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PTDY is leave that is used in conjunction with transition leave & is only authorized for Soldiers being separated that meet certain criteria. The purpose of PTDY is to facilitate Transition to civilian life such as house & job hunting. It is an authorization, not an entitlement. The commander does not have to approve PTDY if he or she determines that Soldier is needed for operational purposes. The approving authority is a minimum of 05.

Eligibility: # Days Authorized:
Soldier is denied reenlistment due to PT failure or overweight at ETS 10
Soldier has bar to enlistment (see exceptions)** 10
Soldier separated under the 2009 Enlisted Involuntary Early Separation Program 10
Soldier separated pursuant to voluntary agreement to remain on active duty for period of less than 1 year in support of contingency operation 10
Soldier separated becomes member of selective reserve of the Ready Reserve of a reserve component10
Soldier has too much time for grade RCP (Retention Control Point) 20
Officers & Enlisted Soldiers separated on Medical Disability Separation 20
Enlisted Soldier separated on QMP 20
Officers & Enlisted Soldiers Retiring 20
Officer separated because of failure for promotion 20
Chapter 5-8 for Parenthood 10
Chapter 5-13 for Personality Disorder 10
Chapter 5-17 for Physical, not a Disability 10
Chapter 9 for Alcohol/Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Failure 10
Chapter 15 for Homosexuality 10
Chapter 18 for failure on overweight program 10

**Exceptions to Bar & DO NOT qualify for PTDY:

  • Bar was for declining to attend PLDC, BNCOC, etc.
  • Declined to go to a promotion board
  • Signed DCSS statement


  • Separating at ETS & eligible to reenlist (and not meeting above eligibility requirements)
  • Soldier has declined an assignment & signed a DCSS statement (except for DEIP and joining Reserve or ARNG Unit)
  • Separation is due to AWOL, Lost Time, or other adverse conditions
  • Separated under any voluntary chapter
  • Separated under Chapters 10, 13, 14

Completing DA 31 for PTDY in conjunction with Transition Leave

Only one DA-31 is needed, and it is prepared as follows:

  • Check the PTDY box and the Other box
  • Terminal leave is typed on the blank line
  • The amount of leave accrued through the Soldier's ETS date is put in the accrued leave block
  • In the next block will be the amount of leave the Soldier plans to take
  • Leave can only be taken in whole days. Half days will be paid
  • The entire time period will be entered in block 10 (beginning with day PTDY starts, including the accrued leave being taken, all the way thru separation (ETS) date)
  • In the Remarks section, list what days are PTDY and what days are chargeable as leave

Last Updated: 11/29/2010 9:03:25 AM

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