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Suicide Prevention Training


  1. Ask, Care Escort (ACE) Training ACE is the Army-approved suicide prevention and awareness training model. ACE is approximately one and one half hours long. The key training objective is awareness training (risk factors and warning signs). IAW AR 600-63 ACE training is conducted annually. US Army Public Health Command (PHC) Provisional has developed training focused at: Soldiers, Leaders, DA Civilians and Families. Completion of training for Soldiers and Leaders will be documented in the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) and the Individual Training Record (ITR) IAW AR 350-1.

  2. Training Videos, Tip Card, and more...  Select this option to access training videos and guides and to order ACE cards, posters and other training tools from Public Health Command.

  3. Suicide Intervention Training for Gatekeepers Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is the Army-approved intervention training for Gatekeepers.

Training Audiences


The Army conducts annual suicide prevention training for all Soldiers using the ACE training model. The goal of training is to increase awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs, resources available, and to encourage intervention with at-risk members.

Click HERE to access training.

Leader Training (Military & Civilian)

Leaders should receive their annual ACE Peer Training and have periodic suicide awareness training throughout the year. Additionally, those Leaders who may be deploying should complete pre-deployment, pre & post R&R, and post deployment training, ideally, with the units they are supporting. Use ARFORGEN where feasible.

The success of a health promotion, risk reduction and suicide prevention program depends on the concentrated focus of leadership on activities that encompass the physical, behavioral, spiritual, social and cultural dimensions in their respective communities.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; deployment related events; increased levels of collective training away from the family between deployments, changes in economic stresses; holidays; involvement in serious misconduct.

Click HERE to access training.


DA Civilian employees should receive their annual ACE Peer Training and have periodic suicide awareness training throughout the year. Additionally, those DAC who may be deploying should complete pre-deployment, pre & post R&R, and post deployment training, ideally, with the units they are supporting. Use ARFORGEN where feasible.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; deployment related events; increased levels of collective training away from the family between deployments, changes in economic stresses; holidays; involvement in serious misconduct.

Click HERE to access training.


Suicide prevention training is available upon request for adult family member who choose to receive the training. Working through the Chaplain and Family Readiness Groups (FRG), or other installation resources, training and counseling is available.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; deployment related events; increased levels of collective training away from the family between deployments, changes in economic stresses; holidays; involvement in serious misconduct.

Click HERE to access training.

ARFORGEN Units (Reset Phase)

Reset Phase provides a time when the unit should be taking full advantage of completing Soldier and Leader annual training, such as, ACE Peer Training and ACE or ASIST Training-for-Trainer since the focus is on unit level individual training.

Additionally, as could occur during any of the ARFORGEN Phases, holidays and other stressors may be the most common triggers to conduct awareness training. Key events/triggers such as, families reuniting, facing PCS moves at inconvenient times, ongoing economic challenges, involvement in serious misconduct, or concerns over future training/deployments provide opportunistic training at both the small unit level and individual Soldier level. Concerns over the end of Reset and beginning of the Train/Ready Phase will see the reemergence of collective training events which will start pulling Soldiers away from their families again, and at some point the unit will likely be notified for an impending deployment.


ARFORGEN Units (Train / Ready Phase)

The Train/Ready Phase will set the stage for the reemergence of collective training events which will start pulling Soldiers away from their families again, and at some point the unit will likely be notified for an impending deployment. Assuming that Soldiers and Leader were able to complete their annual training requirements during Reset, this phase will likely present opportunities to conduct periodic awareness training at the small unit level.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; deployment related events; increased levels of collective training away from the family between deployments, changes in economic stresses; holidays; involvement in serious misconduct.

ARFORGEN Units (Deploy Phase)

The Deploy Phase has pre-deployment and post-deployment / reintegration, pre- and post- R&R suicide prevention awareness training requirements. Additionally, key events/triggers throughout the deployment (combat stress experiences, suicide or death of another Soldier, holidays away from families, or problems back home) provide opportunistic training at both the small unit level and individual Soldier level.

Maximizing Chaplains, Behavioral Health Care Specialists, and Combat Stress Teams, in additional to unit leaders during the deployment, in concert with rear-detachment capabilities supporting the families, will provide a multi-layered combination of resources.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; deployment related events; problems back home; changes in economic stresses; holidays; and involvement in serious misconduct.

Non-ARFORGEN Soldiers and Units

Units not operating within an ARFORGEN cycle of events should ensure that annual ACE training is conducted and maintained at a high level of readiness across the unit for Soldiers and Leaders alike. Take advantage of every opportunity to conduct awareness training at unit level as well as smaller section and individual level. While some training may be formalized and held at the unit or installation level, other training may be very informal and casual occurring at the small unit or individual level.

Training Triggers. Though not an inclusive list, training triggers can range from: Discussing a post-suicide case or other cases that involve depression to understand the factors involved; individual augmentee deployment related events; changes in economic stresses; holidays; involvement in serious misconduct.

Suicide Awareness Guide
Order Through Supporting Training Support Centers: GTA 12-01-007 (V2010)