U.S. Department of Justice

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"I Can't Eat That!" Introduction to Food Allergies in Corrections
By Keller, Jeffrey E.. corrections.com (Scituate. MA).
Issues surrounding food allergies in a correctional setting are discussed. Correctional dietitians, food service administrators, and medical practitioners should be aware of this issue. Topics covered include: the mechanism of food allergies; types of food allergies and reactions; six principles used for a risk assessment; and additional tests for confusing cases.... Read More
3 pages
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Managed Care and Cost Containment
Montana Dept. of Corrections (Helena, MT).
“The Department of Corrections facilities will monitor and maintain offender health care services and costs to provide the recommended and necessary level of health care to offenders in Department custody” (p. 1). Procedures cover: general requirements; adult facilities; youth facilities; managed care recommendations; and cost containment recommendations.... Read More
3 pages
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County Jails and the Affordable Care Act: Enrolling Eligible Individuals in Health Coverage
By Cardwell, Anita; Gilmore, Maeghan. Public Welfare Foundation (Washington, DC). National Association of Counties (NACo). Community Services Division (Washington, DC).
“In 2014 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) will provide new health insurance coverage options for millions of individuals through an expansion of Medicaid eligibility and the establishment of state-based health insurance exchanges. This brief will examine ways that counties may be involved in eligibility determination and enrollment processes for these newly eligible individuals, focusing particularly on issues related to enrolling qualified individuals held in county jails a... Read More
9 pages
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The Affordable Care Act: Implications for Public Safety and Corrections Populations
By Phillips, Susan D.. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
“The Affordable Care Act (ACA) signed into law by the President in 2011 potentially can aid individuals who are at risk for incarceration and those who have been incarcerated through provisions that allow states to expand eligibility for Medicaid. The ACA creates new mechanisms for uninsured people to obtain coverage for physical and behavioral health care” (p. 1). This report discusses: what the ACA entails; health issues and correctional populations—cycling in and out of correctional facilitie... Read More
14 pages
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Key Elements of the Affordable Care Act: Interface with Correctional Settings and Inmate Health Care
Coalition of Correctional Health Authorities (CCHA) (Alexandria, VA); American Correctional Association (ACA) (Alexandria, VA).
'Understanding the key elements of the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect corrections and correctional health care is critical as planning and implementation progress ' Several provisions of the act have direct and indirect effects on the corrections profession, inmate health care and reentry provisions, thereby making it essential that correctional leaders carefully engage their state governments and community partners ' This document provides an overview of the key elements of the Affo... Read More
16 pages
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Veterans Treatment Court Resources
Justice for Vets (Justice4Vets) (Alexandria, VA).
Information regarding Veteran Treatment Courts (VTCs) can be found on this website. 'Veteran Treatment Courts hold veterans accountable to themselves and to the community ' The Veterans Treatment Court model requires regular court appearances (a bi-weekly minimum in the early phases of the program), as well as mandatory attendance at treatment sessions and frequent and random testing for substance use (drug and/or alcohol). Veterans respond favorably to this structured environment given their p... Read More
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Performance Incentive Funding: Aligning Fiscal and Operational Responsibility to Produce More Safety at Less Cost
Vera Institute of Justice. Center on Sentencing and Corrections (New York, NY); Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC); Metropolis Strategies (Chicago, IL).
'With PIF [performance incentive funding], agencies or localities receive a financial reward for delivering fewer prison commitments through reduced recidivism and revocations that, in turn, must be reinvested into evidence-based programs in the community' (p. 2). This report explains how an agency can design and implement a PIF program that reduces costs while ensuring public safety, a viable option for your locality. Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; the problem... Read More
24 pages
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Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual [and] Participant Workbook [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]|Revised [edition]
By Reilly, Patrick M.; Shopshire, Michael S.. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD).
