U.S. Department of Justice

A Guidebook for Less-Lethal Devices: Planning for, Selecting, and Implementing Technology Solutions. First ed.

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Aug. 26, 2010

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  • A Guidebook for Less-Lethal Devices: Planning for, Selecting, and Implementing Technology Solutions

ANNOTATION: “This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive view of less-lethal technologies, their evolutionary role in criminal justice, and considerations when acquiring such devices to meet operational needs” (p.1-1). Six chapters comprise this manual: introduction; operational contexts and considerations; research, testing, and evaluation; overview of technologies—mechanical and kinetic devices, conducted energy devices, riot control agents, directed energy devices, and barriers and entanglements; planning for, acquiring, and managing technology; and challenges to implementation. Operational Scenario Worksheet samples and a glossary are also included.

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