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Location Challenge: Nebraska!

2012 May 7

The Documerica, State of the Environment traveling exhibit is now with EPA’s Region 7 office, which more locally serves Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and nine tribal nations. Throughout the month, we’ll be posting location challenges within that area of the United States.

Last Monday, we featured Documerica photos from Kansas City. Today’s Location Challenge focuses on a few spots in Nebraska. If you live nearby, or know someone who does, spread the word to match one of these scenes as they exist today and submit them to State of the Environment on Flickr. Let us know which Documerica image you matched in your photo caption, as the best entries will be considered for a side by side display within the U.S. National Archives Exhibit: Searching for the Seventies: EPA’s Documerica Project that is planned for March – September of 2013 in Washington, DC.

Nebraska, Kansas state line May, 1973 by Charles O'Rear.

Original caption: The Immanuel Lutheran Church marks the state line between Kansas and Nebraska, 05/1973 by Charles O’Rear.

Lincoln, the capital as seen by air by Charles O'Rear.

Original caption: Lincoln, the capital city, seen from the air. In foreground is the University of Nebraska stadium, 05/1973 by Charles O’Rear.

Big sports event of the year, spring football game 5/1973 by Charles O'Rear.

Original caption: Big sports event of the year is the annual spring football game at the University of Nebraska. This is an intra-mural game, and many fans wear red in honor of the team, nicknamed “Big Red.” 05/1973 by Charles O’Rear.

Highway 77 and farmlands by Charles O'Rear.

Original caption: Highway 77 and farmlands near village of Hallam, 05/1973 by Charles O’Rear.

These images give a sense of the environment, the people, and the way of life in the midwest in 1973. What does it look like today, four decades later?

Telling the story of change is up to you. Share photos of the football games, the landscapes, the people and the way of life for State of the Environment. For a fun challenge, if you aren’t living nearby to match one of these scenes, search the full Documerica collection to locate images closest to you.

When you follow that link above, you’ll come to a search page like this. Simply type in your town or state to see images of the past. Enjoy, have fun, and we can’t wait to see your contributions to this historic project!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. August 2, 2012

    thank to poster

  2. August 2, 2012

    những hình ảnh này rất có giá trị đối với thế hệ sau này của chúng ta!!

  3. jfalvey permalink*
    August 3, 2012

    Translation for comment above:
    “These images are very valuable for the next generation of us!”

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