'Despite the connection of anger and violence to substance abuse, few treatments have been developed to address anger and violence problems among people who abuse substances. Clinicians have found the dearth of treatment approaches for this important issue disheartening. To provide clinicians with tools to help deal with this important issue, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is pleased to present 'Anger Management for Subst... Read More
2 volumes (volume 1 - 68 pages, volume 2 - 49 pages)
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Psychopathy: An Important Forensic Concept for the 21st Century
By Babiak, Paul; Folino, Jorge; Hancock, Jeffrey; Hare, Robert D.; Logan, Matthew; Mayer, Elizabeth Leon; Meloy, J. Reid; Hakkanen-Nyholm, Helina; O'Toole, Mary Ellen; Pinizzotto, Anthony; Porter, Stephen; Smith, Sharon; Woodworth, Michael.
This article provides a great portrait of who a psychopath is. It covers: psychopathy and personality disorder; traits and characteristics; chameleons and predators; myth busting; presence in society; assessment tool; victims; and concluding remarks. 'Psychopathy has been described as the single most important clinical construct in the criminal justice system. More recently, it is considered 'the most important forensic concept of the early 21st century.' Because of its relevance to law enforcem... Read More
6 pages
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Department of Corrections Health Services
Florida Office of Program Policy Analysis ad Government Accountability (OPPAGA) (Tallahassee, FL).
“The purpose of health services is to provide comprehensive medical, dental, mental health, and pharmaceutical services, including: health education, preventative care, and chronic illness clinics. The scope of health services ranges from preventive care, emergency care, inpatient hospitalization, and specialty care, as required” (p. 1). Topics discussed include: whether inmates get the same health care as citizens; routine health care that inmates receive; whether inmates pay for health servic... Read More
5 pages
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Frequently Asked Questions: Health, Mental Health, & Substance Use Disorders
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). National Reentry Resource Center. Committee on Health, Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorders (New York, NY).
Questions related to recently released inmates’ health services, mental health care, mental illness, and co-occurring disorders are answered. Some of the topics covered include: health risks faced by these offenders; difference between screening and assessment; continuity of care; and federal benefits available to justice-involved individuals.... Read More
15 pages
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Frequently Asked Questions: Implications of the Federal Health Legislation on Justice-Involved Populations
By DiPietro, Barbara. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
The impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on justice-involved individuals is explained. This publication “address[es] how the health reform legislation expands these adults’ eligibility for Medicaid and what services will be made available, the requirements and exemptions specified by the legislation, and how enrollment will take place” (p. 1). Answers range from what the common barriers to receiving health insurance for this population are to how corrections officials... Read More
9 pages
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Increasing Access to Health Insurance Coverage for Pre-Trial Detainees and Individuals Transitioning from Correctional Facilities Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
By Blair, Patricia; Greifinger, Robert; Stone, T. Howard; Somers, Sarah. American Bar Association. Criminal Justice Section (Chicago, IL); Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
Issues surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) “provisions governing individual insurance coverage and subsidies and how they apply to incarcerated persons” are discussed (p.1). It is important to be aware of these especially when dealing with increasing health care costs. Sections of this publication include: perspective; introduction; prisoners and detainees; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; health benefit exchanges; practical issues; Medicaid and the ... Read More
12 pages
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Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
As jurisdictions across the nation attempt to do more with less, the effects of pharmacy management today will have long lasting and costly effects on the broader health care outcomes of tomorrow, in particular, the effectiveness of treatments for inmates with chronic illnesses, infectious diseases and comorbidities. This program will provide clarity around pharmacy management, why it is important to all jurisdictions, and methods for improving existing operations. This 3-hour program broadca... Read More
2 video DVDs (155 minutes)
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Management of Pharmacies and Pharmaceuticals at Adult Facilities
New Mexico Corrections Department (Santa Fe, NM).
This is a great example of a policy that describes the operation of a prison based pharmacy and the provision of prescriptions to inmates. It could serve as a template for those agencies looking to create and implement such a component of a health services delivery system. Procedures include: general protocol covering Pharmacy Consultant, purchasing and inventory controls, medication returns, medication prescriptions, medication for inmates leaving institution, formulary, medication administrati... Read More
20 pages
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Audit Report: Performance Audit of Pharmaceutical Costs, Department of Corrections
Michigan. Office of the Auditor General (Lansing, MI).
