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A Run of the Numbers

2012 October 15

Documerica is a time capsule that contains over 15,000 moments in our lives and environment in the 1970s. Photographs in the final collection were selected were based on quality and variety of content, but especially for the stories they told.

Launched on Earth Day of 2011, State of the Environment, the modern-child, has grown with over 2,300 photos from around the world. These images submitted by 778 of you, are telling the stories of today.

To view scenes of environmental change, check out the latest set we’ve created on Flickr of Then and Now entries to date.

Discover Documerica near you to submit your best match — stand in the footsteps of Documerica’s best forty years ago. The top twenty Then & Now scenes will display as part of Searching for the Seventies: EPA’s Documerica Project at the U.S. National Archives gallery in Washington D.C. from March to September of 2013.

State of the Environment will remain open for submissions through the end of 2013. We want your view to be part of the picture. What are you waiting for?

Our World, Our Environment as You See It

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. orif permalink
    October 16, 2012

    I hope in US to be better

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