Tag Archives: Series One

Competitive Job Searching.

To say that we are living in a period of competition is an understatement. Never before have we lived in a time of such simultaneous competition and demand.. Today’s teens have a difficult time locating convenient employment. As a father … Read More

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Perception versus Reality!

  I once heard a joke about perception and reality that explained the difference very well. While I cannot share that joke in this forum, I can share a thought with you. Today we hear something new almost every day. … Read More

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Veteran for Hire!

Riding in a cab from the airport to my hotel in Detroit, I was reminded how blessed I am. I was there to prepare for the big Veteran hiring event and the tone was very quiet. Early Monday morning I … Read More

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Series- Volunteer or get a part time job.

This is an area that is possibly underutilized in America today. Working for VA, I see incredible Americans, both Veteran and non-Veteran, volunteering their time and talents at VAs nationwide before by employment with VA, I never realized just how … Read More

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Series- Stay motivated Veteran, motivate others.

One of the hardest things to do in a marathon or a twelve mile road march is to stay motivated. All too often, our aches and pains take over in our minds and, if not we’re careful, we can succumb … Read More

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VA Series- Follow up: The key to a Job Search.

Congratulations! We have been going through a series on career advice addressing “A Veterans approach to a job search”. As we review the below list we see that we have completed most of the steps that we have control over. … Read More

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Series- Dress to impress!

 The military was great for knowing what to wear each day. They shaved the men’s heads and required a well kept hairdo for the ladies and issued us everything we needed to be the best-dressed military in the world. Aside … Read More

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Series- Use all Resources.

All too often we become creatures of habit. We seem to always sleep on the same side of the bed, brush our teeth in the exact sequence each time and eat the same meals. Recently, I began experimenting with different … Read More

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Series One- Network with everyone.

Hello everyone,                 I trust we all had ample opportunity to follow the suggestion in the last Series blog: Ok Warrior, time to start thinking about getting social for our next task. Some of us are great in crowds and … Read More

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Series- Plan your work- work your plan.

  Military….Veteran! What a great time to discuss planning our work, right at the end of a holiday season. No matter the level of the position or type of work I have been involved with the one consistent trait I … Read More

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