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Health Care

America has the highest quality health care of any country in the world, but when millions of Americans can’t afford it and are left on the outside looking in, we’ve got a crisis. However... Read More


Nothing could be more important than Congress's work to achieve a budget that effectively meets the nation's needs. While I think we can all agree that tough decisions are ahead for all federal agenci... Read More


We need to solve the energy dilemma, not make it more difficult. That's why I have and will continue to support legislation that boosts production and exploration of American-made energy; promotes new... Read More

Tax Reform

Americans know best how to spend their hard-earned money and don't need to be sending more of it to Washington. Congress took a huge step toward permanent tax relief when it passed the Taxpayer Relief... Read More


We owe a great debt to the men and women who fought for our country in defense of freedom and democracy. Throughout my tenure in Congress I have consistently voted to increase funding for both our ve... Read More

Crenshaw Strongly Encouraged by Navy Littoral Combat Ship Announcement

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ander Crenshaw, a member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, today (2/28) applauded the Navy’s announcement of Naval Station Mayport as the “preferred alternative” for homeporting all... Read More View More