This report provides a look at how one agency is dealing with rising healthcare costs. You can this document to create a checklist for determining your own agency’s effectiveness in managing prescription drug costs. It was determined that the Michigan Department of Corrections (DOC) is not effective at managing pharmaceutical costs. Comments, findings, recommendations, and Agency preliminary responses are given for: the effectiveness of efforts to manage prisoner pharmaceutical costs—atypical an... Read More
80 pages
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The Cost of Correctional Health Care: A Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Summary of Ohio’s Prison Health Care System
By Geisler, Gregory T.. Ohio. Correctional Institution Inspection Committee (CIIC) (Columbus).
This publication is a well laid out report about the health care costs experienced by one correctional agency. A clear comparison can be made between Ohio and your agency, illustrating the results of differing strategies for reducing costs. Five sections follow a list of key findings: structure of the prison health care network; cost of correctional health care; factors influencing the cost of care—population growth and aging offenders, “Fussell v. Wilkinson” settlement, categories of medical sp... Read More
18 pages
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Frequently Asked Questions: Implications of the Federal Health Legislation in Justice-Involve Populations
By DiPietro, Barbara. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
The ability of individuals involved with the criminal justice system to get public health insurance and services is examined. The discussion centers on the impact of “health care reform,” the combination of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, on access. Questions and their answers are organized according to health needs and common barriers, eligibility and services, individual requirements and exemptions, enrollment, and mo... Read More
9 pages
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COCHS Papers
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ). Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
These four papers present "cutting-edge thinking on the implications of expanded eligibility for Medicaid and subsidized insurance to low-income childless adults under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Because a large subset of these newly eligible individuals will most likely cycle through our nation’s county and local jails, local correctional facilities may serve as an entry point for bringing them into the health care system and connecting them with community health care provid... Read More
1 page
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The Financial Impact of Inmate Healthcare: Maintaining a Cost Effective and Efficient System
By McGillen, Sean.
Cost containment strategies in large county jails that do not result in the sacrifice of quality services are identified (p. 1). The reader can use the results of this survey to determine what strategies will work in their own jurisdiction. Sections following an abstract include: introduction; literature review; methods; results according to inmate population, healthcare budget, cost per day, privatized healthcare operations, accreditation, personnel costs, salaries, Registered Nurses, medicatio... Read More
14 pages
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Special Report: Lost Opportunities for Savings within California Prison Pharmacies
Califonia. Office of the Inspector General (Sacramento, CA).
Findings and recommendations regarding the following are presented: usable medications are not being restocked; the use of approved medications is not being ensured; prison pharmacy computer inventories are unreliable; and the handling of medications for inmates transferring between prisons is inconsistent. Other agencies should read this report in order to evaluate potential problems in the provision of medications to their own inmate population and see how California intends to address these s... Read More
42 pages
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Medical Department
Walker County Sheriff's Department (LaFayette, GA).
A description of the Walker County Sheriff's Department Medical Department is provided. This document also explains the process for dispensing of inmate medication.... Read More
2 pages
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Health Care Services: A Different Management Option
By Ofogh, Kaveh.
This article can be read as a case study of how the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail developed and implemented a health care system for a group of four separate facilities with about 1,300 inmates. The innovative solutions this agency uses to address their problems with health care services offer the reader food for thought about possible ways to reduce their own agency’s costs. Topics discussed include: the creation of a medical department from scratch; opportunity for a new system—self managem... Read More
7 pages
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Affiliations between Health Centers and Local Correctional Facilities to Provide Continuity of Care for Offenders
Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP (Washington, DC); Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
Those tasked with ratcheting downs costs and doing more with less need to be aware of the potential savings resulting from partnerships between corrections and community health centers. This manual “explores various models to provide health care access to the community’s offender population in a manner that optimizes the community-based delivery model and other benefits associated with community health centers” (p. i). Six chapters comprise this publication: introduction; health center-local cor... Read More
41 pages
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Invitation to Bid: Provision of Pharmacy/Prescription Drug Services for Ware County Jail
Ware County Board of Commissioners (Waycross, GE).
