Tri-Party Agreement
Action Plan


Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
1.2 Regulatory Authorities
1.3 Organization of Action Plan


2.0 Milestones

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Disposal of Tank Waste
2.3 Cleanup of Past-Practice Units
2.4 RCRA and HWMA Operating Requirements


3.0 Unit Identification, Classification, and Prioritization

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Units
3.3 Past-Practice Units
3.4 Prioritization
3.5 Waste Information Data System and Hanford Site Waste Management Units Report


4.0 Agreement Management

4.1 Project Manager Role
4.2 Interagency Management Integration Team
4.3 Senior Executive Committee


5.0 Interface of Regulatory Authorities

5.1 Regulatory Programs
5.2 Categories of Waste Units
5.3 Management of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Units
5.4 Management of Past-Practice Units
5.5 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Units and Past-Practice Units Interface
5.6 Lead Regulatory Agency Concept
5.7 Integration with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


6.0 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Unit Process

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Permitting Process
6.3 Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Closure Process
6.4 Response to Imminent and Substantial Endangerment Cases
6.5 Quality Assurance


7.0 Past Practices Processes

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Preliminary Processes
7.3 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Past-Practice Unit Process
7.4 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Past-Practice Unit Process
7.5 Cleanup Requirements
7.6 Natural Resource Trusteeships
7.7 Health Assessments
7.8 Quality Assurance


8.0 Facility Disposition Process

8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Background
8.1.2 Applicability
8.1.3 Disposition of Other Facilities
8.1.4 Disposition Documentation

9.0 Documentation and Records

9.1 Categorization of Documents
9.2 Document Review and Comment Process
9.3 Document Revisions
9.4 Administrative Record
9.5 Distribution of Documents and Correspondence
9.6 Data Access and Delivery Requirements


10.0 Community Relations/Public Involvement

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Public Information Repositories
10.3 Mailing Lists and Newsletter
10.4 Press Releases
10.5 Public Meetings
10.6 Public Comment Opportunities
10.7 Public Hearing Opportunities
10.8 Technical Assistance Grants
10.9 Washington State Public Participation Grants
10.10 Indian Tribes
10.11 Citizen Suit Provisions


11.0 Work Schedule, Work Plans, and Associated Reports

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Work Schedule
11.3 Work Schedule Updates
11.4 DOE Baseline Change Control Documentation, Multi Year Work Plans and Systems Engineering Control Documents
11.5 Waste/Material Stream Project Management (Work) Plans Prepared Under Agreement Milestone Series M-90-00, M-91-00, and M-92-00
11.6 Other Work Plans and Supporting Schedules
11.7 Supporting Technical Plans and Procedures
11.8 Tanks Waste Remediation System Critical Path Process


12.0 Changes to the Agreement

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Authority to Approve Changes
12.3 Formal Change Control Process
12.4 Minor Field Changes


13.0 Liquid Effluent Treatment and Disposal

13.1 Liquid Effluent Discharge Restrictions


14.0 Signature



  1. Definition of Terms and Acronyms
  2. Listing of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Groups/Units
  3. Prioritized Listing of Operable Units
  4. Work Schedule Milestones and Target Dates Including Designation of Lead Regulatory Agency
  5. Key Individuals
  6. Supporting Technical Plans and Procedures
  7. Data Management Initiatives
  8. Single Shell Tank Waste Retrieval Criteria Procedure
  9. Single Shell Tank System Waste Retrieval and Closure Process
  10. Central Plateau Facilities

For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Terry W Noland.

Last Updated 12/13/2012 1:27 PM