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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

Title 31: Money and Finance: Treasury

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Section Contents

Subpart A—Relation of This Part to Other Laws and Regulations

§ 560.101   Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.

Subpart B—Prohibitions

§ 560.201   Prohibited importation of goods or services from Iran.
§ 560.202   [Reserved]
§ 560.203   Evasions; attempts.
§ 560.204   Prohibited exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of goods, technology, or services to Iran.
§ 560.205   Prohibited reexportation of goods, technology or services to Iran or the Government of Iran by persons other than United States persons; exceptions.
§ 560.206   Prohibited trade-related transactions with Iran; goods, technology, or services.
§ 560.207   Prohibited investment.
§ 560.208   Prohibited facilitation by United States persons of transactions by foreign persons.
§ 560.209   Prohibited transactions with respect to the development of Iranian petroleum resources.
§ 560.210   Exempt transactions.

Subpart C—General Definitions

§ 560.301   Effective date.
§ 560.302   [Reserved]
§ 560.303   Iran; Iranian.
§ 560.304   Government of Iran.
§ 560.305   Person; entity.
§ 560.306   Iranian-origin goods or services; goods or services owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.
§ 560.307   United States.
§ 560.308   Importation of goods.
§ 560.309   [Reserved]
§ 560.310   License.
§ 560.311   General license.
§ 560.312   Specific license.
§ 560.313   Entity owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.
§ 560.314   United States person.
§ 560.315   Information and informational materials.
§ 560.316   New investment.
§ 560.317   Credits or loans.
§ 560.318   [Reserved]
§ 560.319   United States depository institution.
§ 560.320   Iranian accounts.
§ 560.321   United States registered broker or dealer in securities.

Subpart D—Interpretations

§ 560.401   Reference to amended sections.
§ 560.402   Effect of amendment.
§ 560.403   Transshipment through Iran.
§ 560.404   [Reserved]
§ 560.405   Transactions incidental to a licensed transaction authorized.
§ 560.406   Transshipment or transit through United States prohibited.
§ 560.407   Transactions related to Iranian-origin goods.
§ 560.408   Importation into and release from a bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone.
§ 560.409   [Reserved]
§ 560.410   Exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of services.
§ 560.411   [Reserved]
§ 560.412   Extensions of credit or loans to Iran.
§ 560.413   Letter of credit payments by Iranian banks in the United States.
§ 560.414   Reexportation of certain U.S.-origin goods exported prior to May 7, 1995.
§ 560.416   Brokering services.
§ 560.417   Facilitation; change of policies and procedures; referral of business opportunities offshore.
§ 560.418   Release of technology or software in the United States or a third country.
§ 560.419   U.S. employment of persons normally located in Iran.
§ 560.420   Reexportation by non-U.S. persons of certain foreign-made products containing U.S.-origin goods or technology.

Subpart E—Licenses, Authorizations and Statements of Licensing Policy

§ 560.500   Licensing procedures.
§ 560.501   Effect of license or authorization.
§ 560.502   Exclusion from licenses and authorizations.
§§ 560.503-560.504   [Reserved]
§ 560.505   Importation of certain Iranian-origin services authorized; activities related to certain visa categories authorized.
§ 560.506   Importation and exportation of certain gifts authorized.
§ 560.507   Accompanied baggage authorized.
§ 560.508   Telecommunications and mail transactions authorized.
§ 560.509   Certain transactions related to patents, trademarks and copyrights authorized.
§ 560.510   Transactions related to the resolution of disputes between the United States or United States nationals and the Government of Iran.
§ 560.511   Exportation or supply of insubstantial United States content for use in foreign-made products or technology.
§ 560.512   Iranian Government missions in the United States.
§ 560.513   Importation of Iranian-origin oil.
§ 560.514   [Reserved]
§ 560.515   30-day delayed effective date for pre-May 7, 1995 trade contracts involving Iran.
§ 560.516   Payment and United States dollar clearing transactions involving Iran.
§ 560.517   Exportation of services: Iranian accounts at United States depository institutions or United States registered brokers or dealers in securities.
§ 560.518   Transactions in Iranian-origin and Iranian Government property.
§ 560.519   Policy governing news organization offices.
§ 560.520   Exportation of agricultural commodities on contracts entered into prior to May 7, 1995.
§ 560.521   Diplomatic pouches.
§ 560.522   Allowable payments for overflights of Iranian airspace.
§ 560.523   Exportation of equipment and services relating to information and informational materials.
§ 560.524   Household goods and personal effects.
§ 560.525   Exportation of certain legal services.
§ 560.526   Commodities trading and related transactions.
§ 560.527   Rescheduling existing loans.
§ 560.528   Aircraft safety.
§ 560.529   Bunkering and emergency repairs.
§ 560.530   Commercial sales, exportation, and reexportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices.
§ 560.531   [Reserved]
§ 560.532   Payment for and financing of exports and reexports of commercial commodities, medicine, and medical devices.
§ 560.533   Brokering sales of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices.
§ 560.534   Importation into the United States of, and dealings in, certain foodstuffs and carpets authorized.
§ 560.535   Letters of credit and brokering services relating to certain foodstuffs and carpets.
§ 560.536   Humanitarian activities in and around Iraq.
§ 560.537   Authorization of certain survey or assessment missions in Iran.
§ 560.538   Authorized transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to publishing.
§ 560.539   Official activities of certain international organizations.

Subpart F—Reports

§ 560.601   Records and reports.
§ 560.602   [Reserved]
§ 560.603   Reports on oil transactions engaged in by foreign affiliates.

Subpart G—Penalties

§ 560.701   Penalties.
§ 560.702   Detention of shipments.
§ 560.703   Prepenalty notice.
§ 560.704   Presentation responding to prepenalty notice.
§ 560.705   Penalty notice.
§ 560.706   Referral for administrative collection measures or to United States Department of Justice.

Subpart H—Procedures

§ 560.801   Procedures.
§ 560.802   Delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury.
§ 560.803   Customs procedures: Goods specified in §560.201.

Subpart I—Paperwork Reduction Act

§ 560.901   Paperwork Reduction Act notice.
Appendix A to Part 560—Financial Institutions Determined To Be Owned or Controlled by the Government of Iran
Appendix B to Part 560—Bulk Agricultural Commodities
Appendix C to Part 560—Eligible Procurement Bodies

Authority:   3 U.S.C. 301; 18 U.S.C. 2339B, 2332d; 22 U.S.C. 2349aa–9; 31 U.S.C. 321(b); 50 U.S.C. 1601–1651, 1701–1706; Pub. L. 101–410, 104 Stat. 890 (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); Pub. L. 106–387, 114 Stat. 1549; Pub. L. 110–96, 121 Stat. 1011; E.O. 12613, 52 FR 41940, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 256; E.O. 12957, 60 FR 14615, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 332; E.O. 12959, 60 FR 24757, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13059, 62 FR 44531, 3 CFR, 1997 Comp., p. 217.

Source:   60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—Relation of This Part to Other Laws and Regulations
§ 560.101   Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.

(a) This part is separate from, and independent of, the other parts of this chapter, including part 535 of this chapter, “Iranian Assets Control Regulations,” with the exception of part 501 of this chapter, the recordkeeping and reporting requirements and license application and other procedures of which apply to this part. No license or authorization contained in or issued pursuant to those other parts authorizes any transaction prohibited by this part. No license or authorization contained in or issued pursuant to any other provision of law or regulations authorizes any transaction prohibited by this part.

(b) No license or authorization contained in or issued pursuant to this part relieves the involved parties from complying with any other applicable laws or regulations.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997]

Subpart B—Prohibitions
§ 560.201   Prohibited importation of goods or services from Iran.

Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, the importation into the United States of any goods or services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran, other than information and informational materials within the meaning of section 203(b)(3) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(3)), is prohibited.

[64 FR 20170, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.202   [Reserved]
§ 560.203   Evasions; attempts.

Any transaction by any United States person or within the United States that evades or avoids, or has the purpose of evading or avoiding, or attempts to violate, any of the prohibitions contained in this part is hereby prohibited.

§ 560.204   Prohibited exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of goods, technology, or services to Iran.

Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, including §560.511, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, the exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States, or by a United States person, wherever located, of any goods, technology, or services to Iran or the Government of Iran is prohibited, including the exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply of any goods, technology, or services to a person in a third country undertaken with knowledge or reason to know that:

(a) Such goods, technology, or services are intended specifically for supply, transshipment, or reexportation, directly or indirectly, to Iran or the Government of Iran; or

(b) Such goods, technology, or services are intended specifically for use in the production of, for commingling with, or for incorporation into goods, technology, or services to be directly or indirectly supplied, transshipped, or reexported exclusively or predominantly to Iran or the Government of Iran.

[64 FR 20170, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.205   Prohibited reexportation of goods, technology or services to Iran or the Government of Iran by persons other than United States persons; exceptions.

(a) Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, the reexportation from a third country, directly or indirectly, by a person other than a United States person, of any goods, technology or services that have been exported from the United States is prohibited, if:

(1) Undertaken with knowledge or reason to know that the reexportation is intended specifically for Iran or the Government of Iran; and

(2) The exportation of such goods, technology, or services from the United States to Iran was subject to export license application requirements under any United States regulations in effect on May 6, 1995, or thereafter is made subject to such requirements imposed independently of this part (see §560.414).

(b) The prohibitions of paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to those goods or that technology subject to export license application requirements if such goods or technology have been:

(1) Substantially transformed into a foreign-made product outside the United States; or

(2) Incorporated into a foreign-made product outside the United States if the aggregate value of such goods and technology described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section constitutes less than 10 percent of the total value of the foreign-made product to be exported from a third country (see §560.420).

(c) Reexportation by United States persons or from the United States is governed by other sections in this part, including §§560.204 and 560.206.

Note to §560.205. The reexportation of U.S.-origin goods or technology, including U.S.-origin goods or technology that have been incorporated or substantially transformed into a foreign-made product, not prohibited by this section, may require authorization by the U.S. Department of Commerce under the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 740–774) or by the U.S. State Department under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 123.9).

[64 FR 20170, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.206   Prohibited trade-related transactions with Iran; goods, technology, or services.

(a) Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, no United States person, wherever located, may engage in any transaction or dealing in or related to:

(1) Goods or services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran; or

(2) Goods, technology, or services for exportation, reexportation, sale or supply, directly or indirectly, to Iran or the Government of Iran.

(b) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the term transaction or dealing includes but is not limited to purchasing, selling, transporting, swapping, brokering, approving, financing, facilitating, or guaranteeing.

[64 FR 20170, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.207   Prohibited investment.

Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, any new investment by a United States person in Iran or in property (including entities) owned or controlled by the Government of Iran is prohibited.

[64 FR 20170, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.208   Prohibited facilitation by United States persons of transactions by foreign persons.

Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to May 7, 1995, no United States person, wherever located, may approve, finance, facilitate, or guarantee any transaction by a foreign person where the transaction by that foreign person would be prohibited by this part if performed by a United States person or within the United States.

[64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.209   Prohibited transactions with respect to the development of Iranian petroleum resources.

Except as otherwise authorized, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted prior to March 16, 1995, the following are prohibited:

(a) The entry into or performance by a United States person, or the approval by a United States person of the entry into or performance by an entity owned or controlled by a United States person, of:

(1) A contract that includes overall supervision and management responsibility for the development of petroleum resources located in Iran, or

(2) A guaranty of another person's performance under such contract; or

(b) The entry into or performance by a United States person, or the approval by a United States person of the entry into or performance by an entity owned or controlled by a United States person, of

(1) A contract for the financing of the development of petroleum resources located in Iran, or

(2) A guaranty of another person's performance under such a contract.

§ 560.210   Exempt transactions.

(a) Personal communications. The prohibitions of §§560.204 and 560.206 do not apply to any postal, telegraphic, telephonic, or other personal communication, which does not involve the transfer of anything of value.

(b) Humanitarian donations. The prohibitions of §§560.204 and 560.206 do not apply to donations by United States persons of articles, such as food, clothing, and medicine, intended to be used to relieve human suffering.

(c) Information and informational materials. (1) The importation from any country and the exportation to any country of information and informational materials as defined in §560.315, whether commercial or otherwise, regardless of format or medium of transmission, are exempt from the prohibitions and regulations of this part.

(2) This section does not exempt from regulation or authorize transactions related to information and informational materials not fully created and in existence at the date of the transactions, or to the substantive or artistic alteration or enhancement of informational materials, or to the provision of marketing and business consulting services. Transactions that are prohibited notwithstanding this section include, but are not limited to, payment of advances for information and informational materials not yet created and completed (with the exception of prepaid subscriptions for widely circulated magazines and other periodical publications), and provision of services to market, produce or co-produce, create or assist in the creation of information and informational materials.

(3) This section does not exempt from regulation or authorize transactions incident to the exportation of software subject to the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730–774).

(4) This section does not exempt from regulation or authorize the exportation of goods (including software) or technology or the sale or leasing of telecommunications transmission facilities (such as satellite links or dedicated lines) where such exportation, sale or leasing is for use in the transmission of any data.

(d) Travel. The prohibitions contained in this part do not apply to transactions ordinarily incident to travel to or from any country, including importation of accompanied baggage for personal use, maintenance within any country including payment of living expenses and acquisition of goods or services for personal use, and arrangement or facilitation of such travel including nonscheduled air, sea, or land voyages. This exemption extends to transactions with Iranian carriers and those involving group tours and payments in Iran made for transactions directly incident to travel.