This is a great example of a request for proposal (RFP) for providing a jail with pharmacy and prescription drug services. One can use this document to create their own RFP or to compare their bid to. Sections of this bid are: cover letter; specifications concerning scope, bid/contract period, service requirements, pricing, quantities, invoicing/payment, discounts, insurance coverage, termination of contract; exemptions according to service requirements, invoicing/payment, insurance coverage, an... Read More
9 pages
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Pharmacist's Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act, Revised 2010
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. Office of Diversion Control (Washington, DC).
“This manual has been prepared … as a guide to assist pharmacists in their understanding of the Federal Controlled Substances Act and its implementing regulations as they pertain to the pharmacy profession.” Your pharmacist will know the ins and outs of these guidelines, but it is important that corrections administrators are aware that this information is available. Improprieties in pharmacy services may be curtailed if this document is part of the pharmaceutical services contract or policy man... Read More
5 pages
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PIMCC: Prison Inmate Medical Cost Containment; Public Institute Medical Cost Containment
PIMCC (Harrisburg, PA).
Services provided by PIMCC (Prison Inmate Medical Cost Containment), a cost saving managed medical care program, are described. PIMCC "is a medical cost management, educational program dedicated to assisting county prisons with the containment of all costs relating to prison inmate medical expenses” (p.1). Similar entities may exist to help other correctional agencies curb their rising costs in providing healthcare to their inmates.... Read More
3 pages
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Fostering Partnerships: The JOCHS Approach to Community-Based Health Care for Young Offenders
By Torrey, Nancy; Rosenberg, Steve. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ); California Endowment (Los Angeles, CA). Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
“The information in this paper is meant to support county probation and health care agencies and their community partners as they assess and consider changes to their local juvenile health care system” (p. 2). The Juvenile Offenders Community Health Services (JOCHS) project aims to develop partnerships between local juvenile justice systems and community-based health care services utilizing “a promising approach for delivering integrated physical and mental health services to vulnerable youth th... Read More
29 pages
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Contracting for Health Care Services in Local Jails and Juvenile Detention Facilities: Achieving a Community-Based Standard of Care
Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP (Washington, DC); Community Oriented Correctional Heath Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
Individuals needing to reduce their agency’s health care costs should look at this publication. “The purpose of this guide is to provide the reader with information about the evolution of incarcerated individuals’ right to health care, current trends in monitoring and enforcement, and considerations relevant to the procurement of health services” (p. 1). Five chapters comprise this paper: introduction; legal framework—the right to medical and mental health care; an emerging consensus—the communi... Read More
22 pages
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Exploring Health Care Reform and Criminal Justice: Rethinking the Connection Between Jails and Community Health
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ); Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation (New York, NY). Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
People interested in the impact of health care reform on costs associated with their agencies provision of health care to its offender population will find this webcast very interesting. Topics discussed at this meeting include: a new landscape for public health and public safety; pre-trial detainees and health reform—the impact of status on access to care; the criminal justice system and Medicaid—collaboration or collision post health care reform; the reductions in spending and recidivism in ou... Read More
2 pages
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Prison: A Treatment Protocol
By Appelbaum, Kenneth L..
A protocol for the use of controlled substances for the treatment of functionally significant attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is described. Sections explain the development of the protocol, provisions of the protocol, and the mixed reactions to it. “The protocol provides criteria in four main areas: diagnosis, current functional impairment, treatment in general, and treatment with stimulants” (p.45).... Read More
5 pages
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Healthcare in New York Prisons 2004-2007
By Beck, Jack. Prospect Hill Foundation (New York, NY); New York City AIDS Fund (New York, NY). Correctional Association of New York (New York, NY).
