Federal Aviation Administration

Aircraft Certification Software

The Aircraft Certification Service is concerned with the approval of software and Airborne Electronic Hardware for airborne systems (e.g., autopilots, flight controls, engine controls), as well as that used to produce, test, or manufacture equipment to be installed on airborne products. The FAA Aircraft Certification Service software programs, policy, guidance and training, focus on software and Airborne Electronic Hardware that has an effect on the airborne product (a “product” is an aircraft, an engine, or a propeller).

For a list of people you can contact for additional information regarding Aircraft Certification Software activities, please visit the Contacts page.

Regulations & Policies

  • Advisory Circulars
  • Orders
  • Policy Memos
  • Technical Standard Orders



  • 2012 Conference
  • 2011 Conference

Page Last Modified: 01/11/12 10:47 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/air_cert/design_approvals/air_software/