urbana
  • Leadership Training Targets Youth
  • Saving First Grade for Rural Children
  • Star Cuppers Smell Success
  • Helping Women End the Nightmare
  • Girls Return to School in Mazar-e-Sharif
  • Women Participate in Improved Irrigation Practices
  • Giving Women a Means to Earn a Living
  • Serving Millions with Critical Medicine Delivery
  • Empowering Cambodian Housewives
  • Saving Lives Through Improving Children’s Nutrition
  • Arabic "Sesame Street" is a Hit in Egypt
  • Empowering Women By Changing Attitudes
  • Iraqi-Kurdish Women Learn to Read
  • Local Councils Hold Democratic Panels
  • Giving Orphans in Iraq a Healthy Life
  • Women's Rights Center Established
  • USAID Training Opens Many Doors
  • Jordanian Women Capitalize on Small Loans
  • Orphans In Nepal Gain Practical Skills Training
  • Combating Trafficking In Nepal
  • Mobile Health Clinic Visits Bedouin Communities
  • Women’s Center Provides For a Better Future
  • Emergency Employment Program Impacts Women
  • Learning To Farm In Kazakhstan
  • Youth Answer the President’s Challenge
  • Partnership Prevents Child Abandonment
  • Small Project Assistance Leads to Big Changes
  • Project Changes Destinies in Romania
  • Community Centers Find New Purpose in Romania
  • Live-Saving Health Seminars Come to Romania
  • Improving Maternal and Infant Care in Russia
  • Saving The Lives Of Women In Serbia
  • USAID Project Renews Respect For Water
  • High-Speed Internet Revitalizes Business Centers
  • Gaining Weight, Gaining Ground in El Salvador
  • Bread Brings Hope to the Guatemala Highlands
  • A New Life: The Story of One Peer Educator
  • A Mother Finds Support though USAID
  • The Joy of Being a Volunteer
  • Teen Clubs Promote Responsibility & Health
  • Improving Child Health and Nutrition in Nicaragua
  • Improving Maternal Health in Paraguay
  • “Opening Doors” Saves Girls from Exclusion
  • Feeding Families and Promoting Self-reliance
  • Angolan Women Learn Basic Literacy Skills
  • Hoop Dreams For Disabled Youth in Angola
  • Food Vendor Turns Main Supplier of Mangoes
  • Credit Intermediation Successful in Guinea
  • “Colours of Life” Program Empowers Co-op In Kenya
  • Community Fights For Clean Water in Madagascar
  • Women are Key Client For Microfinance Loans
  • Malawi Launches First National HIV-AIDS Policy
  • Mzimba Community of Malawi Transforms Schools
  • Fighting HIV/AIDS in Mozambique
  • Mozambican Women Expand Health Care
  • Taking Care of Children Orphaned by HIV/AIDS
  • 1
  • Taking Care of Children Orphaned by HIV/AIDS
  • 2
  • Strengthening Women’s Cooperatives in Nigeria
  • Sierra Leone Leadership Training Breaks Barriers
  • Ex-Combatant Youth Learn Carpentry
  • Giving Youth a Second Chance in South Africa
  • Combating Malaria in Tanzania
  • Balancing Culture and Conservation in Tanzania
  • Adolescents Assisted through Apprenticeships
  • Giving Women a Voice in Local Government
  • Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
  • Health Care Expanded in Deprived Communities
  • Helping AIDS Orphans in Rwanda
  • Relief For Disabled Liberian Children
  • Women Find Support in Survival
  • 1
  • Women Find Support in Survival
  • 2
  • Mother of Eight Looks Forward to Harvest of Hope
  • Fighting HIV/AIDS in Mozambique
  • Broadcasting for Better Health in Afghanistan
  • Debater Learns Law, Politics & Economics
  • Fighting the Threat of Famine in Malawi
  • Helping Vulnerable Youth in Kazakhstan
  • Sweet Taste of Success in Kazakhstan
  • Soup Helps Feed a Village in Kyrgyzstan
  • Surviving the Streets in Romania
  • Uzbek Kids Welcome the Information Age
  • Providing Women the Tools to Earn a Living
  • Peer Education Improves Reproductive Health
  • Russia’s Future Leaders Speak in Simple Words
  • Combating Child Trafficking in Benin
  • Zambian Tea Company Brews Success
  • Jordanian Women Break Stereotypes
  • Ensuring Education for Girls in Benin
  • Community Centers Bring Community Services
