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The resources provided on this page include the following items:

  • Reference Materials - Links to documentation specific for ECHO Data Partners.
  • PUMP - The Provider User Management Program which is used to manage data and orders within ECHO.
  • EIAT - The ECHO Ingest Accounting Tool which is used to track live and completed Ingest jobs.
  • Other Tools - Other tools available to Data Partners.
  • ISO-3166 Country Names - A list of recommended country names for use during ordering.

Reference Materials

The following links and documentation provide quick access to the most commonly used reference materials by ECHO Data Partners.

General Documentation

  • ECHO REST Ingest Guide - (PDF)
  • ECHO Data Partner User's Guide - (PDF)
  • PUMP User's Guide - (PDF)
  • ECHO Forms Specification - (PDF)
  • ECHO Forms XML Schema - (XSD)

Ingest Documentation

The ECHO Ingest Schema is subject to change through regular ECHO releases. The following links refer to the mode-specific Ingest documentation for Ingest Schemas, DTDs, and sample metadata files.

  • Operations Ingest Schemas, DTDs, & Sample Metadata - (HTML)
  • Partner Test Ingest Schemas, DTDs, & Sample Metadata - (HTML)
  • Testbed Ingest Schemas, DTDs, & Sample Metadata - (HTML)

ECHO Provider User Management Program (PUMP)

The ECHO Provider User Management Program (PUMP) is a web-based application used to interact with the ECHO API. While all ECHO functions are available through the APIs, management functions are easily accomplished through the use of PUMP. PUMP's main focus is on enabling providers to manage the following:

  • Personal ECHO user accounts
  • User Groups
  • Provider Contacts
  • Provider Policies
  • Order Tracking
  • Data Access Rules and Visibility
  • Order Options and Assignments

PUMP also allows providers and their associated user services members to lookup a limited set of information regarding current ECHO users.

To access PUMP, visit the following links:

ECHO Ingest Accounting Tool (EIAT)

Data Partners may use the ECHO Ingest Accounting Tool (EIAT) to monitor their active jobs and to the information included in the XML Ingest reports. A provider can view an overall summary of Ingest jobs being processed and the following information for the provider's Ingest jobs:

  • Detailed information for live Ingest jobs
  • Detailed information for completed Ingest jobs
  • Detailed information for rejected items during Ingest
  • Summary Report of completed Ingest jobs

To access EIAT, visit the following links:

Other Tools

The ECHO Team also provides various other tools which are available to registered ECHO Data Partners. These tools are made available by the ECHO Operations team to Data Partners.

ECHO Forms Sandbox

The ECHO Forms Sandbox is provided by ECHO to facilitate the creation of ECHO forms. The sandbox contains a single html page which may be used to visualize how a client will likely render the form, and how the option selection should be trimmed by the client according to the form.

  • ECHO Forms Sandbox - (ZIP)

ISO-3166 Country Names

The ECHO system allows user to enter a freeform string to define their contact, shipping, or billing address. In cooperation with the EOSDIS User Services Working Group, ECHO has created a list of approved country names that complies with the ISO 3166 standard. This list of names will appear in the ECHO supported PUMP and WIST tools for for user registration and order creation in WIST. ECHO will support all countries on this list and additional user-entered countries. ECHO Data Partners are encouraged to use this list in their applications to provide a consistent list of countries to all ECHO users. The full list can be downloaded below.