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  • NOAA Proposes Listing 66 Coral Species under ESA This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Nov 30: Public comment sought for NOAA's proposed listing of 66 reef-building coral species under the Endangered Species Act.

  • NOAA Helps Indonesian Team Protect Sea Turtles This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    July 2: NOAA scientists and an Indonesian turtle monitoring team study leatherback sea turtle nesting populations in Papua, Indonesia, to learn more about population decline factors to protect this endangered species.

  • Turtle Bycatch Experiments Empower Students This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    May 29: Students have unique opportunity to work with NOAA Fisheries scientists to protect turtles from the impacts of fishing gear in Baja California, Mexico.

  • NOAA Invites Comment on Coral Reports This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    April 13: NOAA announces the availability of several coral documents for public review and comment in response to a petition to list 83 species of coral under the Endangered Species Act. Photo Credit: Arkive, Franco Banfi

  • New Protections in Place for Atlantic Sturgeon This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan. 31: NOAA’s Fisheries Service announced a final decision to list five distinct population segments of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act.

  • Final Recovery Plan Issued for Steelhead Trout This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan. 12: NOAA Fisheries Service issued a final Recovery Plan designed to stabilize and eventually restore steelhead trout numbers in coastal streams from the Santa Maria River in Santa Barbara County south to the United States and Mexico border.

  • Scientists Track the Gulf Sturgeon Stampede This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Oct. 20: Cool fall temperatures signal to Gulf sturgeon that it’s time to migrate. That means NOAA Fisheries scientists are on their trail, determined to better understand these mysterious fish.

  • Bringing Back the Abalone This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Oct. 3, 2011: Faced with a variety of threats, including disease and illegal harvest, abalone are endangered in some parts of the Northwest. But new NOAA-funded research could restore their numbers.

Endangered Species