From: Subject: Bioenergy & Products Coordination Council Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 15:28:35 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.6157 Bioenergy & = Products Coordination Council


WASHINGTON, D.C.=20 20250









Biobased Products=20 and Bioenergy Coordination Council           &nbs= p;            = ;=20




August 26, = 2002


Research, Education and=20 Economics


1       =20 PURPOSE


This=20 regulation sets forth the policy of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) = with=20 regard to the development, promotion, and use of biobased products and = bioenergy=20 from agricultural and forestry materials and to establish collaborative=20 strategies and systems to accelerate such = development.





This=20 regulation supersedes Departmental Regulation 9600-2, =93Industrial = Products from=20 Agricultural Materials,=94 dated February 22, 1991. =



3       =20 BACKGROUND


Research into the = processing=20 and use of agricultural and forestry materials in biobased products and=20 bioenergy has been conducted for many years and the feasibility of such=20 applications has been studied. =20 Traditional and new agricultural and forestry materials can = provide=20 renewable raw materials for processing and manufacturing a broad range = of=20 chemical, energy, construction, environmental, fiber, and other = products.  Development and = commercialization=20 efforts can accelerate successful market penetration and provide new and = expanded markets, diversify agriculture, and establish new business=20 opportunities while fostering rural development


and=20 sustainable development.  = Success=20 can reduce dependency on foreign produced materials and products, = enhance our=20 trade balance, spur rural economic development, provide environmentally=20 preferable products and processes, address air and water quality issues, = stimulate market relevant research and development, and enhance return = on=20 investment from publicly funded research.



4       =20 POLICY


USDA=20 will facilitate and promote research, development, transfer of = technology,=20 commercialization, and marketing for biobased products and bioenergy = using=20 renewable domestic agricultural (plant, animal, marine) and forestry=20 materials.  Further, it is = the=20 policy of USDA to:


a       =20 Execute to the fullest extent possible, the policies, actions and = goals=20 described in Executive Order (E.O.) 13101, dated September 14, 1998, = E.O. 13134,=20 dated August 12, 1999, and related Executive Orders prescribing = environmental=20 action; Title III of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000, the = Biomass=20 Research and Development Act of 2000, 7 U.S.C. 7624 note; and the Farm = Security=20 and Rural Investment Act of 2002.


b       =20 Cooperate with the private sector in developing and demonstrating = the=20 potential commercial viability of improved technology in production and=20 processing of such materials.


c       =20 Encourage Federal agencies, universities, States, private firms, = local=20 governments, and others to accelerate essential research and development = needed=20 to refine production, processing, and conversion technologies that use=20 agricultural and forestry materials to meet market = needs.


d       =20 Facilitate the production of renewable materials, both = agricultural and=20 forestry, needed for biobased products and = bioenergy.


e       =20 Encourage public and private use of biobased products and=20 bioenergy.


f       =20 Strive to assure that biobased products and bioenergy activities = conform=20 to the principles of environmentally preferable products and sustainable = development.


g        = Make=20 every effort, in accordance with Federal procurement laws and = regulations, to=20 acquire those products and services that result from USDA research, = development,=20 and technology transfer programs.





This regulation = hereby=20 establishes a Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council.  The Council will be chaired by = the Under=20 Secretary for Research, Education and Economics.  The director of the Office of = Energy=20 Policy and New Uses in the Office of the Chief Economist will serve as = vice=20 chair.  Membership will be = comprised=20 of representatives of the Agricultural Research Service; Cooperative = State=20 Research, Education, and Extension Service; Foreign Agricultural = Service; Forest=20 Service; Farm Service Agency; Natural Resources Conservation Service; = Rural=20 Business and Cooperative Service; Rural Housing Service; Rural Utilities = Service; the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration; the = Office of=20 Budget and Program Analysis; the Office of Energy Policy and New Uses; = and other=20 such agencies as may be deemed appropriate by the Council.  This Council = will:


a       =20 Operate as USDA=92s working group on biobased products and = bioenergy=20 activities under E.O. 13101, E.O. 13134, the Biomass Research and = Development=20 Act of 2000 and the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of=20 2002.


b       =20 Identify activities as needed for the implementation of the = policy set=20 forth in this regulation, and recommend additional policies and = procedures that=20 may be required to accomplish the objectives of this=20 regulation.


c       =20 Facilitate non-USDA members coordination of technical expertise, = economic=20 intelligence, and market information necessary to develop biobased = products and=20 bioenergy from renewable agricultural and forestry materials consistent = with the=20 policies and procedures established herein and others added by the=20 Council.


d       =20 Solicit individual input regarding USDA biobased products and = bioenergy=20 activities from private-sector individuals and organizations expressing = interest=20 in developing biobased products and bioenergy from domestic sources of = renewable=20 agricultural and forestry materials.


e       =20 Recommend alternative ways for USDA to support and encourage = research,=20 development, commercialization, transfer of technology, and marketing = for=20 biobased products and bioenergy using renewable agricultural and = forestry=20 materials and provide policy advice to the Secretary of=20 Agriculture.


f       =20 Coordinate and cooperate with other Federal agencies to promote = the=20 development and use of biobased and bioenergy = products.




6       =20 RESOURCES


The member = agencies of the=20 Council are to contribute human and administrative resources as needed,=20 consistent with their delegated authorities and appropriations, to carry = out=20 these duties.