Monday, February 25, 2013

Latest Iraq News

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani had a stroke in December.

Talabani Recovering After Stroke

A doctor treating Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said in an interview on February 24 that the president is able to speak and understand others. More

Iraqi Militants Kill Seven

Gunmen in northern Iraq have executed seven members of a Sunni militia established to combat Al-Qaeda militants in the country. More

Iraqis inspect the site of a car bomb attack in Baghdad's impoverished district of Sadr City on February 17.

Al-Qaeda Wing Claims Iraq Bombings

Iraq's Al-Qaeda affiliate is claiming responsibility for a wave of bombings in Shi'ite areas of Baghdad. More

Dozens Killed In Baghdad Bombings

A series of bombs in Shi'ite areas of Baghdad has killed at least 28 people and wounded at least 100. More

Senior Iraqi Army Officer, Judge Killed

A suicide bomber has killed a senior Iraqi Army intelligence officer and at least two of his bodyguards near the northern city of Mosul. More

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Iraqi Soccer Victory Sparks Scenes Of Jubilation -- And Deaths

Following a number of fatalities from stray gunfire during celebrations following the Iraqi soccer team's victory in the semifinals of the Gulf Cup, Iraqi authorities fear more deaths should the team triumph in the final. More

Spate Of Car Seizures Leaves Iraqis Guessing

Authorities in the Iraqi capital have impounded dozens of cars in a move that's likely to put a dent in a practice that regularly saves new car buyers thousands of dollars. More
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Iraq's Sunni Protests Challenge Establishment

Tens of thousands of Sunnis have been taking to the streets in Iraq, the largest wave of Sunni unrest since U.S. troops withdrew a year ago and pose a major challenge for the government. But the demonstrators' spiraling list of demands has left Baghdad uncertain how to contain the crisis.
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