(e) Letters of Credit. Letters of credit and other financing agreements with respect to trade contracts in force as of May 6, 1995, may be performed pursuant to their terms with respect to underlying trade transactions occurring prior to 12:01 a.m. EDT, June 6, 1995. See §560.413.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999; 64 FR 58791, Nov. 1, 1999]

Subpart C—General Definitions
§ 560.301   Effective date.

The effective date of the prohibitions and directives contained in subpart B of this part is 12:01 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, August 20, 1997. For the effective date of pre-existing regulations and directives, see the Executive orders in the Authority citation for this part and implementing regulations.

[64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.302   [Reserved]
§ 560.303   Iran; Iranian.

The term Iran means the territory of Iran, and any other territory or marine area, including the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, over which the Government of Iran claims sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction, provided that the Government of Iran exercises partial or total de facto control over the area or derives a benefit from economic activity in the area pursuant to an international agreement. The term Iranian means pertaining to Iran as defined in this section.

§ 560.304   Government of Iran.

The term Government of Iran includes:

(a) The state and the Government of Iran, as well as any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof;

(b) Any entity owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the foregoing;

(c) Any person to the extent that such person is, or has been, or to the extent that there is reasonable cause to believe that such person is, or has been, since the applicable effective date, acting or purporting to act directly or indirectly on behalf of any of the foregoing; and

(d) Any person or entity designated by the Secretary of the Treasury as included within paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.

§ 560.305   Person; entity.

(a) The term person means an individual or entity.

(b) The term entity means a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation or other organization.

§ 560.306   Iranian-origin goods or services; goods or services owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.

(a) The terms goods of Iranian origin and Iranian-origin goods include:

(1) Goods grown, produced, manufactured, extracted, or processed in Iran; and

(2) Goods which have entered into Iranian commerce.

(b) The terms services of Iranian origin and Iranian-origin services include:

(1) Services performed in Iran or by an entity organized under the laws of Iran, or a person residing in Iran; and

(2) Services performed outside Iran by a citizen, national or permanent resident of Iran who is ordinarily resident in Iran, or by an entity organized under the laws of Iran.

(c) The term goods or services owned or controlled by the Government of Iran includes:

(1) Goods grown, produced, manufactured, extracted or processed by the Government of Iran or goods in its possession or control; and

(2) Services performed by the Government of Iran.

(d) The terms services of Iranian-origin, Iranian-origin services, and services owned or controlled by the Government of Iran do not include:

(1) Diplomatic and consular services performed by or on behalf of the Government of Iran;

(2) Diplomatic and consular services performed by or on behalf of the Government of the United States; or

(3) Services performed outside Iran by an Iranian citizen or national who is resident in the United States or a third country, provided such services are not performed by or on behalf of the Government of Iran (other than diplomatic and consular services), an entity organized under the laws of Iran, or a person located in Iran.

[64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.307   United States.

The term United States means the United States, including its territories and possessions.

§ 560.308   Importation of goods.

With respect to goods (including software), the term importation means the bringing of any goods into the United States, except that in the case of goods transported by vessel, importation means the bringing of any goods into the United States with the intent to unlade them.

[64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.309   [Reserved]
§ 560.310   License.

Except as otherwise specified, the term license means any license or authorization contained in or issued pursuant to this part.

§ 560.311   General license.

The term general license means any license or authorization the terms of which are set forth in this part.

§ 560.312   Specific license.

The term specific license means any license or authorization not set forth in this part but issued pursuant to this part.

§ 560.313   Entity owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.

The term entity owned or controlled by the Government of Iran includes any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity in which the Government of Iran owns a majority or controlling interest, and any entity which is otherwise controlled by that government.

§ 560.314   United States person.

The term United States person means any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States.

§ 560.315   Information and informational materials.

(a) The term information and informational materials includes:

(1) Publications, films, posters, phonograph records, photographs, microfilms, microfiche, tapes, compact disks, CD ROMs, artworks, and news wire feeds.

(2) To be considered information or informational materials, artworks must be classified under chapter subheading 9701, 9702, or 9703 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

(b) The term information and informational materials, with respect to exports, does not include items:

(1) That were, as of April 30, 1994, or that thereafter become, controlled for export pursuant to section 5 of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2401-2420, the “EAA”), or section 6 of the EAA to the extent that such controls promote the nonproliferation or antiterrorism policies of the United States; or

(2) With respect to which acts are prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chapter 37.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.316   New investment.

The term new investment means a transaction after 12:01 EDT, May 7, 1995, that constitutes:

(a) A commitment or contribution of funds or other assets; or

(b) A loan or other extension of credit, as defined in §560.317.

§ 560.317   Credits or loans.

The term credits or loans means any transfer or extension of funds or credit on the basis of an obligation to repay, or any assumption or guarantee of the obligation of another to repay an extension of funds or credit, including but not limited to: overdrafts; currency swaps; purchases of debt securities issued by the Government of Iran; purchases of a loan made by another person; sales of financial assets subject to an agreement to repurchase; renewals or refinancings whereby funds or credits are transferred to or extended to a prohibited borrower or prohibited recipient; the issuance of standby letters of credit; and drawdowns on existing lines of credit.

§ 560.318   [Reserved]
§ 560.319   United States depository institution.

The term United States depository institution means any entity (including its foreign branches) organized under the laws of any jurisdiction within the United States, or any agency, office or branch located in the United States of a foreign entity, that is engaged primarily in the business of banking (for example, banks, savings banks, savings associations, credit unions, trust companies and United States bank holding companies).

[64 FR 20171, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.320   Iranian accounts.

The term Iranian accounts means accounts of persons located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of either a United States depository institution or a United States registered broker or dealer in securities.

[70 FR 15584, Mar. 28, 2005]

§ 560.321   United States registered broker or dealer in securities.

The term United States registered broker or dealer in securities means any U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or entity organized under the laws of the United States or of any jurisdiction within the United States, including its foreign branches, or any agency, office or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States, that:

(a) Is a “broker” or “dealer” in securities within the meanings set forth in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934;

(b) Holds or clears customer accounts; and

(c) Is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

[70 FR 15584, Mar. 28, 2005]

Subpart D—Interpretations
§ 560.401   Reference to amended sections.

Except as otherwise specified, reference to any section of this part or to any regulation, ruling, order, instruction, direction, or license issued pursuant to this part refers to the same as currently amended.

§ 560.402   Effect of amendment.

Any amendment, modification, or revocation of any section of this part or of any order, regulation, ruling, instruction, or license issued by or under the direction of the Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control does not, unless otherwise specifically provided, affect any act done or omitted to be done, or any civil or criminal suit or proceeding commenced or pending prior to such amendment, modification, or revocation. All penalties, forfeitures, and liabilities under any such order, regulation, ruling, instruction, or license continue and may be enforced as if such amendment, modification, or revocation had not been made.

§ 560.403   Transshipment through Iran.

The prohibitions in §§560.204, 560.206 and 560.208 apply to export, reexport or supply transactions which require a transshipment or transit of goods or technology through Iran to third countries.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.404   [Reserved]
§ 560.405   Transactions incidental to a licensed transaction authorized.

Any transaction ordinarily incident to a licensed transaction and necessary to give effect thereto is also authorized, except:

(a) Effective September 8, 2006, transactions directly or indirectly involving Bank Saderat, except that transactions involving Bank Saderat that were entered into before September 8, 2006 may be performed according to their terms until December 7, 2006.

Note to paragraph(a)of §560.405: But see §560.532(b), which provides a 180-day wind-down period for specific licenses that were being used before September 8, 2006 to obtain letters of credit issued by Bank Saderat.

(b) A transaction by an unlicensed Iranian governmental entity or involving a debit or credit to an Iranian account not explicitly authorized within the terms of the license;

(c) Provision of any transportation services to or from Iran not explicitly authorized in or pursuant to this part other than loading, transporting, and discharging licensed or exempt cargo there.

(d) Distribution or leasing in Iran of any containers or similar goods owned or controlled by United States persons after the performance of transportation services to Iran;

(d) Financing of licensed sales for exportation or reexportation of agricultural commodities or products, medicine or medical equipment to Iran or the Government of Iran (see §560.532); and

(f) Letter of credit services relating to transactions authorized in §560.534. See §560.535(a).

[64 FR 41791, Aug. 2, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 25643, May 3, 2000; 66 FR 36692, July 12, 2001; 71 FR 53570, Sept. 12, 2006]

§ 560.406   Transshipment or transit through United States prohibited.

(a) The prohibitions in §560.201 apply to the importation into the United States, for transshipment or transit, of Iranian-origin goods or goods owned or controlled by the Government of Iran which are intended or destined for third countries.

(b) The prohibitions in §560.204 apply to the transshipment or transit of foreign goods through the United States which are intended or destined for Iran or the Government of Iran, including entities owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.407   Transactions related to Iranian-origin goods.

(a) Importation into the United States from third countries of goods containing Iranian-origin raw materials or components is not prohibited if those raw materials or components have been incorporated into manufactured products or substantially transformed in a third country by a person other than a United States person.

(b) Transactions relating to Iranian-origin goods that have not been incorporated into manufactured products or substantially transformed in a third country are prohibited.

(c) Transactions relating to goods containing Iranian-origin raw materials or components are not prohibited if those raw materials or components have been incorporated into manufactured products or substantially transformed in a third country by a person other than a United States person.

§ 560.408   Importation into and release from a bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone.

The prohibitions in §560.201 apply to importation into a bonded warehouse or a foreign trade zone of the United States. However, §560.201 does not prohibit the release from a bonded warehouse or a foreign trade zone of Iranian-origin goods imported into a bonded warehouse or a foreign trade zone prior to October 29, 1987.

§ 560.409   [Reserved]
§ 560.410   Exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of services.

(a) The prohibition on the exportation, reexportation, sale or supply of services contained in §560.204 applies to services performed on behalf of a person in Iran or the Government of Iran or where the benefit of such services is otherwise received in Iran, if such services are performed:

(1) In the United States, or

(2) Outside the United States by a United States person, including by an overseas branch of an entity located in the United States.

(b) The benefit of services performed anywhere in the world on behalf of the Government of Iran is presumed to be received in Iran.

(c) Example. A United States person is engaged in a prohibited exportation of services to Iran when it extends credit to a third-country firm specifically to enable that firm to manufacture goods for sale to Iran or for an entity of the Government of Iran. See also §560.416.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.411   [Reserved]
§ 560.412   Extensions of credit or loans to Iran.

(a) The prohibitions contained in §§560.204 and 560.207 apply to but are not limited to the unauthorized renewal or rescheduling of credits or loans in existence as of May 6, 1995, such as the extension of a standby letter of credit.

(b) The prohibitions contained in §560.209 apply, among other things, to the unauthorized renewal or rescheduling of credits or loans in existence as of March 15, 1995.

(c) The prohibitions contained in §§560.204, 560.207 and 560.209 apply to, among other things, credits or loans in any currency.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.413   Letter of credit payments by Iranian banks in the United States.

(a) For purposes of the exemption in §560.210(e), payment of letters of credit and other financing agreements according to their terms includes, in the case of payments made by an Iranian bank's branch or agency located in the United States, payments that such branch or agency is:

(1) Legally obligated to make pursuant to the terms of letters of credit and other financing agreements relating to pre-May 7, 1995 trade contracts; or

(2) Licensed to make by the Office of Foreign Assets Control with respect to pre-May 7, 1995 trade contracts.

(b) Payments that are not binding legal obligations of an Iranian bank's branch or agency pursuant to the terms of the letter of credit or other financing agreement are not covered by this exemption.

§ 560.414   Reexportation of certain U.S.-origin goods exported prior to May 7, 1995.

The prohibitions on reexportation in §560.205 do not apply to United States-origin goods or technology that were exported from the United States prior to 12:01 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, May 7, 1995, if:

(a) Such goods or technology were not the property of a United States person as of 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 7, 1995; and

(b) The reexportation of the U.S.-origin goods or technology to Iran or the Government of Iran was not subject to reexport (as opposed to export) license application requirements under U.S. regulations in effect prior to May 6, 1995.

Notes to §560.414. 1. The exclusion in this section applies, among other things, to goods that were as of May 6, 1995, classified under the U.S. Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730–774) as ECCNs 2A994; 3A993; 5A992; 5A995; 6A990; 6A994; 7A994; 8A992; 8A994; 9A990; 9A992; and 9A994, that were exported from the United States prior to 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 7, 1995, and were not the property of a United States person as of 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 7, 1995. As of April 26, 1999, items covered by this note are classified under ECCNs 2A994; 3A992.a; 5A991.f; 5A992; 6A991; 6A998; 7A994; 8A992.d, .e, .f and .g; 9A990.a and .b; and 9A991.d and .e.

2. A reexportation of U.S.-origin goods or technology which meets the conditions of paragraph (a) of this section, or which is not within the scope of §560.205, nevertheless may require specific authorization by other agencies of the U.S. Government for reexportation to Iran or the Government of Iran. For example, items which meet the conditions of paragraph (a) may nevertheless require an export license under the Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative provisions of the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR part 744).

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.416   Brokering services.

(a) For purposes of the prohibitions in §§560.201, 560.204, 560.205, 560.206 and 560.208, the term services includes performing a brokering function.

