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[407] Hayhoe, K., S. Sheridan, L. Kalkstein, and J. S. Greene. "Climate Change, Heat Waves, and Mortality Projections for Chicago." Journal of Great Lakes Research 36, no. Supplement 2 (2010): 65-73. Abstract
[283] Hayhoe, K., J. VanDorn, T. Croley III, N. Schlegal, and D. Wuebbles. "Regional Climate Change Projections for Chicago and the U.S. Great Lakes." Journal of Great Lakes Research 36, no. Supplement 2 (2010): 7-21.
[325] Miller, N. L., K. Hayhoe, J. Jin, and M. Auffhammer. "Climate, Extreme Heat, and Electricity Demand in California." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, no. 6 (2008): 1834-1844. Abstract
[274] Gamble, J. L., K. L. Ebi, A. Grambsch, F. G. Sussman, T. J. Wilbanks, C. E. Reid, K. Hayhoe, J. V. Thomas, C. P. Weaver, and F. G. Sussman. "Introduction." In Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems, edited by J. L. Gamble, 13-37. Vol. Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.6. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008.
[377] Fogarty, M., L. Incze, K. Hayhoe, D. Mountain, and J. Manning. "Potential Climate Change Impacts on Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) off the Northeastern United States." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13, no. 5-6 (2008): 453-466. Abstract
[359] Hayhoe, K., C. P. Wake, B. Anderson, X. - Z. Liang, E. Maurer, J. Zhu, J. Bradbury, A. DeGaetano, A. Hertel, and D. Wuebbles. "Regional Climate Change Projections for the Northeast U.S." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13, no. 5-6 (2008): 425-436.
[404] Wuebbles, D. J., and K. Hayhoe. "Climate Change Projections for the United States Midwest." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 9, no. 4 (2004): 335-363. Abstract