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Acceptable Substitutes in Vending Machines

Substitutes are reviewed on the basis of ozone depletion potential, global warming potential, toxicity, flammability, and exposure potential. Lists of acceptable and unacceptable substitutes are updated several times each year. A chronological list of SNAP updates is also available.

Unacceptable substitutes

Note: SNAP-related information published in the Federal Register takes precedence over all information on this page.

Acceptable Substitutes for CFCs (class I ODS) in Vending Machines

Substitute (Name Used in the Federal Register) Trade Name Refrigerant Being Replaced Retrofit/ New
HCFC-22   12, 502 R, N
Ikon A   12 R, N
Ikon B   12 R, N
THR-02   12 R, N
HFC-134a   12 R, N
R-401A, R-401B MP-39, MP-66 12 R, N
R-404A HP-62 502 R, N
R-406A GHG 12, 500 R
R-409A (HCFC Blend Gamma)   12 R
R-411A, R-411B   12, 500, 502 R, N
R-507 AZ-50 502 R, N
Free Zone (HCFC Blend Delta) Free Zone / RB-276 12 R, N
Freeze 12 Freeze 12 12 R, N
FRIGC FR-12 (HCFC Blend Beta) FRIGC FR-12 12, 500 R, N
GHG-X4 GHG-X4, Autofrost, Chill-it 12, 500 R, N
GHG-X5 GHG-X5 12, 500 R, N
GHG-HP (HCFC Blend Lambda) GHG-HP 12 R, N
G2018C G2018C 12, 500, 502 R, N
Hot Shot Hot Shot, Kar Kool 12, 500 R, N
THR-04 THR-04 502 R, N
HCFC-22/HCFC-142b   12 R, N
FOR12A FOR12A 12 R, N
FOR12B FOR12B 12 R, N
SP34E SP34E 12 R, N
Self-chilling cans using CO2    12, 500, 502 N
RS-24 (2002 formulation)   12 R,N
NU-22 NU-22 502 R, N
R407C Suva 407C, Klea 407C 502 R, N
R-420A Choice R-420A 12, 500 R, N
R-426A RS-24 12 R, N
KDD6 KDD6 12 R, N
Hot Shot 2    Hot Shot 2 12, 500, 502 R
Carbon dioxide (R-744)   12, 500, 502 N
Key: R = Retrofit Uses, N = New Uses

Acceptable Substitutes for HCFCs (class II ODS) in Vending Machines

Substitute (Name Used in the Federal Register) Trade Name Refrigerant Being Replaced Retrofit/ New
ISCEON 59, NU-22, R-417A ISCEON 59, NU-22 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-404A HP62 22 and blends containing HCFCs R, N
R-507, R-507A AZ-50 22 and blends containing HCFCs R, N
R-407C Suva 9000, KLEA 66 22 and blends containing HCFCs R, N
R-410A AZ-20 22 and blends containing HCFCs N
R-410B   22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b N
RS-24 (2002 formulation)   22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-421A Choice R421A 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-426A RS-24 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
KDD5, R-438A ISCEON MO99 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-125/290/134a/600a (55.0/1.0/42.5/1.5) ICOR AT-22 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-422B XAC1, NU-22B 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-422C XLT1 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
R-422D   22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
HFC-134a   22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
SP34E SP34E 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R, N
Stirling cycle   22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b N
Hot Shot 2   Hot Shot 2 22, blends containing 22 and/or 142b R
Carbon dioxide (R-744)   22 N
Key: R = Retrofit Uses, N = New Uses

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