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Coastal Geology Research

Submerged Resource Center divers at the USS Arizona Memorial (NPS Photo).
Submerged Resource Center divers at the USS Arizona Memorial (NPS Photo).

The coast is one of the most dynamic environments on Earth and is subject to constant change from waves, currents, and tides. This change can cause serious problems for coastal communities and national park resources. Research greatly benefits parks by providing the scientific information necessary to protect and preserve coastal resources.

The relatively unspoiled natural resources found in coastal parks provide an ideal setting for the study of coastal features and processes. The National Park Service is currently involved in numerous research partnerships with the private sector, universities, and other government agencies. Current research in coastal national parks includes:

If you are interested in conducting research in the National Parks, or establishing collaborative studies, please see the Geologic Research Opportunities fact sheet (PDF - 83KB). To learn about park needs for research and the NPS procedures and requirements for applying for research permits see the NPS Research Permit and Reporting System website.

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Last Updated: June 08, 2011