(b) Examples. A person within the United States, or a United States person, wherever located, may not:

(1) Act as broker for the provision of goods, services or technology, from whatever source, to or from Iran or the Government of Iran;

(2) Act as broker for the purchase or swap of crude oil of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran;

(3) Act as broker for the provision of financing, a financial guarantee or an extension of credit by any person to Iran or the Government of Iran;

(4) Act as a broker for the provision of financing, a financial guarantee or an extension of credit to any person specifically to enable that person to construct or operate a facility in Iran or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran; or

(5) Act as a broker for the provision of financing, a financial guarantee, or an extension of credit to any person specifically to enable that person to provide goods, services, or technology intended for Iran or the Government of Iran.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.417   Facilitation; change of policies and procedures; referral of business opportunities offshore.

With respect to §560.208, a prohibited facilitation or approval of a transaction by a foreign person occurs, among other instances, when a United States person:

(a) Alters its operating policies or procedures, or those of a foreign affiliate, to permit a foreign affiliate to accept or perform a specific contract, engagement or transaction involving Iran or the Government of Iran without the approval of the United States person, where such transaction previously required approval by the United States person and such transaction by the foreign affiliate would be prohibited by this part if performed directly by a United States person or from the United States;

(b) Refers to a foreign person purchase orders, requests for bids, or similar business opportunities involving Iran or the Government of Iran to which the United States person could not directly respond as a result of the prohibitions contained in this part; or

(c) Changes the operating policies and procedures of a particular affiliate with the specific purpose of facilitating transactions that would be prohibited by this part if performed by a United States person or from the United States.

[64 FR 20172, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.418   Release of technology or software in the United States or a third country.

The release of technology or software in the United States, or by a United States person wherever located, to any person violates the prohibitions of this part if made with knowledge or reason to know the technology is intended for Iran or the Government of Iran, unless that technology or software meets the definition of information and informational materials in §560.315. See §560.511.

Notes to §560.418. 1. The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Export Administration requires a license for the release in the United States (or in a third country) to a foreign national of technology if both of the following conditions are met:

(a) That technology would require a license for exportation (or reexportation) to the home country of the foreign national; and

(b) The foreign national is not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States (or of the third country) or is not a protected individual under the Immigration and Naturalization Act (8 U.S.C. §1324(b)(a)(3)). See 15 CFR 734.2(b)(2)(ii) and 734.2(b)(5).

2. The transfer to a foreign national of technology subject to regulations administered by the U.S. Department of State or other agencies of the U.S. Government may require authorization by those agencies.

[64 FR 20173, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.419   U.S. employment of persons normally located in Iran.

The prohibitions in §560.201 make it unlawful to hire an Iranian national normally located in Iran to come to the United States solely or for the principal purpose of engaging in employment on behalf of an entity in Iran or as the employee of a U.S. person, unless that employment is authorized pursuant to a visa issued by the U.S. State Department or by §560.505. See also §560.418 with respect to the release of technology and software.

[64 FR 20173, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.420   Reexportation by non-U.S. persons of certain foreign-made products containing U.S.-origin goods or technology.

For purposes of satisfying the de minimis content rule in §560.205(b)(2):

(a) U.S.-origin goods (excluding software) falling within the definition in §560.205 must comprise less than 10 percent of the foreign-made good (excluding software);

(b) U.S.-origin software falling within the definition in §560.205 must comprise less than 10 percent of the foreign-made software;

(c) U.S.-origin technology falling within the definition in §560.205 must comprise less than 10 percent of the foreign-made technology; and,

(d) In cases involving a complex product made of a combination of U.S.-origin goods (including software) and technology falling within the definition in §560.205, the aggregate value of all such U.S.-origin goods (including software) and such technology contained in the foreign-made product must be less than 10 percent of the total value of the foreign-made product.

Notes to §560.420. 1. Notwithstanding the exceptions contained in §560.205(b)(1) and (b)(2) and this section, a reexportation to Iran or the Government of Iran of U.S.-origin items falling within the definition in §560.205 is prohibited if those U.S.-origin goods (including software) or that technology have been substantially transformed or incorporated into a foreign-made end product which is destined to end uses or end users prohibited under regulations administered by other U.S. Government agencies. See, e.g., the Export Administration Regulations (31 CFR 736.2(b)(5), 744.2, 744.3, 744.4, 744.7, and 744.10); International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 123.9).

2. A reexportation not prohibited by §560.205 may nevertheless require authorization by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State or other agencies of the U.S. Government.

3. The provisions of §560.205 and this section apply only to persons other than United States persons.

[64 FR 20173, Apr. 26, 1999]

Subpart E—Licenses, Authorizations and Statements of Licensing Policy
§ 560.500   Licensing procedures.

For provisions relating to licensing procedures, see part 501, subpart E, of this chapter. Licensing actions taken pursuant to part 501 of this chapter with respect to the prohibitions contained in this part are considered actions taken pursuant to this part.

[68 FR 53659, Sept. 11, 2003]

§ 560.501   Effect of license or authorization.

(a) No license or other authorization contained in this part, or otherwise issued by or under the direction of the Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control, authorizes or validates any transaction effected prior to the issuance of the license, unless specifically provided in such license or other authorization.

(b) No regulation, ruling, instruction, or license authorizes a transaction prohibited under this part unless the regulation, ruling, instruction, or license is issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control and specifically refers to this part. No regulation, ruling, instruction, or license referring to this part authorizes any transactions prohibited by any provision of this chapter unless the regulation, ruling, instruction or license specifically refers to such provision.

(c) Any regulation, ruling, instruction or license authorizing any transaction otherwise prohibited under this part has the effect of removing a prohibition or prohibitions contained in this part from the transaction, but only to the extent specifically stated by its terms. Unless the regulation, ruling, instruction or license otherwise specifies, such an authorization does not create any right, duty, obligation, claim, or interest in, or with respect to, any property which would not otherwise exist under ordinary principles of law.

(d) Specific licenses issued prior to 12:01 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, August 20, 1997, continue in effect in accordance with their terms except to the extent specifically revoked, amended, or modified by the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

(e) Nothing contained in this part shall be construed to supersede the requirements established under any other provision of law or to relieve a person from any requirement to obtain a license or other authorization from another department or agency of the U.S. Government in compliance with applicable laws and regulations subject to the jurisdiction of that department or agency. For example, exports of goods, services, or technical data which are not prohibited by this part or which do not require a license by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, nevertheless may require authorization by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State or other agencies of the U.S. Government. See also §560.701(d).

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20173, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.502   Exclusion from licenses and authorizations.

The Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control reserves the right to exclude any person, property, or transaction from the operation of any license, or from the privileges therein conferred, or to restrict the applicability thereof with respect to particular persons, property, transactions, or classes thereof. Such action is binding upon all persons receiving actual or constructive notice of such exclusion or restriction.

§§ 560.503-560.504   [Reserved]
§ 560.505   Importation of certain Iranian-origin services authorized; activities related to certain visa categories authorized.

(a) The importation of Iranian-origin services into the United States or other dealing in such services is authorized where such services are performed in the United States by an Iranian citizen or national for the purpose of, or which directly relate to, participating in a public conference, performance, exhibition or similar event, and such services are consistent with that purpose.

(b) Persons otherwise qualified for a non-immigrant visa under categories A–3 and G–5 (attendants, servants and personal employees of aliens in the United States on diplomatic status), D (crewmen), F (students), I (information media representatives), J (exchange visitors), M (non-academic students), O and P (aliens with extraordinary ability, athletes, artists and entertainers), Q (international cultural exchange visitors), R (religious workers), or S (witnesses) are authorized to carry out in the United States those activities for which such a visa has been granted by the U.S. State Department.

(c) Persons otherwise qualified for a visa under categories E–2 (treaty investor), H (temporary worker), or L (intra-company transferee) and all immigrant visa categories are authorized to carry out in the United States those activities for which such a visa has been granted by the U.S. State Department, provided that the persons are not coming to the United States to work as an agent, employee or contractor of the Government of Iran or a business entity or other organization in Iran.

[64 FR 20173, Apr. 26, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 58791, Nov. 1, 1999]

§ 560.506   Importation and exportation of certain gifts authorized.

The importation into the United States of Iranian-origin goods from Iran or a third country, and the exportation from the United States to Iran of goods, are authorized for goods sent as gifts to persons provided that the value of the gift is not more than $100; the goods are of a type and in quantities normally given as gifts between individuals; and the goods are not controlled for chemical and biological weapons (CB), missile technology (MT), national security (NS), or nuclear proliferation (NP). See Commerce Control List, Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR part 774).

[64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.507   Accompanied baggage authorized.

(a) Persons entering the United States directly or indirectly from Iran are authorized to import into the United States Iranian-origin accompanied baggage normally incident to travel.

(b) Persons leaving the United States for Iran are authorized to export from the United States accompanied baggage normally incident to travel.

(c) This authorization applies to accompanied baggage that includes only articles that are necessary for personal use incident to travel, not intended for any other person or for sale, and are not otherwise prohibited from importation or exportation under applicable United States laws.

§ 560.508   Telecommunications and mail transactions authorized.

All transactions of common carriers incident to the receipt or transmission of telecommunications and mail between the United States and Iran are authorized. For purposes of this section, the term mail includes parcels only to the extent the parcels contain goods exempted from the prohibitions contained in this part or otherwise eligible for importation from or exportation to Iran under a general or specific license.

§ 560.509   Certain transactions related to patents, trademarks and copyrights authorized.

(a) All of the following transactions in connection with patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property protection in the United States or Iran are authorized:

(1) The filing and prosecution of any application to obtain a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection, including importation of or dealing in Iranian-origin services, payment for such services, and payment to persons in Iran directly connected to such intellectual property protection;

(2) The receipt of a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection;

(3) The renewal or maintenance of a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection; and

(4) The filing and prosecution of opposition or infringement proceedings with respect to a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection, or the entrance of a defense to any such proceedings.

(b) Nothing in this section affects obligations under any other provision of law.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.510   Transactions related to the resolution of disputes between the United States or United States nationals and the Government of Iran.

(a) Except as otherwise authorized, specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize transactions in connection with awards, decisions or orders of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague, the International Court of Justice, or other international tribunals (collectively, “tribunals”); agreements settling claims brought before tribunals; and awards, orders, or decisions of an administrative, judicial or arbitral proceeding in the United States or abroad, where the proceeding involves the enforcement of awards, decisions or orders of tribunals, or is contemplated under an international agreement, or involves claims arising before 12:01 a.m. EDT, May 7, 1995, that resolve disputes between the Government of Iran and the United States or United States nationals, including the following transactions:

(1) Importation into the United States of, or any transaction related to, goods and services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran;

(2) Exportation or reexportation to Iran or the Government of Iran of any goods, technology, or services, except to the extent that such exportation or reexportation is also subject to export licensing application requirements of another agency of the United States Government and the granting of such a license by that agency would be prohibited by law;

(3) Financial transactions related to the resolution of disputes at tribunals, including transactions related to the funding of proceedings or of accounts related to proceedings or to a tribunal; participation, representation, or testimony before a tribunal; and the payment of awards of a tribunal; and

(4) Other transactions otherwise prohibited by this part which are necessary to permit implementation of the foregoing awards, decisions, orders, or agreements.

(b) Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize payment of costs related to the storage or maintenance of goods in which the Government of Iran has title, and to authorize the transfer of title to such goods, provided that such goods are in the United States and that such goods are the subject of a proceeding pending before a tribunal.

(c)(1) All transactions are authorized with respect to the importation of Iranian-origin goods and services necessary to the initiation and conduct of legal proceedings, in the United States or abroad, including administrative, judicial and arbitral proceedings and proceedings before tribunals.

(2) Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize the exportation to Iran or the Government of Iran of goods, and of services not otherwise authorized by §560.525, necessary to the initiation and conduct of legal proceedings, in the United States or abroad, including administrative, judicial and arbitral proceedings and proceedings before tribunals, except to the extent that the exportation is also subject to export licensing application requirements of another agency of the United States Government and the granting of such a license by that agency would be prohibited by law.

(3) Representation of United States persons or of third country persons in legal proceedings, in the United States or abroad, including administrative, judicial and arbitral proceedings and proceedings before tribunals, against Iran or the Government of Iran is not prohibited by this part. The exportation of certain legal services to a person in Iran or the Government of Iran is authorized in §560.525.

(d) The following are authorized:

(1) All transactions related to payment of awards of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague against Iran.

(2) All transactions necessary to the payment and implementation of awards (other than exports or reexports subject to export license application requirements of other agencies of the United States Government) in a legal proceeding to which the United States Government is a party, or to payments pursuant to settlement agreements entered into by the United States Government in such a legal proceeding.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 41852, Aug. 4, 1997]

§ 560.511   Exportation or supply of insubstantial United States content for use in foreign-made products or technology.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section and notwithstanding the prohibitions in §560.204, the exportation or supply of goods or technology from the United States, or by a United States person wherever located, for substantial transformation or incorporation into a foreign-made end product in a country other than the United States or Iran, intended specifically or predominantly for Iran or the Government of Iran, is permitted under this part where the exporter has ascertained that all of the following are the case:

(1) The U.S.-origin goods or technology being exported for substantial transformation or incorporation abroad were not subject to export license application requirements under any United States regulations in effect on May 6, 1995, or were not thereafter made subject to such regulations imposed independently of this part;

(2) With respect to the foreign-made end product:

(i) U.S.-origin goods (excluding software) comprise less than 10 percent of the foreign-made good (excluding software);

(ii) U.S.-origin software comprises less than 10 percent of the foreign-made software;

(iii) U.S.-origin technology comprises less than 10 percent of the foreign-made technology; and

(iv) In cases involving a complex product made of a combination of goods (including software) and technology, the aggregate value of all U.S.-origin goods (including software) and technology contained in the foreign-made end product is less than 10 percent of the total value of the foreign-made product;

(3) The foreign-made end product is not destined to end uses or end users prohibited under regulations administered by other U.S. Government agencies. See, e.g., the Export Administration Regulations (31 CFR 736.2(b)(5), 744.2, 744.3, 744.4, 744.7, and 744.10); International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 123.9);

(4) The foreign-made end product is not intended for use in the Iranian petroleum or petrochemical industry. For this purpose, products intended for use in the Iranian petroleum or petrochemical industry include not only products uniquely suited for use in those industries, such as oilfield services equipment, but also goods and technology for use in products, such as computers, office equipment, construction equipment, or building materials, which are suitable for use in other industries but which are intended specifically for use in the petroleum or petrochemical industries.