  • Peer Tutoring Makes a Difference in Benin
  • Learning to Cope with Loss in South Africa
  • Takalani Sesame Educates Children About AIDS
  • Confronting the Scourge of Violence and Rape
  • Increasing Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • Nurturing a Passion for Learning
  • Saving Senegal’s Newborns
  • Women’s Co-op Sees Profits Soar
  • Childline Heals Wounds of Violence and Abuse
  • Fighting for the Rights of the Disabled
  • Tsunami Response Unites Adversaries
  • Rebuilding Colombia’s Schools
  • Listening to a Baby’s Heartbeat
  • Young Hands Brighten City Walls
  • Bringing Gender Equity to Education
  • Trafficked Children Get a Fresh Start
  • Teaming Up Against Traffickers
  • Raising Awareness of Trafficking
  • Protecting Vulnerable Children
  • HIV Care Bridges a Great Divide
  • Volunteering for the Greater Good
  • Agencies Cooperate to End Trafficking
  • Electricity Powers Literacy for Women
  • Gang Member Gets Second Chance
  • Engaging Youth through Soccer
  • Women Form School Council
  • Om Ali Learns to Sew
  • Celebrating Healthy Lifestyles
  • Cameras Shed Spotlight on the Roma
  • Sharing Religions and a Community
  • Entrepreneur Brings Internet to Roma
  • Less Lead for Pupils Post-Remediation
  • "Carnivals" Bring to Life Joy of Literacy
  • Fashion Maven Takes On Milan
  • From Housemaid to Entrepreneur
  • From Being Trapped, to Being a Trainer
  • Providing Sustenance to Enable Studies
  • Rural Health Huts Provide Crucial Care
  • Scholarship Funds Girls' Aspirations
  • Major Results from Women's Microloans
  • Breaking Down Educational Barriers
  • Books Spark an Eagerness to Learn
  • Trading Up for Better Opportunities
  • Komombo Schools Feel Election Fever
  • More Productivity Brings More Clients
  • Learning Starts Early at Summer Camps
  • Selling Senegalese on Healthier Lives
  • Less Begging, More Learning for Pupils
  • Training Boosts Student Achievement
  • Affordable Health Care Made Accessible
  • A Second Chance at Education for Girls
  • From Young Bride to Young Child Again
  • Sewing Uniforms, Sowing Dignity
  • Vulnerable Schools Focus on Hygiene
  • Positive Energy For Community Change
  • Visit Gives Woman a New Direction
  • A Teacher Who Makes A Difference
  • Civic Education Amid Religious Schools
  • Enjoying Fruits of Harvest Year Round
  • A Young Mother Stands Up for Herself
  • Radio Program Changes Family's Life
  • "Changing Stars" for Himself and Others
  • Protecting Child Witnesses
  • Women Find Justice Amidst Impunity
  • Getting Women's Rights on the Agenda
  • Women Revive a Thread to Silk Road
  • Club Leads Others to Keep Clinic Clean
  • Nutrition Program Earns Region's Trust
  • Youth Teach Village a Lesson in Charity
  • Villagers Flock to Mobile HIV Testing
  • Woman's Vet Skills Benefit Villages
  • Parents Step Up to Improve Schools
  • "You Choose!" Is National Catch Phrase
  • Tahina, the Voice of Educational Reform
  • Clinic Gives Woman Health - and Hope
  • HIV-Positive People Reveal Their Faces
  • Harvesting the Future of Journalism
  • Raising Health Awareness by Phone
  • Empowering Children Through Dance
  • Rehabilitation Gives Family New Life
  • Students Get a Taste of Business
  • Youth Clubs Promote Reconciliation
  • Local Cereal Producer Wins Grand Prize
  • Clubs Keep Girls on Track in School
  • Village Builds Toward Better Health
  • Surgery Restores Woman’s Dignity
  • Bringing Natural Family Planning Home
  • Youth Get a Peek at City Government
  • Loans Cultivate Small Business Growth
  • Business Skills Lead to Success in Life
  • Youth Train to Prevent Road Accidents
  • Stopping Trafficking Before It Starts
  • Creating a Warmer Welcome for Guests
  • Making Women a Part of the Judiciary
  • Coffee Growers Link to New Markets
  • Raising the Need for Early Detection
  • A Young Woman Leads Her Community
  • Community Focuses on Education
  • Apprenticeships Help Men Find Jobs
