U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Delaware ranks in the top ten of bicycle-friendly states

For the first time since the League of American Bicyclists started its annual national ranking of bicycle-friendly states in 2008, Delaware is ranked in the top ten. Delaware has continued to become more bicycle-friendly over the years with a significant leap from last year when Delaware was ranked 18th, and in 2008 when the state was ranked 31st. 

Delaware’s number 10 ranking was based on a number of key indicators, including infrastructure and funding that provide on-the-ground bicycle facilities; education and programs that promote cycling; and passage of bicycle-friendly laws, such as the 3-foot passing law championed by the Delaware Bicycle Council, which increases safety for bicyclists of all ages.

Delaware’s jump to the 10th slot is due to support from officials at the local, state, and national level who are leading the way by creating a multi-modal transportation system. Senator Coons has worked hard with other members of the Delaware Congressional Delegation and Governor Markell to utilize federal funding originally secured by former Congressman Castle, as well as state resources for the construction of a recreational trail on the banks of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. 

Click here to learn more about Chris’ work to promote transportation development.

Click here to learn more about Chris’ work to help develop the C&D Canal.

Congressman Castle