(b) The authorization contained in this section is not available if the foreign-made end product is of a type which other U.S. Government agencies make ineligible for de minimis U.S.-origin content. See, e.g., the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR 734.4(a) and (b)); International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 123.9).

Note to §560.511. An exportation authorized by this section may nevertheless require authorization by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State or other agencies of the U.S. Government.

[64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.512   Iranian Government missions in the United States.

(a) All transactions ordinarily incident to the importation of goods or services into the United States by, the exportation of goods or services from the United States by, or the provision of goods or services in the United States to, the missions of the Government of Iran to international organizations in the United States, and Iranians admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(G) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”), 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(G), are authorized, provided that:

(1) The goods or services are for the conduct of the official business of the mission, or for personal use of personnel admitted to the United States under INA section 101(a)(15)(G), and are not for resale; and

(2) The transaction is not otherwise prohibited by law.

(b) All transactions ordinarily incident to the importation of goods or services into the United States by, the exportation of goods or services from the United States by, or the provision of goods or services in the United States to, the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Pakistan (or any successor protecting power) in the United States, are authorized, provided that:

(1) The goods or services are for the conduct of the official business of the Iranian Interests Section, and are not for resale; and

(2) The transaction is not otherwise prohibited by law.

(c) All transactions ordinarily incident to the provision of goods or services in the United States to the employees of Iranian missions to international organizations in the United States, and to employees of the Iranian Interests Section of the Embassy of Pakistan (or any successor protecting power) in the United States, are authorized, provided that the transaction is not otherwise prohibited by law.

§ 560.513   Importation of Iranian-origin oil.

(a) Specific licenses will be issued on a case-by-case basis to permit the importation of Iranian-origin oil in connection with the resolution or settlement of cases before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague, established pursuant to the Declaration of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Concerning the Settlement of Claims by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran of January 19, 1981, or where the proceeds are otherwise to be deposited in the Tribunal's Security Account.

(b) License applications submitted pursuant to this section must contain the importer's certification that the oil is of Iranian origin with all relevant supporting documentation, including specification of the production site at which the oil was extracted, and that the sale or transfer of the oil is by or for the account of the Government of Iran. Licenses will not be issued for importations of Iranian-origin oil which is not sold or transferred by or for the account of the Government of Iran. In cases where the oil is being imported either in whole or in part in resolution or settlement of a case pending before the Tribunal, applicants are required to identify the case and submit a copy of the settlement agreement and the Award on Agreed Terms issued by the Tribunal. In cases where any proceeds are generated for the account of the Government of Iran from the importation of Iranian-origin oil, the importer must demonstrate that irrevocable arrangements are in place that will ensure that the proceeds will be deposited in the Tribunal's Security Account.

§ 560.514   [Reserved]
§ 560.515   30-day delayed effective date for pre-May 7, 1995 trade contracts involving Iran.

(a) All transactions necessary to complete performance of a trade contract entered into prior to May 7, 1995, and involving Iran (a pre-existing trade contract ), including the exportation of goods, services (including financial services), or technology from the United States that was authorized pursuant to Federal regulations in force immediately prior to May 6, 1995, or performance under a pre-existing trade contract for transactions in Iranian-origin or Government of Iran-owned or controlled goods or services that do not involve importation into the United States, are authorized without specific licensing by the Office of Foreign Assets Control if the conditions in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section are met:

(1) If the pre-existing trade contract is for an exportation of goods or technology from the United States that was authorized pursuant to Federal regulations in force immediately prior to May 6, 1995, the goods or technology must be exported from the United States prior to 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, June 6, 1995, and all other activity by U.S. persons that is necessary and incidental to the performance of the pre-existing trade contract (other than payment under a financing contract) must be completed prior to 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, August 6, 1995; or

(2) All obligations under a pre-existing trade contract (other than payment under a financing contract) must be fully completed prior to 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, June 6, 1995, if the pre-existing trade contract is for one of the following:

(i) The exportation of services from the United States benefitting a person in Iran or the Government of Iran;

(ii) The reexportation of goods or technology to Iran, the Government of Iran, or an entity owned or controlled by the Government of Iran that was authorized pursuant to Federal regulations in force immediately prior to May 6, 1995; or

(iii) Transactions relating to goods or services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran other than transactions relating to importation into the United States of such goods or services.

(b) In order to complete performance of a pre-existing trade contract, the arrangement or renegotiation of contracts for transactions necessary and incidental to performance of the pre-existing trade contract is authorized. Such incidental transactions may include, for example, financing, shipping and insurance arrangements. Amendments to a pre-existing trade contract for the purpose of accelerating a previously-specified delivery schedule under a contract for a fixed quantity or value of goods, technology or services, or curtailing or canceling required performance, are authorized without specific licensing. Any other alteration of the trade contract must be specifically licensed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

(c) The existence of a contract will be determined with reference to the principles contained in Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.516   Payment and United States dollar clearing transactions involving Iran.

(a) United States depository institutions are authorized to process transfers of funds to or from Iran, or for the direct or indirect benefit of persons in Iran or the Government of Iran, if the transfer is covered in full by any of the following conditions and does not involve debiting or crediting an Iranian account:

(1) The transfer is by order of a foreign bank which is not an Iranian entity from its own account in a domestic bank (directly or through a foreign branch or subsidiary of a domestic bank) to an account held by a domestic bank (directly or through a foreign branch or subsidiary of a domestic bank) for a foreign bank which is not an Iranian entity. For purposes of this section, “foreign bank” includes a foreign subsidiary, but not a foreign branch of a domestic bank;

(2) The transfer arises from an underlying transaction that has been authorized by a specific or general license issued pursuant to this part;

(3) The transfer arises from an underlying transaction that is not prohibited by this part, such as a non-commercial remittance to or from Iran (e.g., a family remittance not related to a family-owned enterprise); a U.S.-related commercial transfer not prohibited by this part (see, e.g., §560.515(b)); or a third-country transaction not prohibited by this part; or

(4) The transfer arises from an underlying transaction that is exempted from regulation pursuant to §203(b) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)), such as an exportation to Iran or importation from Iran of information and informational materials, a travel-related remittance, or payment for the shipment of a donation of articles to relieve human suffering.

(b) United States registered brokers or dealers in securities are authorized to process transfers of funds to or from Iran, or for the direct or indirect benefit of persons in Iran or the Government of Iran, if the transfer is covered in full by any of the conditions set forth in paragraphs (a)(2) through (4) of this section and does not involve the debiting or crediting of an Iranian account.

(c) Before a United States depository institution initiates a payment on behalf of any customer, or credits a transfer to the account on its books of the ultimate beneficiary, the United States depository institution must determine that the underlying transaction is not prohibited by this part.

(d) Pursuant to the prohibitions contained in §560.208, a United States depository institution may not make transfers to or for the benefit of a foreign-organized entity owned or controlled by it if the underlying transaction would be prohibited if engaged in directly by the U.S. depository institution.

(e) This section does not authorize transactions with respect to property blocked pursuant to part 535.

(f) Effective September 8, 2006, this section does not authorize transactions directly or indirectly involving Bank Saderat, except that transactions described in paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4) or (b) of this section involving Bank Saderat that were entered into before September 8, 2006 may be performed according to their terms until December 7, 2006.

Note to paragraph(f)of §560.516: But see §560.532(b), which provides a 180-day wind-down period for specific licenses that were being used before September 8, 2006 to obtain letters of credit issued by Bank Saderat.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999; 70 FR 15584, Mar. 28, 2005; 71 FR 53570, Sept. 12, 2006]

§ 560.517   Exportation of services: Iranian accounts at United States depository institutions or United States registered brokers or dealers in securities.

(a) United States depository institutions are prohibited from performing services with respect to Iranian accounts, as defined in §560.320, at the instruction of the Government of Iran or persons located in Iran, except that United States depository institutions are authorized to provide and be compensated for services and incidental transactions with respect to:

(1) The maintenance of Iranian accounts, including the payment of interest and the debiting of service charges;

(2) The processing of transfers arising from underlying transactions that are exempted from regulation pursuant to section 203(b) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1702(b), such as an exportation of information or informational materials to Iran, a travel-related remittance, or payment for the shipment of a donation of articles to relieve human suffering; and

(3) At the request of the account party, the closing of Iranian accounts and the lump sum transfer only to the account party of all remaining funds and other assets in the account.

(b) United States registered brokers or dealers in securities are prohibited from performing services with respect to Iranian accounts, as defined in §560.320, at the instruction of the Government of Iran or persons located in Iran, except that United States registered brokers or dealers in securities are authorized to provide and be compensated for services and incidental transactions with respect to:

(1) The limited maintenance of an Iranian account, including only the payment into such account of interest, cash dividends, and stock dividends; the debiting of service charges; and the execution of stock splits and dividend reinvestment plans; and

(2) At the request of the account party, the closing of Iranian accounts through the one-time liquidation of all assets in the account at fair market value and the lump sum transfer only to the account party of all proceeds derived therefrom and all remaining funds in the account.

(c) Specific licenses may be issued with respect to the operation of Iranian accounts that constitute accounts of:

(1) Foreign government missions and their personnel in Iran; or

(2) Missions of the Government of Iran in the United States.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 15584, Mar. 28, 2005]

§ 560.518   Transactions in Iranian-origin and Iranian Government property.

(a) Except for transactions involving the Government of Iran, all domestic transactions with respect to Iranian-origin goods located in the United States are authorized, provided that this paragraph (a) does not affect the status of property blocked pursuant to part 535 or detained or seized, or subject to detention or seizure, pursuant to this part.

(b) All transactions necessary and incidental to a United States person's sale or other disposition of goods or services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran that are located or to be performed outside the United States and were acquired by that United States person in transactions not prohibited by part 535 or this part are authorized, provided:

(1) The sale or other disposition does not result in the importation of such goods or services into the United States, and

(2) The sale or other disposition is completed no later than 12:01 a.m. EDT, August 6, 1995.

(c) Except as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, United States persons may not deal in goods or services of Iranian origin or owned or controlled by the Government of Iran, except that the following transactions are authorized:

(1) Transactions by a United States person with third-country nationals incidental to the storage and maintenance in third countries of Iranian-origin goods owned prior to May 7, 1995, by that United States person or acquired thereafter by that United States person consistent with the provisions of this part;

(2) Exportation of Iranian-origin household and personal effects from the United States incident to the relocation of United States persons outside the United States; and

(3) Purchase for personal use or consumption in Iran of Iranian-origin goods or services.

(d) In addition to transactions authorized by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, a United States person is authorized after 12:01 a.m. EDT, May 7, 1995, to use or dispose of Iranian-origin household and personal effects that are located outside the United States and that have been acquired by the United States person in transactions not prohibited by part 535 or this part.

§ 560.519   Policy governing news organization offices.

(a) Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis authorizing transactions necessary for the establishment and operation of news bureaus in Iran by United States organizations whose primary purpose is the gathering and dissemination of news to the general public.

(b) Transactions that may be authorized include but are not limited to those incident to the following:

(1) Leasing office space and securing related goods and services;

(2) Hiring support staff;

(3) Purchasing Iranian-origin goods for use in the operation of the office; and

(4) Paying fees related to the operation of the office in Iran.

(c) Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis authorizing transactions necessary for the establishment and operation of news bureaus in the United States by Iranian organizations whose primary purpose is the gathering and dissemination of news to the general public.

(d) The number assigned to such specific licenses should be referenced in all import and export documents and in all funds transfers and other banking transactions through banking institutions organized or located in the United States in connection with the licensed transactions to avoid disruption of the trade and financial transactions.

§ 560.520   Exportation of agricultural commodities on contracts entered into prior to May 7, 1995.

(a) All transactions by United States persons in connection with the exportation from the United States to Iran of any agricultural commodity under an export sales contract are authorized, provided:

(1) Such contract was entered into prior to 12:01 a.m. EDT, May 7, 1995; and

(2) The terms of such contract require delivery of the commodity prior to February 2, 1996.

(b) The performance of letters of credit and other financing agreements with respect to exports authorized by this section is authorized pursuant to their terms.

(c) For purposes of this section, the term agricultural commodity means feed grains, rice, wheat, cotton, peanuts, tobacco, dairy products, and oilseeds (including vegetable oil).

(d) Specific licenses may be granted on a case-by-case basis for transactions by United States persons in connection with the exportation of other agricultural articles from the United States to Iran that do not fall within the definition of “agricultural commodity” contained in paragraph (c) of this section, provided such exportation is pursuant to an export sales contract and the conditions contained in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section are met.

