U.S. Department of Justice

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Review of the Department of Justice's Use of Less-Lethal Weapons

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Jun. 16, 2009

Library ID

  • 023784

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  • 2009
  • 96 pages.

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  • Review of the Department of Justice's Use of Less-Lethal Weapons

ANNOTATION: The use of less-lethal weapons by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), including the Federal Bureau of Prisons and United States Marshals Service, is evaluated. Sections following an executive digest include: introduction; background; purpose, scope, and methodology; results -- increasing less-lethal weapon use, no policies for less-lethal weapon use by DOJ law enforcement components, inadequate compiling and analyzing of less-lethal usage reports, no significant or fatal injuries with less-lethal use, and components assess new technology and create policy and training materials independent of each other; and conclusion and recommendations.

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