USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for South Sudan

Raising the Bar: Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies

Ethiopia, October 2010.  Photo credit: Jane Strachan, USAID

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”. Read more >>

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Ten Things You Should Know About the State Department and USAID

With just over one percent of the entire federal budget, State and USAID have a huge impact on how Americans live and how the rest of the world engages with America. Read more >>

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From the Field: Gender Equity through Education in South Sudan


Regina Anek, a deputy director for gender at South Sudan’s Ministry of Education in Eastern Equatoria, just saved a 14-year old girl Read more >>

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Photo of the Week “Education in South Sudan”

In the spirit of International Education Week, we decided to share our favorite picture of children learning in South Sudan.

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Gender Equity Through Education

Regina Anek, a Deputy Director for Gender at South Sudan’s Ministry of Education in Eastern Equatoria state, just saved a 14-year-old girl from an early, forced marriage.

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A Year After South Sudan’s Independence, a Needless War of Attrition Between South Sudan and Sudan

Originally published to the Huffington Post. One year ago, the world welcomed South Sudan to the community of nations after a referendum supported by USAID gave the people of this war-scarred land the opportunity to choose their future through a peaceful, democratic process. Those of us who watched this process closely knew that South Sudan’s [...]

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Taking Stock of Improvements in South Sudan’s Health Sector

As South Sudan celebrates the first anniversary of its independence on July 9, the new nation is taking stock of what it has accomplished over the past year. After suffering through civil war for most of its history (since before Sudan’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1956), South Sudan remains one of the world’s [...]

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Discussing the Crisis in Sudan and South Sudan with the Senate and George Clooney

Yesterday I had the opportunity to testify on the rising humanitarian crises in Sudan and South Sudan before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.   It’s been just eight months since we celebrated the peaceful separation of South Sudan from Sudan, marking a turning point for a people who have endured war for the greater part of [...]

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Engaging the World’s Newest Country

I am thrilled to be representing USAID’s Africa Bureau this morning at the International Engagement Conference for South Sudan. The U.S. Government and the Republic of South Sudan are co-hosting this two-day event to support the world’s newest nation as the republic of South Sudan unveils its vision for development and economic growth priorities. We [...]

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International Engagement Conference for South Sudan

With much fanfare and well-deserved congratulation, South Sudan became the world’s newest country earlier this year on July 9th.  After following through on the six year Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended a decades-long civil war between the north and south, the people of South Sudan voted to declare their independence.  While the path was [...]

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