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  • New Marine Fishery Allocation Report Posted This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan 29: A new report commissioned by NOAA Fisheries, Marine Fishery Allocation Issues, has been posted online. A national stakeholder call is planned.

  • Mark Twinam Fishes for Sharks Off Florida Coast This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan 15: Mark Twinam fishes for large coastal sharks like hammerhead, lemon, and bull sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Twinam is one of several fishermen helping NOAA research sharks in exchange for landing and selling a small quota of sandbar sharks.  

  • Managing Our Nation's Fisheries 3 This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan 14: This May, Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries 3 brings together members of fishing, conservation, and science and management communities to discuss challenges facing our nation's fisheries.

  • Draft Climate Assessment Report for Public Review

    Jan 14: For more on potential climate change impacts on U.S. oceans and ocean resources, including fisheries, marine protected species, and habitats, read the U.S. National Climate Assessment report, now available for public comment.

  • Bob Dooley Fishes for Whiting off the West Coast This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Dec 3: Bob Dooley fishes for Bering Sea pollock, Pacific cod, West Coast whiting, and dungeness crabs. In this photo, a fisherman hauls pollock onto the Pacific Prince, one of Dooley's vessels.

  • Fishery Data, On the Double This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Nov 26: Collaboration between NOAA and the fishing industry allows for more efficient and accurate data collection in two valuable Pacific fisheries—hake and sardine.

  • Advancing Designs for Innovative Fish Passage

    Nov 27: To facilitate fish passage in Washington's Baker River, NOAA Fisheries engineers worked closely with Puget Sound Energy to design an innovative fish passage system.

  • Moving Forward, Protecting Our Marine Resources

    Nov 8: NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement confronts crimes against marine mammals, smuggling operations, international conspiracies and local fraud every day to protect our nation's living marine resources.

  • Meet a Fourth Generation Fisherman from Maine This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Nov 7: Meet Terry Alexander, a fourth generation fisherman from Harpswell, Maine, who is collaborating with other fishermen, scientists, and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute to help revive redfish fishing.

  • Taking a Closer Look at Redfish

    Nov 7: Check out our new redfish seafood profile on FishWatch.

  • Putting Local Fish Back On Our Plates

    Nov 7: The Gulf Maine Research Institute has a new project called "Out of the Blue" which helps introduce lesser-known seafood to stagnant palates, while getting the market to demand this seafood.

  • Teacher At Sea Dishes on Pollock Acoustic Survey This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Oct 17: Like fish sticks? Teacher at Sea Johanna Mendillo saw a lot of the fish stick fish helping NOAA scientists study Alaska pollock on the NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson.

Sustainable Fisheries