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ETC Meeting Agenda 07.10.2012


Katie BaynesECHO
Doug NewmanECHO
Jon VelapoldiECHO
Luther LightyECHO
Andy MitchellECHO
Chris FinchJPL
Frank SchafferNSIDC
Peter GibbonsNSIDC
Cathy FowlerNSIDC
Bill HorstNSIDC
Chris BondNSIDC
Greg CatesLARC
Travis KrohLPDAAC
Matt MartensLPDAAC
Julie LuebkeLPDAAC
Jody RundellLPDAAC
Kelly LemigLPDAAC
Lindsay ParkerASDC
Marsha LaRoseeASDC


ECHO System Status & PM Planning

Unplanned maintenance

  • Partner Test and Test Bed were taken down due to power outages. (06/30 - 07/02)


Ingest problems requiring manual operations intervention:

  • Operations: (06/27) LAADS provider paused coming out of the 06/27 PM with a LOB error. Resumed after clean out of two zero length granules in catalog-rest
  • Operations: (06/28) LPDAAC_ECS skipped package with sequence number 22286. Advised by provider to reset sequence number.
  • Operations: (07/09) LARC_ASDC paused due to temporal extent change not being propagated to all kernel instances, resumed after clearing cache in all kernels.
  • Partner Test: (06/28) LPDAAC_TS1 skipped package with sequence number 14574. Advised by provider to reset sequence number.
  • Partner Test: (06/28) LPDAAC_TS2 skipped package with sequence number 16649. Advised by provider to reset sequence number.
  • Partner Test: (07/05) Ingest 'suspend all' due to transient DB error. Resumption succeeded. Linked to pauli problems in development.


System Issues

  • Partner Test: (06/27) Reverb granule searching performance greatly improved with 10.48.4.
  • Partner Test: Power outages put GSFC in 'code red' between 06/30 and 07/02. Consequently Partner Test was brought down.
  • Test Bed: Power outages put GSFC in 'code red' between 06/30 and 07/02. Consequently Test Bed was brought down.
  • Partner Test: (07/05) DB hiccup caused suspension of ingest and PUMP problems which required a resumption of ingest and a restart of PUMP.
  • Partner Test: (07/09) PUMP restart required NCR created to track this issue (11012583)
  • Operations Ingest: None.


Recent Reverb Metrics

Recent Performance Metrics


Please ensure that any NCRs you have entered that are currently in the "Needs Customer Verification" state are working properly. We want to make sure our fixes are working as intended.


In Operations 10.48

  • Pushed to Operations 06/27
  • NCR 11012417 ECHO Reverb (10.44.10): Interface hanging indefinitely with "Failed to complete current request" growler (NSIDC)
  • NCR 11012455 Improved URS/Account Informational Text (GSFC)
  • Miscellaneous Reverb Error fixes (some backported)
  • Resolving some chattiness issues affecting URS
  • NCR 11012448 Reverb granule results page "show metadata" link shows white-on-white (invisible) text (Duplicate 11012398) (Both LPDAAC and NSIDC) (Backported from 10.49)
  • NCR 11012546 Reverb API-Test, 10.48.1 - Service options not showing up in Reverb (NSIDC) (Backported from 10.50)


In Test 10.49

  • Pushed to Testbed 06/28, to be pushed to partner test 07/11
  • 2 week sprint, finished 06/15
  • Additional NCRs related to Reverb errors (11012510, 11012511, 11012512, 11012513, 11012514)
  • NCR 11012411 more URS informational text
  • Oracle 11g upgrade work


10.49 will be pushed to Operations next Wednesday 07/18/2012

10.49 will be pushed to Operations Wednesday 07/25/2012


In Test 10.50

  • 3 week sprint, finished up 7/6 (extended by one week)
  • NCR 11012227 ECHO Reverb: Link NSIDC test-WMS to ECHO test environments (NSIDC)
  • NCR 11012501  Reverb Repeating Dates Option has a flaw when selecting Fall to Winter months (NSIDC)
  • NCR 11012400  ECHO Reverb (10.44.9): Total Query Time inaccurate/misleading(NSIDC)
  • Oracle 11g upgrade work
  • Migration from Mac XServe to Linux environment work


In Development 10.51

  • 3 week sprint, finishing up 7/27 (extended by one week)
  • NCR 11011983 Reverb "Review Order" screen does not display selected order items (LPDAAC) (Dawn)
  • NCR 11012488 Partner Test Performance, follow-on NCR 11012584, addressing Option Selection in ordering
  • NCR 11012579 ECHO:  Unable to make GLA08 v33 public in pump (NSIDC)
  • API Documentation NCRs
  • NCR 11012573 Adding SSL to Reverb for Services


"NCR 11012579 ECHO:  Unable to make GLA08 v33 public in pump (NSIDC)" will be backported and will be available after next Wednesday's PM


ETC Topic: Processing Level Search

LPDAAC High Priority NCR: 11010811 ECHO:REVERB:Get rid of the Processing Levels section on the main page

It was decided that a text explanation of processing levels would be included in the pop-up for the processing level search. The NCR has been updated with a comment to this end and this will be included as part of the 10.51 sprint.

The text will be:

"Processing levels listed below are dynamically generated from the data. Select multiple similar values to get the best search results."


ETC Topic: Consolidation of User Accounts in PT and TB Environment

  • Proposed change will simplify testing of new URS updates and consolidate URS test environments.
  • Please recall that email addresses need to be unique across all accounts. Notifications will be sent.
  • Tentative plan to rollout 8/1


Upcoming Events

  • Operations PM: Reverb is moving to, possible flicker of service
  • Test Environments (PT, TB) PM: 10.49 to PT, OS Patching, DIMM replacement



10.49 will be pushed to Operations next Wednesday 07/18/2012

10.49 will be pushed to Operations Wednesday 07/25/2012


Open Floor


Ed Seiler asked about exporting data to ECHO via the REST API. I will be following up with user friendly documentation on this process in the next week. This will eventually roll in to a larger effort to bring the Client User Guide up-to-date.

I also wanted to point to the API documentation that exists for REST ingest at this time, the link below will provide a dictionary of sorts to all methods available via our catalog-rest subsystem. (Please note that there is a known issue with this documentation that results in "Page Not Found" errors, there is an NCR to address this problem, but in the mean time, if you run into problems accessing documents, please try the link several time, it should eventually work.)