  • Business Courses Put to Good Use
  • Centers Provide Youth with an Outlet
  • Stepping Out from Behind a Mask
  • Parents Rethink Early Marriages
  • Bridging a Divide for Health’s Sake
  • Strengthening a Network for Health
  • Family Planning Reaches Rural Areas
  • Engaging Women on Civic Involvement
  • Better Prospects for Out-of-School Youth
  • Students Help Expand Microfinance
  • Listening to Save Lives in San Lorenzo
  • With Word Processing Comes Prosperity
  • Pioneering the Fight Against Trafficking
  • Partnering to Save Lives with Bednets
  • Multi-Pronged Plan Counters HIV/AIDS
  • A Manual Counters Domestic Violence
  • Fresh Produce is Ticket Out of Poverty
  • Beyond Just Learning to Cook
  • Center Becomes Outlet for Youth
  • Opening the World to Disabled People
  • A New Beginning
  • Environment Wins in Schools’ Contests
  • Enlisting Women on Lead Protection
  • Citizens Rally Around a Cleaner Kaspi
  • Nurturing a Reproductive Health Alliance
  • A Voice Beyond the Violence
  • Protecting and Empowering Survivors
  • Using a New Approach to Run Business
  • A Better Cure for Angola’s Children
  • A Win for School — and the Environment
  • Environmental Art Delights and Engages
  • Rebuilding a School for Rural Children
  • Giving Youth What They Need to Know
  • Families Flock to Child Health Week
  • Alumna Organizes Camp For Children
  • Providing Online Tools for Students
  • Bringing Pediatric Guidelines to Albania
  • A New Breed Of Community Organizer
  • Local Leader Makes a Difference
  • Improving Student Services
  • Internship Program Pays Off For Chef
  • Building a Micro-Enterprise Around a Solar Product
  • Beatrice Page: Spelling Bee Star
  • Replacing Child Labor With Homework
  • Volunteer Helps Transform Children Into Readers
  • Light Gives Students a Chance at Night School
  • Better Birthing in Rural Pakistan
  • Learning About Justice Through Theater
  • Enhancing Education in Kosovo Schools
  • Taking A Stand Against HIV
  • Students Enlisted to Tackle Domestic Violence
  • Un Centro Se Convierte En Recurso Para Los Jóvenes
  • Attention to Quality Improves Maternal Care
  • Helping Child Soldiers Reintegrate
  • Repairing Obstetric Fistula in Nigeria
  • Improving Justice for Minors in Colombia
  • With Skills Come Brighter Prospects
  • Finding Encouragement, Being Included
  • Saving Lives Online in Pakistan
  • Displaced Pakistanis Benefit From USAID Clinic
  • Training Rural Students For Success
  • Regaining Social Mobility and Respect
  • Food For Thought
  • Community Cultural Centers Protect Citizens’ Rights
  • Women Tailors Design Their Careers in Farah
  • Mothers For Girls’ Education
  • Educating Africa’s Poorest Children
  • Women Pioneer In Anti-Malaria Efforts
  • Businesswoman Gambles On Better Future
  • Senegal - Game Reduces Pregnancy Risks
  • Business Knowledge Brings Success
  • Where There Are No Desks
  • Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
  • Trained Traditional Midwives Save Lives
  • HIV/AIDS Treatment Reaches Remote Villages
  • Internships Open Doors To Recovery
  • USAID Helps Displaced Families Feed Their Children
  • Nutrition Education Sustains Generations
  • Learning by Doing
  • Donations Help Poor Survive The Winter
  • Impacting Student Success
  • Measured Marriage
  • Gul’s Girls: Educating the Girls of Pakistan
  • Changing Tides
  • Caring for Vulnerable Children
  • Stopping Female Genital Cutting
  • Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Babies Left Without Mothers
  • Reaching New Mothers for Breastfeeding Support
  • Recovery in Child-Friendly Spaces
  • Helping Families in Fort National and Avenue Poupelard
  • Benin Women Make Strides against Violence
  • Social Action for Women on the Border
  • A Breakthrough for Chinese Workers
  • A Woman in a Man's Job
  • Jordan: Young Designer Gets Career Boost
  • From Idling Youth to the Driver's Seat of Success

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