Results from an evaluation of New York State’s 69 state prisons are shared. Sections of this report include: introduction; executive summary; system overview; prison visits and monitoring of prison healthcare; inmate medical grievances; medical staffing; medical staff training; access to and quality of care at routine medical appointments; chronic diseases – HIV, hepatitis C and other illnesses; other diseases – asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic hepatitis B; chronic care system; speci... Read More
137 p.
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Understanding the Public Health Implications of Prisoner Reentry in California: Phase I Report
By Davis, Lois M.; Nicosia, Nancy; Overton, Adrian; Miyashiro, Lisa; Derose, Kathryn Pitkin; Fain, Terry; Turner, Susan; Steinberg, Paul; Williams, Eugene, III. RAND Corp. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program (Santa Monica, CA); RAND Corp. Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment Safety and Justice Program (Santa Monica, CA).
The provision of health care to prisoners returning to California's communities is covered. Chapters comprising this report include: introduction; socioeconomic and health characteristics of California state prisoners; distribution and concentration of parolees in California; conceptual framework and methods for defining the health care safety net for parolees; counties' capacities to meet the health care needs of the reentry population; counties' capacity to meet the mental health and substanc... Read More
192 p.
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Assessing Parolees' Health Care Needs and Potential Access to Health Care Services in California
By Steinberg, Paul. RAND Corp. (Santa Monica, CA).
The health care needs of ex-offenders and their ability to get health care services are investigated. Sections following the key findings are: health care needs are high, but mental health and drug treatment needs are even higher; certain counties and communities are disproportionately affected by reentry, in particular Alameda, Kern, Los Angeles, and San Diego; access to safety-net resources varies substantially; and implications.... Read More
4 p.
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A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff|Second Edition
By Coyle, Andrew. King's College London. International Centre for Prison Studies (London, England); Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London, England).
International standards regarding prison management and prisoners' rights are explained. 'This handbook is intended to assist everyone who has anything to do with prisons ' The topics covered in the handbook demonstrate the complexity of prison management and the wide range of skills which are required from those whose task it is to direct prisons. The issues covered show that there is a common set of factors which, when taken together, constitute a model for good prison management' (p. 7). Twen... Read More
169 pages
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, February 2004
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; Domestic Preparedness and the Impact on Large Jails by Sue Menser; meeting participants discussion of issues; Role of the Jail in Public Health Policy by Don Leach; MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Areus by Dennis Williams; response by jail and public health officials to contagious disease emergencies; National Sheriffs Association: Weapons of Mass Destruction Initiative: Jail Evacuation Planning and Implementation by Mike Jack... Read More
49 p.
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Correctional Health Care: Addressing the Needs of Elderly, Chronically Ill, and Terminally Ill Inmates
By Anno, B. Jaye; Graham, Camelia; Lawrence, James E.; Shansky, Ronald. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Criminal Justice Institute (Middletown, CT); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
An exploratory report regarding the management of aging and infirm inmates is presented. Six chapters follow an executive summary:
  • Introduction;
  • What we know about elderly, chronically ill, and terminally ill inmates;
  • Effective evaluation for identifying the special needs of inmates;
  • Program, housing, and treatment considerations;
  • Ethical and policy considerations for the care of elderly and infirm inmates;
  • And conclusion.
Appendixes include: Criminal Ju... Read More
148 p.
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LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2004; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2004
By (Multiple). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, Colorado).
This issue includes: Foreword, by Richard Geaither, National Institute of Corrections Jails Division; You Can Do It: Putting an End to Pharmacy Cost Increases, by Mike Kalonick, Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, Detention Bureau; Accreditation for Adult Local Detention Facilities: Moving from Process Measures to Outcome Measures, by Bob Verdeyen, American Correctional Association; Got Training? Training as a Strategic Management Tool for Performance Enhancement, by Tom Reid, Na... Read More
56 p.
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Corrections Agency Collaborations with Public Health
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Information Center (Longmont, CO).