§ 560.521   Diplomatic pouches.

The following transactions are authorized:

(a) The importation into the United States from Iran, or the exportation from the United States to Iran, of diplomatic pouches and their contents; and

(b) The exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by a U.S. person, wherever located, of any goods or technology to a third-country government, or to its contractors or agents, for shipment to Iran via a diplomatic pouch. To the extent necessary, this section also authorizes the shipment of such goods or technology by the third-country government to Iran via a diplomatic pouch.

Note to paragraph(b)of §560.521: The exportation or reexportation of certain U.S.-origin goods or technology to a third-country government, or to its contractors or agents, may require authorization by the U.S. Department of Commerce under the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 et seq. ).

[72 FR 15832, Apr. 3, 2007]

§ 560.522   Allowable payments for overflights of Iranian airspace.

Payments to Iran of charges for services rendered by the Government of Iran in connection with the overflight of Iran or emergency landing in Iran of aircraft owned by a United States person or registered in the United States are authorized.

§ 560.523   Exportation of equipment and services relating to information and informational materials.

Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis for the exportation of equipment and services necessary for the establishment of news wire feeds or other transmissions of information and informational materials.

[64 FR 20175, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.524   Household goods and personal effects.

(a) The exportation from the United States to Iran of household and personal effects, including baggage and articles for family use, of persons departing the United States to relocate in Iran is authorized provided the articles included in such effects have been actually used by such persons or by family members accompanying them, are not intended for any other person or for sale, and are not otherwise prohibited from exportation. See also, §560.518(c)(2).

(b) The importation of Iranian-origin household and personal effects, including baggage and articles for family use, of persons arriving in the United States is authorized; to qualify, articles included in such effects must have been actually used abroad by such persons or by other family members arriving from the same foreign household, must not be intended for any other person or for sale, and must not be otherwise prohibited from importation. For purposes of this paragraph, household and personal effects include all articles meeting the criteria stated in this paragraph regardless of the time elapsed since the importer's arrival in the United States from Iran.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 25643, May 3, 2000]

§ 560.525   Exportation of certain legal services.

(a) The provision of the following legal services to the Government of Iran or to a person in Iran, and receipt of payment of professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses, are authorized:

(1) Provision of legal advice and counselling on the requirements of and compliance with the laws of any jurisdiction within the United States, provided that such advice and counselling is not provided to facilitate transactions that would violate any of the prohibitions contained in this part;

(2) Representation when a person in Iran or the Government of Iran has been named as a defendant in or otherwise made a party to domestic United States legal, arbitration, or administrative proceedings;

(3) Initiation and conduct of domestic United States legal, arbitration, or administrative proceedings on behalf of the Government of Iran or a person in Iran;

(4) Representation before any federal or state agency with respect to the imposition, administration, or enforcement of United States sanctions against Iran;

(5) Initiation and conduct of legal proceedings, in the United States or abroad, including administrative, judicial and arbitral proceedings and proceedings before international tribunals (including the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague and the International Court of Justice):

(i) To resolve disputes between the Government of Iran or an Iranian national and the United States or a United States national;

(ii) Where the proceeding is contemplated under an international agreement; or

(iii) Where the proceeding involves the enforcement of awards, decisions, or orders resulting from legal proceedings within the scope of paragraph (a)(5)(i) or (a)(5)(ii) of this section, provided that any transaction, unrelated to the provision of legal services or the payment therefor, that is necessary or related to the execution of an award, decision or order resulting from such legal proceeding, or otherwise necessary for the conduct of such proceeding, and which would otherwise be prohibited by this part requires a specific license in accordance with §§560.510 and 560.801;

(6) Provision of legal advice and counselling in connection with settlement or other resolution of matters described in paragraph (a)(5) of this section; and

(7) Provision of legal services in any other context in which prevailing United States law requires access to legal counsel at public expense.

(b) The provision of any other legal services to a person in Iran or the Government of Iran, not otherwise authorized in or exempted by this part, requires the issuance of a specific license.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 41852, Aug. 4, 1997]

§ 560.526   Commodities trading and related transactions.

(a) Trading in Iranian-origin commodities. With respect to §560.206, specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize certain commodities trading by a United States person in Iranian-origin goods, or transactions incidental to such trading, where:

(1) No party to the transaction with the United States person is a person in Iran or the Government of Iran, and

(2) It was impossible for the United States person to determine at the time of entry into the transaction, given all circumstances of the transaction, that the goods would be of Iranian origin or would be owned or controlled by the Government of Iran.

(b) Trading in commodities destined for Iran or the Government of Iran. With respect to §560.204, specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to authorize certain trading by United States persons in commodities of U.S. or third-country origin destined for Iran or the Government of Iran, or transactions incidental to such trading, where:

(1) It was impossible for the United States person to determine at the time of entry into the transaction, given all circumstances of the transaction, that the goods would be for delivery to Iran or to the Government of Iran;

(2) The United States person did not contract with a person in Iran or the Government of Iran; and

(3) The United States person did not initiate the nomination of the commodity's destination as Iran or the Government of Iran.

§ 560.527   Rescheduling existing loans.

Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis for rescheduling loans or otherwise extending the maturities of existing loans, and for charging fees or interest at commercially reasonable rates, in connection therewith, provided that no new funds or credits are thereby transferred or extended to Iran or the Government of Iran.

§ 560.528   Aircraft safety.

Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis for the exportation and reexportation of goods, services, and technology to insure the safety of civil aviation and safe operation of U.S.-origin commercial passenger aircraft.

§ 560.529   Bunkering and emergency repairs.

Goods or services provided in the United States to a non-Iranian carrier transporting passengers or goods to or from Iran are permissible if they are:

(a) Bunkers or bunkering services;

(b) Supplied or performed in the course of emergency repairs; or

(c) Supplied or performed under circumstances which could not be anticipated prior to the carrier's departure for the United States.

[64 FR 20175, Apr. 26, 1999]

§ 560.530   Commercial sales, exportation, and reexportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices.

(a) One-year license requirement. The exportation or reexportation of agricultural commodities (including bulk agricultural commodities listed in appendix B to this part 560), medicine, or medical devices to the Government of Iran, any entity in Iran, individuals in Iran, or persons in third countries purchasing specifically for resale to any of the foregoing, shall only be made pursuant to a one-year license issued by the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, for contracts entered into during the one-year period of the license and shipped within the 12-month period beginning on the date of the signing of the contract. No license will be granted for the exportation or reexportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, or medical equipment to any entity or individual in Iran promoting international terrorism. Executory contracts entered into pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section prior to the issuance of the one-year license described in this paragraph shall be deemed to have been signed on the date of issuance of that one-year license (and, therefore, the exporter is authorized to make shipments under that contract within the 12-month period beginning on the date of issuance of the one-year license).

(b) General license for arrangement of exportation and reexportation of covered products. (1) The making of shipping arrangements, cargo inspections, obtaining of insurance, and arrangement of financing (consistent with §560.532) for the exportation or reexportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to the Government of Iran, entities in Iran, individuals in Iran, or persons in third countries purchasing specifically for resale to any of the foregoing, is authorized.

(2) If desired, entry into executory contracts (including executory pro forma invoices, agreements in principle, or executory offers capable of acceptance such as bids in response to public tenders) for the exportation or reexportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to the Government of Iran, entities in Iran, individuals in Iran, or persons in third countries purchasing specifically for resale to any of the foregoing, is authorized, provided that performance of an executory contract is expressly made contingent upon the prior issuance of the one-year license described in paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Instructions for obtaining one-year licenses. In order to obtain the one-year license described in paragraph (a), the exporter must provide to the Office of Foreign Assets Control:

(1) The applicant's full legal name (if the applicant is a business entity, the state or jurisdiction of incorporation and principal place of business).

(2) The applicant's mailing and street address (so that OFAC may reach a responsible point of contact, the applicant should also include the name of the individual(s) responsible for the application and related commercial transactions along with their telephone and fax numbers and, if available, email addresses).

(3) The names, mailing addresses, and, if available, fax and telephone numbers of all parties with an interest in the transaction. If the goods are being exported or reexported to a purchasing agent in Iran, the exporter must identify the agent's principals at the wholesale level for whom the purchase is being made. If the goods are being exported or reexported to an individual, the exporter must identify any organizations or entities with which the individual is affiliated that have an interest in the transaction.

(4) A description of all items to be exported or reexported pursuant to the requested one-year license, including a statement that the item is classified as EAR 99, and, if necessary, documentation sufficient to verify that the items to be exported or reexported are classified as EAR 99 and do not fall within any of the limitations contained in paragraph (d) of this section.

(5) An Official Commodity Classification of EAR 99 issued by the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration (“BXA”), certifying that the product is EAR 99 is required to be submitted to OFAC with the request for a license authorizing the exportation or reexportation of all fertilizers, live horses, western red cedar, and medical devices other than basic medical supplies, such as syringes, bandages, gauze and similar items, that are specifically listed on BXA's website, Sanctions ReformExport EnhancementAct.html. Medical supplies that are specifically listed on BXA's website do not require an Official Commodity Classification of EAR 99 from BXA. BXA will also provide a list on its website of medicines that are ineligible for a one-year license under these procedures. If an exporter is uncertain whether the medicine to be exported is eligible, they should seek an Official Commodity Classification of EAR 99 from BXA and submit a copy to OFAC. See, 15 CFR 745.3 for instructions for obtaining Official Commodity Classification of EAR 99 from BXA.

(d) Limitations. (1) Nothing in this section or in any license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section relieves the exporter from compliance with the export license application requirements of another Federal agency.

(2) Nothing in this section or in any license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section authorizes the exportation or reexportation of any agricultural commodity, medicine, or medical device controlled on the United States Munitions List established under section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778); controlled on any control list established under the Export Administration Act of 1979 or any successor statute (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq. ); or used to facilitate the development or production of a chemical or biological weapon or weapon of mass destruction.

(3) Nothing in this section or in any license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section affects prohibitions on the sale or supply of U.S. technology or software used to manufacture agricultural commodities, medicine, or medical devices, such as technology to design or produce biotechnological items or medical devices.

(4) Nothing in this section or in any license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section affects U.S. nonproliferation export controls, including end-user and end-use controls maintained under the Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative.

(5) This section does not apply to any transaction or dealing involving property blocked pursuant to this chapter or any other activity prohibited by this chapter not otherwise authorized in this part.

(e) Covered items. For the purposes of this part, agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices are defined below.

(1) Agricultural commodities. For the purposes of this section, agricultural commodities are:

(i) Products not listed on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774, supplement no. 1, and that fall within the term “agricultural commodity” as defined in section 102 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 (7 U.S.C. 5602); and

(ii) Products not listed on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774, supplement no. 1, that are intended for ultimate use in Iran as:

(A) Food for humans (including raw, processed, and packaged foods; live animals; vitamins and minerals; food additives or supplements; and bottled drinking water) or animals (including animal feeds);

(B) Seeds for food crops;

(C) Fertilizers or organic fertilizers; or

(D) Reproductive materials (such as live animals, fertilized eggs, embryos, and semen) for the production of food animals.

(2) Medicine. For the purposes of this section, the term medicine has the same meaning given the term “drug” in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321) but does not include any item listed on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774, supplement no. 1 (excluding items classified as EAR 99).

(3) Medical device. For the purposes of this section, the term medical device has the meaning given the term “device” in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321) but does not include any item listed on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774, supplement no. 1 (excluding items classified as EAR 99).

(f) Transition period. (1) Specific licenses issued prior to July 26, 2001 authorizing the performance of executory contracts for the sale of agricultural commodities, medicine, or medical equipment shall remain in effect until the expiration date specified in the license or July 26, 2002, whichever comes first. However, after July 26, 2001, new contracts for the exportation of agricultural commodities, medicine, or medical devices may be entered into only pursuant to the terms of, and as authorized by, this new part.

(2) Specific licenses issued prior to July 26, 2001 authorizing the sale and exportation or reexportation of bulk agricultural commodities listed in Appendix A to 31 CFR parts 538 and 550 and Appendix B to 31 CFR part 560 shall remain in effect solely to permit completion of performance of contracts already entered into prior to July 26, 2001 pursuant to the license. As of July 26, 2001, new contracts for the exportation of bulk agricultural commodities may be entered into only pursuant to the terms of, and as authorized by, this part.

[66 FR 36692, July 12, 2001]

§ 560.531   [Reserved]
§ 560.532   Payment for and financing of exports and reexports of commercial commodities, medicine, and medical devices.

(a) General license for payment terms. The following payment terms for sales of agricultural commodities and products, medicine, and medical equipment pursuant to §§560.530 and 560.531 are authorized:

(1) Payment of cash in advance;

(2) Sales on open account, provided that the account receivable may not be transferred by the person extending the credit; or

(3) Financing by third-country financial institutions that are neither United States persons nor Government of Iran entities. Such financing may be confirmed or advised by U.S. financial institutions.

(b) Specific licenses for alternate payment terms. Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis for payment terms and trade financing not authorized by the general license in paragraph (a) of this section for sales pursuant to §560.530. Effective September 8, 2006, specific licenses that have been or will be issued pursuant to this paragraph will not authorize any payment terms or trade financing involving Bank Saderat, except that, in the case of specific licenses that were being used before September 8, 2006 to obtain letters of credit issued by Bank Saderat, such letters of credit may continue to be performed according to their terms until March 7, 2007. See §501.801(b) of this chapter for specific licensing procedures.

