Full Circle Home

Full Circle Home

The USO is collaborating with Full Circle Home (FCH) to pilot a program that will help extend the distribution of gift boxes to military moms and spouses around the country, beginning with this year’s Mother’s Day holiday.

FCH began in 2007 in the Rochester, N.Y., home of Vickie Durfee, sending gift boxes to the women in deployed troops’ lives with a goal of letting them know that their service member is thinking of them. (Read the full story here.) The boxes contain a variety of pampering products along with a note from their deployed loved one to comfort and support military wives and mothers during the long deployment separation. While some items are consistent – tissues and a love note from her service member – boxes vary, depending on the holiday.

For example, the Mother’s Day boxes contain:

  • Tissues,
  • Hand cream,
  • Perfume,
  • Nail polish
  • An engraved bracelet.

For more information on the program, contact FullCircleHome1@gmail.com.

* News: First Lady Helps Surprise Military Moms for Mother's Day With USO, Full Circle Home


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