Reports on the prevalence and scope of collaboration agreements between state departments of correction and public health, plus agency perspectives on their effectiveness. This publication discusses: who provides inmate health care?; forms of corrections-public health collaboration; responsibility for delivery of inmate health care; collaborative services for specific inmate populations; accountability and control within collaborative health care efforts; agency observations on collaboration; ba... Read More
20 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2002
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; "Cost Containment for Inmate Health Care" by Rebecca Craig; "Taming the Cost of Health Care in Detentions: What Works in San Diego County" by William Sparrow; "Confronting Costs for Medical Care: Open Forum Discussion"; "Increased Medical Costs: Managed Care and Private Contracts" by David Parrish and Dennis Williams; "Public Health and Jails: Challenges and Current Activities" by Roberto Hugh Potter and Dennis Andrews; "Succession Plann... Read More
65 p.
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Prison Health Care: Youthful Offenders Sentenced as Adults [Lesson Plans]
National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Information and resources that address the unique challenges of providing health services to youthful offenders are provided through this 20-hour training program. This manual is divided into the following sections: adolescent development; trends and health issues; organizational/administrative issues; security and classification; the role of the medical staff; professional boundaries; mental health disorders; substance abuse; suicide prevention/intervention; sexual/physical/emotional abuse; b... Read More
91 p.
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Correctional Health Care: Guidelines for the Management of an Adequate Delivery System
By Anno, B. Jaye. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Commission on Correctional Health Care (Chicago, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
A comprehensive reference that provides guidance in the provision of health services to inmates is presented. This manual contains the following chapters: introduction; historical overview -- the movement to improve correctional health care; legal considerations in the delivery of health care services in prisons and jails; ethical considerations and the interface with custody; the organizational structure of correctional health services; staffing considerations; health care delivery system model... Read More
570 pages
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Prison Health Care Survey: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Per Capita Costs
By Lamb-Mechanick, Deborah; Nelson, Julianne. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The construction of a model that explains the reasons for variance in the average per capita cost of prison health care was undertaken in this study. "The major finding of this study was that it was not the range or number of services but rather the method of care delivery and the staffing mix that most affected per capita prison health care costs. Specifically, the cost of inmate health care varied by: the use of capitated contracts for ambulatory care; the hours of mid-level practitioner care ... Read More
93 p.
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Chronic Care Clinics: Protocols and Clinic Procedures
By Hipkens, James H.; Krause, Kathryn; Lamarre, Madeleine. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Georgia Dept. of Corrections (Atlanta, GA).
Chronic care clinic procedures and protocols are provided for the following areas: cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal, hypertension, infectious disease, seizure, pulmonary, tuberculosis infection, and men's and women's wellness clinics. The document, "Drug Formulary," by the Georgia Department of Corrections is included.... Read More
153 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 24-26, 1993, Denver, Colorado
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
The theme of this year's Large Jail Network meeting focuses on the problem of airborne and blood-borne pathogens in jails. The conference opens with a presentation on tuberculosis and infectious diseases, followed by sessions on dealing with blood-borne and airborne pathogens, exposure control plans, training programs, and rising health care costs in jails. Brief findings are provided from NIJ's AIDS survey.... Read More
36 p.
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An Evaluation of Health Care Costs in Jails
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO). Maricopa County Health Dept. Correctional Health Services (Phoenix, AZ).
Due to factors such as increased litigation, court intervention, the rise in the national cost of health care, and jail population growth, health care expenditures absorb an increasing part of jail operational costs each year. In this study, a combination of site visits, interviews, and data collection was used to examine nursing, pharmacy, and health services administration within seven accredited jail medical programs (four publicly operated, three privately contracted). Following the conclusi... Read More
146 p.
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Special Needs Inmates: A Survey of State Correctional Systems
By Hall, Marie. National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO). Illinois Dept. of Corrections (Springfield, IL).
The Illinois Department of Corrections conducted a survey of all 50 states to determine the prevalence of inmates who have special medical or mental health needs. Within the 31 states responding, .08 percent to 8.2 percent of prison inmates fell into various special housing categories. These categories included chronic illness, terminally ill, advancing age, ambulation difficulties, and mental health problems.... Read More
34 p.

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