(c) No debits or credits to Iranian accounts on the books of U.S. depository institutions. Nothing in this section authorizes payment terms or trade financing involving a debit or credit to an account of a person located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of a U.S. depository institution.

(d) Transfers through the U.S. financial system. Any payment relating to a transaction authorized in or pursuant to §560.530 or §560.533 that is routed through the U.S. financial system must reference the relevant Office of Foreign Assets Control license authorizing the payment to avoid the rejection of the transfer. See §560.516(c).

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, no commercial exportation to Iran may be made with United States Government assistance, including United States foreign assistance, United States export assistance, and any United States credit or guarantees absent a Presidential waiver.

[64 FR 41793, Aug. 2, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 58791, Nov. 1, 1999; 66 FR 36693, July 12, 2001; 70 FR 15584, Mar. 28, 2005; 71 FR 53570, Sept. 12, 2006]

§ 560.533   Brokering sales of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices.

(a) General license for brokering sales by U.S. persons. United States persons are authorized to provide brokerage services on behalf of U.S. persons for the sale and exportation or reexportation by United States persons of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices, provided that the sale and exportation or reexportation is authorized by a one-year license issued pursuant to §560.530.

(b) Specific licensing for brokering sales by non-U.S. persons of bulk agricultural commodities. Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis to permit United States persons to provide brokerage services on behalf of non-United States, non-Iranian persons for the sale and exportation or reexportation of bulk agricultural commodities to the Government of Iran, entities in Iran or individuals in Iran. Specific licenses issued pursuant to this section will authorize the brokering only of sales that:

(1) Are limited to the bulk agricultural commodities listed in appendix B to this part 560;

(2) Are to purchasers permitted pursuant to §560.530;

Note to §560.533 (b)(2): Requests for specific licenses to provide brokerage services under this paragraph must include all of the information described in §560.530(c).

(3) Make any performance involving the exportation or reexportation of any goods, technology or services (including technical data, software, or information) that are subject to license application requirements of another Federal agency contingent upon the prior authorization of that agency. (For example, items classified EAR99 under the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR parts 730 through 774, may in certain instances require a license from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration. See, e.g., 15 CFR 736.2(b)(5), 744.2 through 744.4, 744.7, and 744.10; see also 22 CFR 123.9.)

(c) No debits or credits to Iranian accounts on the books of U.S. depository institutions. Payment for any brokerage fee earned pursuant to this section may not involve a debit or credit to an account of a person located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of a U.S. depository institution.

(d) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements. Attention is drawn to the recordkeeping, retention, and reporting requirements of §§501.601 and 501.602.

[64 FR 41793, Aug. 2, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 58791, Nov. 1, 1999; 66 FR 36693, July 12, 2001]

§ 560.534   Importation into the United States of, and dealings in, certain foodstuffs and carpets authorized.

(a) The importation into the United States, from Iran or a third country, of the following goods of Iranian-origin is authorized:

(1) Foodstuffs intended for human consumption that are classified under chapters 2–23 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States;

(2) Carpets and other textile floor coverings and carpets used as wall hangings that are classified under chapter 57 or heading 9706.00.0060 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

(b) United States persons, wherever located, are authorized to engage in transactions or dealings in or related to the categories of Iranian-origin goods described in paragraph (a) of this section, provided that the transaction or dealing does not involve or relate to goods, technology, or services for exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, to Iran or the Government of Iran, other than services described in §560.405 (“Transactions incidental to a licensed transaction authorized”).

(c) This section does not affect any open enforcement action initiated by the U.S. Government prior to April 28, 2000, or any seizure, forfeiture, penalty, or liquidated damages case that is considered closed in accordance with Customs or other agency regulations. This section also does not authorize the importation into the United States of goods that are under seizure or detention by U.S. Customs officials pursuant to Customs laws or other applicable provisions of law, until any applicable penalties, charges, duties, or other conditions are satisfied. This section does not authorize importation into the United States of goods for which forfeiture proceedings have commenced or of goods that have been forfeited to the U.S. Government, other than through Customs disposition by selling at auction.

(d) Iranian accounts. Nothing in this section authorizes a debit or credit to an account of a person located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of a U.S. depository institution.

(e) Examples. The following are examples of transactions permitted under this section:

(1) A United States person living abroad is permitted to purchase or sell an Iranian-origin carpet, as long as the sale is not to Iran or the Government of Iran.

(2) A United States person may process a documentary collection relating to the importation into the United States of Iranian-origin pistachios, but payment under the documentary collection may not involve the crediting of an account of a person located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of a U.S. depository institution.

[65 FR 25643, May 3, 2000]

§ 560.535   Letters of credit and brokering services relating to certain foodstuffs and carpets.

(a) Purchases from Iran or the Government of Iran. United States depository institutions are authorized to issue letters of credit in favor of a beneficiary in Iran or the Government of Iran to pay for purchases from Iran or the Government of Iran of the categories of Iranian-origin goods described in §560.534(a), provided that such letters of credit are not advised, negotiated, paid, or confirmed by the Government of Iran.

(b) Transactions or dealings in Iranian-origin goods other than purchases from Iran or the Government of Iran. United States depository institutions are authorized to issue, advise, negotiate, pay, or confirm letters of credit to pay for transactions in or related to the categories of Iranian-origin goods described in §560.534(a), other than purchases from Iran or the Government of Iran, provided that such letters of credit are not issued, advised, negotiated, paid, or confirmed by the Government of Iran.

(c) Brokering. United States persons, wherever located, are authorized to act as brokers for the purchase or sale of the categories of Iranian-origin goods described in §560.534(a), provided that the goods are not for exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, to Iran or the Government of Iran.

(d) Iranian accounts. Nothing in this section authorizes a debit or credit to an account of a person located in Iran or of the Government of Iran maintained on the books of a U.S. depository institution.

(e) Examples. The following are examples of transactions permitted under this section:

(1) A United States depository institution may issue a letter of credit in favor of a person in Iran to finance the importation into the United States of Iranian-origin caviar; the letter of credit may be confirmed by a third-country bank that is not included within the definition of the term Government of Iran.

(2) A United States depository institution may advise or confirm a letter of credit issued by a third-country bank that is not included within the definition of the term Government of Iran to finance the purchase from a third country of Iranian-origin carpets by a U.S. person or third-country national.

(3) A United States person may broker the sale of Iranian-origin carpets from Iran to a third-country national located outside Iran.

(4) A bank that is owned or controlled by the Government of Iran may forward letter of credit documents, strictly on a documentary collection basis, either directly to a United States depository institution or to a third country bank that is not included within the definition of the term Government of Iran and that is party to a letter of credit issued by a United States depository institution. The Iranian bank may not, however, send the documents on an “approval” basis, since it is not and cannot be party to the letter of credit.

Note to §560.535: See §§560.304 and 560.313 for information relating to individuals and entities that are included within the definition of the term Government of Iran. Some entities meeting this definition are listed in appendix A to this part. See also §560.516 for information relating to authorized transfers to Iran by U.S. depository institutions relating to licensed transactions.

[65 FR 25643, May 3, 2000]

§ 560.536   Humanitarian activities in and around Iraq.

(a) A nongovernmental organization specifically licensed pursuant to 31 CFR part 575 or otherwise authorized pursuant to 31 CFR 575.527 to conduct certain humanitarian activities in and around Iraq is authorized to conduct activities in Iran that are directly incidental and essential to its authorized humanitarian activities in and around Iraq, subject to all conditions and restrictions imposed on the organization pursuant to 31 CFR 575.527 and the terms of its license or registration. This section does not authorize the actual provision of humanitarian support in Iran.

(b) No exportations or re-exportations of goods or technology, whether U.S. or foreign origin, to Iran are permitted pursuant to this section, except for articles, such as food, clothing, and medicine, intended to be used to relieve human suffering or items intended for temporary use, as personal baggage, by representatives of the authorized nongovernmental organization, provided that:

(1) Any such goods or technology are not of the type controlled under the Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations for exportation or re-exportation to Iran or controlled on the United States Munitions List, and

(2) Any such personal items are either consumed by representatives of that organization during the visit or removed from Iran at the end of each visit.

(c) This section does not authorize the shipment or transshipment of goods or technology, whether U.S. or foreign origin, from Iran to any other country, including Iraq, except for the shipment or transshipment to Iraq of articles, such as food, clothing, and medicine, intended to be used to relieve human suffering. Nongovernmental organizations that wish to transport other types of goods or technology from Iran to Iraq must apply for specific authorization from the Office of Foreign Assets Control pursuant to §501.801(b), 31 CFR chapter V.

(d) U.S. financial institutions are authorized to engage in funds transfers in connection with transactions authorized pursuant to this section consistent with the provisions of 31 CFR 560.516.

(e) Nongovernmental organizations conducting transactions under this section based on a specific license or a registration issued pursuant to 31 CFR part 575 must reference their license or registration number on all payments and funds transfers and on all related documentation.

[68 FR 11742, Mar. 12, 2003]

§ 560.537   Authorization of certain survey or assessment missions in Iran.

(a) Subject to the conditions of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, nongovernmental organizations are authorized to conduct survey or assessment missions in Iran related to the planning or preparation for the provision of humanitarian support to the Iraqi people. This section does not authorize the actual provision of such humanitarian support in Iran.

(b) The authorization of paragraph (a) of this section is available only to the following types of nongovernmental organizations:

(1) Nongovernmental organizations registered pursuant to 31 CFR 575.527; or

(2) Nongovernmental organizations that have been issued specific licenses under 31 CFR part 575 to carry out humanitarian activities in Iraq, but not including organizations that have been issued specific licenses solely to export goods to Iraq.

(c) This section does not authorize nongovernmental organizations to open offices or to establish permanent facilities of any kind or to purchase any goods, services, or technology in Iran of any kind, except those described in paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

(d) The authorization of this section is subject to the following conditions:

(1) U.S. financial institutions are authorized to engage in funds transfers in connection with transactions authorized pursuant to this section consistent with the provisions of 31 CFR 560.516.

(2) Nongovernmental organizations conducting transactions under this section based on a specific license or a registration issued pursuant to 31 CFR part 575 must reference their license or registration number on all payments and funds transfers and on all related documentation.

(3) Any funds transferred to Iran pursuant to this section may be used only for the purchase of services and goods necessary and essential to the conduct of the assessment mission and, whether U.S. or foreign origin, not of the type controlled under the Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations for exportation or re-exportation to Iran or controlled on the United States Munitions List.

(4)(i) No exportations or re-exportations of goods or technology, whether U.S. or foreign origin, to Iran are permitted pursuant to this section, except for those items intended for temporary use, as personal baggage, by mission representatives, provided that such items are either consumed by mission representatives during the visit or removed from Iran at the end of each visit, and further provided that any such personal items are not of the type controlled under the Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations for exportation or re-exportation to Iran or controlled on the United States Munitions List.

(ii) Nongovernmental organizations that wish to export or re-export goods or technology to Iran, beyond personal baggage items described in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section, as part of a survey or assessment mission must apply for specific authorization from the Office of Foreign Assets Control pursuant to §501.801(b), 31 CFR chapter V.

(5) Nongovernmental organizations acting under this section shall take adequate measures to prevent any items authorized for exportation, re-exportation, or local purchase from being obtained or acquired by the Government of Iran.

[68 FR 11743, Mar. 12, 2003]

§ 560.538   Authorized transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to publishing.

(a) To the extent that such activities are not exempt from this part, and subject to the restrictions set forth in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, U.S. persons are authorized to engage in all transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to the publishing and marketing of manuscripts, books, journals, and newspapers in paper or electronic format (collectively, “written publications”). This section does not apply if the parties to the transactions described in this paragraph include the Government of Iran. For the purposes of this section, the term “Government of Iran” includes the state and the Government of Iran, as well as any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, which includes the Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran, and any person acting or purporting to act directly or indirectly on behalf of any of the foregoing with respect to the transactions described in this paragraph. For the purposes of this section, the term “Government of Iran” does not include any academic and research institutions and their personnel. Pursuant to this section, the following activities are authorized, provided that U.S. persons ensure that they are not engaging, without separate authorization, in the activities identified in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section:

(1) Commissioning and making advance payments for identifiable written publications not yet in existence, to the extent consistent with industry practice;

(2) Collaborating on the creation and enhancement of written publications;

(3)(i) Augmenting written publications through the addition of items such as photographs, artwork, translation, explanatory text, and, for a written publication in electronic format, the addition of embedded software necessary for reading, browsing, navigating, or searching the written publication;

(ii) Exporting embedded software necessary for reading, browsing, navigating, or searching a written publication in electronic format, provided that the software is classified as “EAR 99” under the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR parts 730 through 774 (the “EAR”), or is not subject to the EAR;

(4) Substantive editing of written publications;

(5) Payment of royalties for written publications;

(6) Creating or undertaking a marketing campaign to promote a written publication; and

(7) Other transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to the publishing and marketing of written publications as described in this paragraph (a).

(b) This section does not authorize transactions involving the provision of goods or services not necessary and ordinarily incident to the publishing and marketing of written publications as described in paragraph (a) of this section. For example, this section does not authorize U.S. persons:

(1) To provide or receive individualized or customized services (including, but not limited to, accounting, legal, design, or consulting services), other than those necessary and ordinarily incident to the publishing and marketing of written publications, even though such individualized or customized services are delivered through the use of information and informational materials;

(2) To create or undertake for any person a marketing campaign with respect to any service or product other than a written publication, or to create or undertake a marketing campaign of any kind for the benefit of the Government of Iran;

(3) To engage in the exportation or importation of goods to or from Iran other than the exportation of embedded software described in paragraph (a)(3)(ii); or

(4) To operate a publishing house, sales outlet, or other office in Iran.

Note to paragraph (b): The importation from Iran and the exportation to Iran of information or informational materials, as defined in §560.315, whether commercial or otherwise, regardless of format or medium of transmission, are exempt from the prohibitions and regulations of this part. See §560.210(c).

(c) This section does not authorize U.S. persons to engage the services of publishing houses or translators in Iran unless such activity is primarily for the dissemination of written publications in Iran.

(d) This section does not authorize:

(1) The exportation from or importation into the United States of services for the development, production, or design of software;

(2) Transactions for the development, production, design, or marketing of technology specifically controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, 22 CFR parts 120 through 130 (the “ITAR”), the EAR, or the Department of Energy Regulations set forth at 10 CFR part 810.

(3) The exportation of information or technology subject to the authorization requirements of 10 CFR part 810, or Restricted Data as defined in section 11 y. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or of other information, data, or technology the release of which is controlled under the Atomic Energy Act and regulations therein;

(4) The exportation of any item (including information) subject to the EAR where a U.S. person knows or has reason to know that the item will be used, directly or indirectly, with respect to certain nuclear, missile, chemical, or biological weapons or nuclear-maritime end-uses as set forth in part 744 of the EAR. In addition, U.S. persons are precluded from exporting any item subject to the EAR to certain restricted end-users, as set forth in part 744 of the EAR, as well as certain persons whose export privileges have been denied pursuant to parts 764 or 766 of the EAR, without authorization from the Department of Commerce; or

(5) The exportation of information subject to licensing requirements under the ITAR or exchanges of information that are subject to regulation by other government agencies.

[72 FR 50051, Aug. 30, 2007]

§ 560.539   Official activities of certain international organizations.

(a) General License. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the performance of transactions for the conduct of the official business of the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Labor Organization or the World Health Organization in or involving Iran by U.S. persons who are employees or contractors thereof is hereby authorized. Authorized transactions include, but are not limited to:

(1) The provision of services involving Iran necessary for carrying out the official business;

(2) Purchasing Iranian-origin goods and services for use in carrying out the official business;

(3) Leasing office space and securing related goods and services;

(4) Funds transfers to or from accounts of the international organizations covered in this paragraph, provided that funds transfers to or from Iran are not routed through an account of an Iranian bank on the books of a U.S. financial institution; and

(5) The operation of accounts for employees and contractors located in Iran who are described in this paragraph. Transactions conducted through these accounts must be solely for the employee's or contractor's personal use and not for any commercial purposes in or involving Iran. Any funds transfers to or from an Iranian bank must be routed through a third-country bank that is not a U.S. person.

(b) Limitations. This section does not authorize:

(1) the exportation from the United States to Iran of any goods or technology listed on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR part 774, supplement No. 1 (CCL);

(2) the reexportation to Iran of any U.S.-origin goods or technology listed on the CCL; or

(3) the exportation or reexportation from the United States or by a U.S. person, wherever located, to Iran of any services not necessary and ordinarily incident to the official business in Iran. Such transactions require separate authorization from OFAC.

Note to paragraph(b): The CCL includes items such as laptops, personal computers, cell phones, personal digital assistants and other wireless handheld devices/blackberries, and other similar items. The exportation of these items to Iran, even on a temporary basis, is prohibited, unless specifically authorized in a license issued pursuant to this part in a manner consistent with the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act of 1992 and other relevant law.

(c) Other requirements. The general license set forth in this section shall not operate to relieve any persons authorized hereunder from compliance with any other U.S. legal requirements applicable to the transactions authorized pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section.

[71 FR 48796, Aug. 22, 2006]

Subpart F—Reports
§ 560.601   Records and reports.

For provisions relating to records and reports, see subpart C of part 501 of this chapter.

[62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997]

§ 560.602   [Reserved]
§ 560.603   Reports on oil transactions engaged in by foreign affiliates.

(a) Requirement for reports. A report must be filed with the Office of Foreign Assets Control with respect to each foreign affiliate of a United States person that engaged in a reportable transaction, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, during the calendar quarter. Reports are due within 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter.

(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) The term reportable transaction means any purchase, sale, or swap of Iranian-origin crude oil or natural gas. For purposes of this paragraph (b), a purchase, sale, or swap is deemed to have occurred as of the date of the bill of lading used in connection with such transaction.

(2) The term foreign affiliate means a person or entity other than a United States person (see §560.314) which is organized or located outside the United States and which is owned or controlled by a United States person or persons.

(c) Who must report. A United States person must file a report with respect to each foreign affiliate owned or controlled by it which engaged in a reportable transaction or transactions during the calendar quarter. For the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 1996, and all subsequent quarters, a United States person must file a report only as to each foreign affiliate owned or controlled by it which engaged in a reportable transaction or transactions totaling $1,000,000 or more during the calendar quarter. A single United States entity within a consolidated or affiliated group may be designated to report on each foreign affiliate of the United States members of the group. Such centralized reporting may be done by the United States person who owns or controls, or has been delegated authority to file on behalf of, the remaining United States persons in the group.

(d) What must be reported. (1) Part I of the report must provide the name, address, and principal place of business of the United States person; its place of incorporation or organization if an entity; and the name, title, and telephone number of the individual to contact concerning the report.

(2) Part II of the report must provide, with respect to the foreign affiliate, its name and address; the type of entity, e.g ., corporation, partnership, limited liability company; the country of its incorporation or organization; and its principal place of business.

(3) Part III of the report must include the following information with respect to each reportable transaction (a separate Part III must be submitted for each reportable transaction):

(i) The nature of the transaction, e.g ., purchase, sale, swap;

(ii) A description of the product involved;

(iii) The name of the Iranian or third country party or parties involved in the transaction;

(iv) The currency and amount of the transaction, and corresponding United States dollar value of the transaction if not denominated in United States dollars.

(e) Where to report. Reports must be filed with the Compliance Programs Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW—Annex, Washington, DC 20220. Reports may be submitted by facsimile transmission at 202/622–1657. A copy must be retained for the reporter's records.

(f) Whom to contact. Blocked Assets Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.—Annex, Washington, DC 20220; telephone: 202/622–2440.

[63 FR 62941, Nov. 10, 1998]

Subpart G—Penalties
§ 560.701   Penalties.

(a) Attention is directed to section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (the “Act”) (50 U.S.C. 1705), which is applicable to violations of the provisions of any license, ruling, regulation, order, direction or instruction issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to this part or otherwise under the Act.

(1) A civil penalty not to exceed the amount set forth in Section 206 of the Act may be imposed on any person who violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of any license, order, regulation, or prohibition issued under the Act.

Note to paragraph(a)(1)of §560.701: As of June 10, 2008, the Act provides for a maximum civil penalty not to exceed the greater of $250,000 or an amount that is twice the amount of the transaction that is the basis of the violation with respect to which the penalty is imposed.

(2) A person who willfully commits, willfully attempts to commit, or willfully conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of a violation of any license, order, regulation, or prohibition shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both.

(b) Adjustments to penalty amounts. (1) The civil penalties provided in the Act are subject to adjustment pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101–410, as amended, 28 U.S.C. 2461 note).

(2) The criminal penalties provided in the Act are subject to adjustment pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3571.

(c) Attention is also directed to 18 U.S.C. 1001, which provides that whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(d) Attention is directed to 18 U.S.C. 2332d, as added by Public Law 104–132, section 321, which provides that, except as provided in regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, a U.S. person, knowing or having reasonable cause to know that a country is designated under section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2405, as a country supporting international terrorism, engages in a financial transaction with the government of that country, shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.

(e) Violations of this part may also be subject to relevant provisions of the Customs laws and other applicable laws.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 43461, Aug. 23, 1996; 61 FR 54939, Oct. 23, 1996; 62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997; 71 FR 29253, May 22, 2006; 73 FR 32654, June 10, 2008]

§ 560.702   Detention of shipments.

Import shipments into the United States of Iranian-origin goods in violation of §560.201 and export shipments from the United States of goods destined for Iran in violation of §560.202 or 560.204 shall be detained. No such import, export, or reexport will be permitted to proceed, except as specifically authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury. Unless licensed, such shipments are subject to penalty or seizure and forfeiture action, under the Customs laws or other applicable provisions of law, depending on the circumstances.

§ 560.703   Prepenalty notice.

(a) When required. If the Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control has reasonable cause to believe that there has occurred a violation of any provision of this part or a violation of the provisions of any license, ruling, regulation, order, direction or instruction issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to this part or otherwise under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, and the Director determines that further proceedings are warranted, he may issue to the person concerned a notice of his intent to impose a monetary penalty. The prepenalty notice may be issued whether or not another agency has taken any action with respect to this matter.

(b) Contents —(1) Facts of violation. The prepenalty notice will describe the violation, specify the laws and regulations allegedly violated, and state the amount of the proposed monetary penalty.

(2) Right to make presentations. The prepenalty notice also shall inform the person of his right to make a written presentation within 30 days of mailing of the notice as to why a monetary penalty should not be imposed, or, if imposed, why it should be in a lesser amount than proposed.

§ 560.704   Presentation responding to prepenalty notice.

(a) Time within which to respond. The named person shall have 30 days from the date of mailing of the prepenalty notice to make a written presentation to the Director.

(b) Form and contents of the written presentation. The written presentation need not be in any particular form, but shall contain information sufficient to indicate that it is in response to the prepenalty notice. It should contain responses to the allegations in the prepenalty notice and set forth the reasons why the person believes the penalty should not be imposed or, if imposed, why it should be in a lesser amount than proposed.

§ 560.705   Penalty notice.

(a) No violation. If, after considering any presentations made in response to the prepenalty notice and any relevant facts, the Director determines that there was no violation by the person named in the prepenalty notice, he shall promptly notify the person in writing of the determination and that no monetary penalty will be imposed.

(b) Violation. If, after considering any presentations made in response to the prepenalty notice, the Director determines that there was a violation by the person named in the prepenalty notice, he may issue a written notice of the imposition of the monetary penalty to that person.

§ 560.706   Referral for administrative collection measures or to United States Department of Justice.

In the event that the person named does not pay the penalty imposed pursuant to this part or make payment arrangements acceptable to the Director within 30 days of the mailing of the written notice of the imposition of the penalty, the matter may be referred for administrative collection measures or to the United States Department of Justice for appropriate action to recover the penalty in a civil suit in a Federal district court.

Subpart H—Procedures
§ 560.801   Procedures.

For license application procedures and procedures relating to amendments, modifications, or revocations of licenses; administrative decisions; rulemaking; and requests for documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (5 U.S.C. 552 and 552a), see part 501, subpart E, of this chapter.

[62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997, as amended at 68 FR 53659, Sept. 11, 2003]

§ 560.802   Delegation by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Any action which the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to take pursuant to Executive Order 12613, Executive Order 12957, Executive Order 12959, and any further Executive orders relating to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12957 may be taken by the Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control, or by any other person to whom the Secretary of the Treasury has delegated authority so to act.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995. Redesignated at 62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997]

§ 560.803   Customs procedures: Goods specified in §560.201.

(a) With respect to goods specified in §560.201, and not otherwise licensed or excepted from the scope of that section, appropriate Customs officers shall not accept or allow any:

(1) Entry for consumption or warehouse (including any appraisement entry, any entry of goods imported in the mails, regardless of value, and any informal entries);

(2) Entry for immediate exportation;

(3) Entry for transportation and exportation;

(4) Withdrawal from warehouse;

(5) Admission, entry, transfer or withdrawal to or from a foreign trade zone; or

(6) Manipulation or manufacture in a warehouse or in a foreign trade zone.

(b) Customs officers may accept or allow the importation of Iranian-origin goods under the procedures listed in paragraph (a) if:

(1) A specific license pursuant to this part is presented; or

(2) Instructions authorizing the transaction are received from the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

(c) Whenever a specific license is presented to an appropriate Customs officer in accordance with this section, one additional legible copy of the entry, withdrawal or other appropriate document with respect to the merchandise involved must be filed with the appropriate Customs officers at the port where the transaction is to take place. Each copy of any such entry, withdrawal or other appropriate document, including the additional copy, must bear plainly on its face the number of the license pursuant to which it is filed. The original copy of the specific license must be presented to the appropriate Customs officers in respect of each such transaction and must bear a notation in ink by the licensee or person presenting the license showing the description, quantity and value of the merchandise to be entered, withdrawn or otherwise dealt with. This notation must be so placed and so written that there will exist no possibility of confusing it with anything placed on the license at the time of its issuance. If the license in fact authorizes the entry, withdrawal, or other transaction with regard to the merchandise, the appropriate Customs officer, or other authorized Customs employee, shall verify the notation by signing or initialing it after first assuring himself that it accurately describes the merchandise it purports to represent. The license shall thereafter be returned to the person presenting it and the additional copy of the entry, withdrawal or other appropriate document shall be forwarded by the appropriate Customs officer to the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

(d) If it is unclear whether an entry, withdrawal or other action affected by this section requires a specific license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control, the appropriate Customs officer may withhold any action thereon and shall advise such person to communicate directly with the Office of Foreign Assets Control to request that instructions be sent to the Customs officer to authorize him to take action with regard thereto.

[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995. Redesignated at 62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997]

Subpart I—Paperwork Reduction Act
§ 560.901   Paperwork Reduction Act notice.

The specific information collection requirements in §560.603 have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507(j)) and assigned control number 1505–0106. For approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of information collections relating to recordkeeping and reporting requirements, to licensing procedures (including those pursuant to statements of licensing policy), and to other procedures, see §501.901 of this chapter. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.

[62 FR 45109, Aug. 25, 1997]

Appendix A to Part 560—Financial Institutions Determined To Be Owned or Controlled by the Government of Iran

This appendix lists financial institutions determined by the Office of Foreign Assets Control to be entities owned or controlled by the Government of Iran within the meaning of §560.313. The names and addresses represent the most complete list available at this time. Unless otherwise indicated, the financial institutions listed below are considered to be entities owned or controlled by the Government of Iran when they operate, not only from the locations listed below, but also from any other location. The names and addresses are subject to change, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control will update the list as needed.

1. AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE BANK OF IRAN (a.k.a. BANK TAAVON KESHAVARZI IRAN), No. 129 Patrice Lumumba Street, Jalal-Al-Ahmad Expressway, P.O. Box 14155/6395, Tehran, Iran



4. BANK MARKAZI JOMHOURI ISLAMI IRAN (a.k.a. THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAN), Ferdowsi Avenue, P.O. Box 11365–8551, Tehran, Iran

5. BANK MASKAN (a.k.a. HOUSING BANK (of Iran)), Ferdowsi St., Tehran, Iran

6. BANK MELLAT, Park Shahr, Varzesh Avenue, P.O. Box 11365/5964, Tehran, Iran, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. BANK MELLAT (Branch), Ziya Gokalp Bulvari No. 12, Kizilay, Ankara, Turkey

b. BANK MELLAT (Branch), Binbir Cicek Sokak, Buyukdere Caddesi, P.O. Box 67, Levant, Istanbul, Turkey

c. BANK MELLAT (Branch), 48 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7AX, England

7. BANK MELLI, P.O. Box 11365–171, Ferdowsi Avenue, Tehran, Iran, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. BANK MELLI (Branch), 4 Moorgate, London EC2R 6AL, England

b. BANK MELLI (Branch), Schadowplatz 12, 4000 Dusseldorf 1, Germany

c. BANK MELLI (Branch), Friedenstrasse 4, P.O. Box 160 154, 6000 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

d. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 112129, Holzbruecke 2, 2000 Hamburg 11, Germany

e. BANK MELLI (Branch), Odeonsplatz 18, 8000 Munich 22, Germany

f. BANK MELLI (Branch), 43 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France

g. BANK MELLI (Branch), 601 Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 11 Pedder Street, P.O. Box 720, Hong Kong

h. BANK MELLI (Representative Office), 333 New Tokyo Building, 3–1 Marunouchi, 3–chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

i. BANK MELLI (Representative Office), 818 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017, U.S.A

j. BANK MELLI (Representative Office), 767 Fifth Avenue, 44th Floor, New York, New York 10153, U.S.A

k. BANK MELLI (Representative Office), Smolensky Boulevard 22/14, Kv. S., Moscow, Russia

l. BANK MELLI (Branch), Flat No. 1, First Floor, 8 Al Sad El-Aaly, Dokki, P.O. Box 2654, Cairo, Egypt

m. BANK MELLI (Branch), Ben Yas Street, P.O. Box No. 1894, Riga Deira, Dubai, U.A.E

n. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 2656, Shaikha Maryam Building, Liwa Street, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

o. BANK MELLI (Branch), B.P.O. Box 1888, Clock Tower, Industrial Road, Al-Ain Club Building in from Emertel Al Ain, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

p. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 1894, Riqa, Ban Yas Street, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E

q. BANK MELLI (Branch), Mohd-Habib Building, Al-Fahidi Street, P.O. Box 3093, Bur Dubai, Dubai, U.A.E

r. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 248, Fujairah, U.A.E

s. BANK MELLI (Branch), Sami Sagar Building Oman Street Al-Nakheel, P.O. Box 5270, Ras-Al Khaimah, U.A.E

t. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 459, Al Bory Street, Sharjah, U.A.E.

u. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 785, Government Road, Shaikh Mubarak Building, Manama, Bahrain

v. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 23309, Shaikh Salman Street, Road No. 1129, Muharraq 211, Bahrain

w. BANK MELLI (Branch), P.O. Box 5643, Mossa Abdul Rehman Hassan Building, 238 Al Burj St., Ruwi, Muscat, Oman

8. BANK OF INDUSTRY AND MINE (of Iran) (a.k.a. BANK SANAT VA MADAN), Hafez Avenue, P.O. Box 11365/4978, Tehran, Iran

9. BANK REFAH KARGARAN (a.k.a. WORKERS WELFARE BANK (of Iran)), Moffettah No. 125, P.O. Box 15815 1866, Tehran, Iran

10. BANK SADERAT IRAN, Bank Saderat Tower, P.O. Box 15745–631, Somayeh Street, Tehran, Iran, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Hamdam Street, Airport Road Intersection, P.O. Box 700, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

b. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Al-Am Road, P.O. Box 1140, Al Ein, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

c. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Liwara Street, P.O. Box 16, Ajman, U.A.E

d. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), 3rd Floor Dom Dasaf Building, Mejloka Street 7A, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

e. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), 25–29 Panepistimiou Street, P.O. Box 4308, GR–10210, Athens 10672, Greece

f. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Imam Ali Street, Sahat Yaghi, Ras Elain-Alektisad Building 2nd Floor, Baalbeck, Lebanon

g. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch and Offshore Banking Unit), 106 Government Road, P.O. Box 825, Manama Town 316, Bahrain

h. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Hamra Pavillion Street, Savvagh and Daaboul Building 1st Floor, P.O. Box 113–6717, Beirut, Lebanon

i. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Alghobairi Boulevard, Beirut, Lebanon

j. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), 28 Sherif Street, P.O. Box 462, Cairo, Egypt

k. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Old Ben-Ghanem Street (next to God Market), P.O. Box 2256, Doha, Qatar

l. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Almaktoum Road, P.O. Box 4182, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E

m. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Bazar Murshid, P.O. Box 4182, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E

n. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Alfahid Road, P.O. Box 4182, Bur Dubai, Dubai, U.A.E

o. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Sherea Shekikh Zayad Street, P.O. Box 55, Fujairah, U.A.E

p. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Wilhelm Leuschner Strasse 41, P.O. Box 160151, W-6000 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

q. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), P.O. Box 112227, Hopfenhof Passage, Kleiner Bustah 6-10, W-2000 Hamburg 11, Germany

r. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Lothbury, London EC2R 7HD, England

s. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Representative Office), 707 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 4880, Los Angeles, California 90017, U.S.A

t. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Representative Office), 55 East 59th Street, 16th Floor, New York, New York 10022, U.S.A.

u. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), P.O. Box 4269, Mutrah, Muscat, Oman

v. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), 16 Rue de la Paix, Paris 2eme, 75002 Paris, France

w. BANK SADERAT IRAN (Branch), Alaroba Road, P.O. Box 316, Sharjah, U.A.E

11. BANK SANAT VA MADAN (a.k.a. BANK OF INDUSTRY AND MINE (of Iran)), Hafez Avenue, P.O. Box 11365/4978, Tehran, Iran

12. BANK SEPAH, Emam Khomeini Square, P.O. Box 11364, Tehran, Iran, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. BANK SEPAH (Branch), Muenchener Strasse 49, P.O. Box 10 03 47, W-6000 Frankfurt am Main 1, Germany

b. BANK SEPAH (Branch), 5/7 Eastcheap, EC3M 1JT London, England

c. BANK SEPAH (Representative Office), 650 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019, U.S.A

d. BANK SEPAH (Branch), 17 Place Vendome, 75001 Paris, France.

e. BANK SEPAH (Branch), Via Barberini 50, 00187 Rome, Italy

f. BANK SEPAH (Representative Office), Ufficio di Rappresentan Za, Via Ugo Foscolo 1, 20121 Milan, Italy

13. BANK TAAVON KESHAVARZI IRAN (a.k.a. AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE BANK OF IRAN) No. 129 Patrice Lumumba Street, Jalal-Al-Ahmad Expressway, P.O. Box 14155/6395, Tehran, Iran

14. BANK TEJARAT, 130 Taleghani Avenue, Nejatoullahie, P.O. Box 11365-5416, Tehran, Iran, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. BANK TEJARAT (Branch), 6/8 Clements Lane, London EC4N 7AP, England

b. BANK TEJARAT (Branch), 44 Avenue des Champs Elysees, 75008 Paris, France

15. DEUTSCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG (n.k.a. EUROPAEISCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG) Depenau 2, W-2000 Hamburg 1, Germany, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. DEUTSCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG (n.k.a. EUROPAEISCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG) (Representative Office), 23 Argentine Square, Beihaghi Bulvard, P.O. Box 15815/1787, Tehran 15148, Iran

16. EUROPAEISCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG (f.k.a. DEUTSCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG) Depenau 2, W-2000 Hamburg 1, Germany, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. EUROPAEISCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG (f.k.a. DEUTSCH-IRANISCHE HANDELSBANK AG) (Representative Office), 23 Argentine Square, Beihaghi Bulvard, P.O. Box 15815/1787, Tehran 15148, Iran

17. HOUSING BANK (of Iran) (a.k.a. BANK MASKAN), Ferdowsi St., Tehran, Iran

18. IRAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT BANK LIMITED (f.k.a. IRAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT CORPORATION LIMITED), 120 Moorgate, London EC2M 6TS, England, and all offices worldwide, including, but not limited to:

a. IRAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT BANK LIMITED (Representative Office), 1137 Avenue Vali Asr off Park-e-SAll, P.O. Box 15115/531, Tehran, Iran

b. IRAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT BANK LIMITED (Agency), Suite 3c Olympia House, 61/63 Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

c. IRAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT BANK LIMITED (Agency), Improgetti, Via Germanico 24, 00192 Rome, Italy

d. IRAN OVERSEAS TRADING COMPANY LIMITED (Subsidiary), 120 Moorgate, London EC2M 6TS, England


19. THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAN (a.k.a. BANK MARKAZI JOMHOURI ISLAMI IRAN), Ferdowsi Avenue, P.O. Box 11365-8551, Tehran, Iran

20. WORKERS WELFARE BANK (of Iran) (a.k.a. BANK REFAH KARGARAN), Moffettah No. 125, P.O. Box 15815 1866, Tehran, Iran

[64 FR 20175, Apr. 26, 1999. Redesignated at 64 FR 41793, Aug. 2, 1999]

Appendix B to Part 560—Bulk Agricultural Commodities

Notes: 1. Appendix B sets forth those agricultural commodities eligible for the bulk agricultural commodity sales licensing procedures in §560.531.

2. Commodities are identified by their classification numbers in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (see 19 U.S.C. 1202) (“HTS”).

HTS NumberCommodity
1001.10Durum Wheat
1001.90Other Wheat and Meslin, including seed, Red Spring Wheat, White Winter Wheat, “Canadian” Western Red Winter Wheat, Soft White Spring Wheat, and Wheat not elsewhere specified
1101.00Wheat or Meslin Flour
1006.10Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
1006.20Husked (brown) Rice
1006.30Semi-milled or wholly milled Rice, whether or not polished or glazed
1006.40Broken Rice
1102.30Rice Flour
1103.14Rice Groats, Meal and Pellets
1007.00Grain Sorghum
1005.00Corn (Maize)
0713.31Dried Beans including Vigna mungo (L.), Hepper, and Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek
0713.32Small red (adzuki) beans
0713.33Kidney beans, including white pea beans
0713.39Beans, other
0713.50Broad beans and horse beans
0713.10Dried Peas ( Pisum sativum )
0713.20Chickpeas (garbanzos)
0713.90Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, not elsewhere specified
1201.00Soybeans, whether or not broken
2304.00Soybean cake, meal and pellets
1507.10Soybean oil, crude
1507.90Soybean oil, other
1514.10Rapeseed, colza and mustard oil, crude
1514.90Rapeseed, colza and mustard oil, other
1515.21Corn (Maize) oil, crude
1515.29Corn (Maize) oil, other
1512.21Cottonseed oil, crude
1512.29Cottonseed oil, other
1517.90Cottonseed oil, hydrogenated
1508.10Peanut (ground-nut) oil, crude
1508.90Peanut (ground-nut) oil, other
1515.50Sesame oil
1512.11Sunflower-seed oil, crude
1512.19Sunflower-seed oil, other
1212.91Sugar Beets, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried
1212.92Sugar Cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried
1701.11Cane Sugar, raw, solid form
1701.12Beet Sugar, raw, solid form
1701.91Cane or Beet Sugar, solid form, containing added coloring or flavoring
1701.99Cane or Beet Sugar, other, not elsewhere specified

[64 FR 41793, Aug. 2, 1999]

Appendix C to Part 560—Eligible Procurement Bodies

This Appendix C sets forth eligible procurement bodies of the Government of Iran identified by the Office of Foreign Assets Control as not being affiliated with the coercive organs of the state. See §560.531(e).

Government Trading Corporation (a.k.a. GTC).

State Livestock and Logistics Co. (a.k.a. State Livestock Affairs Logistics; a.k.a. SLAL).

[64 FR 58792, Nov. 1, 1999]

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