Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki meets with Chairman Sanders.

Chairman Sanders speaks before Veteran Service Organizations Leaders.

Senator Sanders makes remarks at a Veterans Day event in Burlington, Vermont.

VSO leaders discuss pending legislation with Chairman Sanders.

Committee Information
Bernie Sanders, VT
Ranking Member Richard Burr
Ranking Member
Richard Burr, NC
Sanders Questions Veterans Service Organizations on Cuts in Disability Benefits

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 – As a Friday deadline neared in Congress’s latest budget showdown, Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today questioned veterans group leaders about a proposal that would cut the benefits of more than 3.2 million disabled veterans and more than 55 million Social Security recipients.


Sanders has led opposition in Congress to reducing benefits by adopting a so-called chained CPI changing how the consumer price index is calculated. “It would mean very significant cuts for Social Security beneficiaries as well as for disabled veterans,” Sanders said at a joint hearing of the Senate and House veterans’ affairs committees. 


Sanders asked representatives of veteran service organizations for their assessment of the proposal.


Tom Tarantino, the policy chief for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, called it “a terrible idea.” He added, “It astounds me that we keep asking veterans to sacrifice more and more.”


H. Gene Overstreet, president of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association, called it “a bad idea” and said “veterans have paid their due.”


“Unconscionable,” was how Charles Susino, the World War II veteran and national commander of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, characterized the proposal.


The proposed change in how the consumer price index is calculated would result in significantly lower annual cost-of-living adjustments for more than 3.2 million disabled veterans receiving disability compensation benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Veterans who started receiving VA disability benefits at age 30 would have their benefits reduced by $1,425 at age 45, $2,341 at age 55 and $3,231 at age 65, according to the Congressional Budget Office. More than 55 million retirees, widows, orphans and disabled Americans on Social Security also would be affected by the switch to a so-called chained CPI.

Notice: Information for Veterans Effected by Hurricane Sandy
The VA has provided the following information to those Veterans effected by Hurricane Sandy
Notice: Veterans Charitable Organization Ratings

As an increasing number of our servicemembers return home and transition to civilian life, it is especially critical that charitable organizations supporting them act as good stewards of the American people’s goodwill and generosity towards our veterans. If you’re considering giving to a charity that supports veterans, please visit or

to learn more about your different giving options. Both sites rate charities using a variety of performance metrics, including financial performance, accountability and transparency 

Notice: VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 Fact Sheets

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, championed by Senator Murray, expands education and training opportunities for servicemembers and veterans, and provides tax credits for employers who hire veterans.  Below are fact sheets about some of the programs that this new law created.

VOW Fact Sheet

Special Employer Incentive Fact Sheet

Notice: VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 for Employers

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 provides employers with tax credits to hire unemployed veterans.  Below is a fact sheet on these tax credits.  Also below is other useful information for employers who want to hire veterans.

Five Step Flyer

Work Opportunity Tax Credits


Russell Building Room 418




Individuals who are planning to attend a Committee hearing or meeting and require an auxiliary aid or service should contact the Committee at 202-224-9126.  So as to best enable staff to make arrangements, please call at least 3 business days in advance.  

  • Among other things, staff can arrange for ASL interpreters, convert hearing testimony to Braille, and reserve seating for individuals who have service animals. 
  • The Committee’s hearing room in Russell 418 has a hearing induction loop installed to assist visitors with hearing aids; and also individual wireless hearing amplifiers are available from any Committee staff member.
  • The Committee routinely leaves space open at hearings to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs.

The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs holds most of its hearings in the Russell Building in room 418.  However, we occasionally schedule hearings in public hearing rooms in the Hart and Dirksen Buildings.

There is no parking available to the public on the Capitol grounds.  The best drop-off location for Russell Building access is the corner of Constitution and Delaware Avenues, NE.   The closest Metro stop is Union Station.

There are metal detectors at each entrance so be prepared to empty your pockets of electronic devices, change, keys and all other items that cause concern at metal detectors. There is also the option of being “wanded” manually rather than going through the metal detector at the door.

All of the public hearing rooms in the Senate are wheelchair accessible.  Please see the information on the following pages to assist you in finding the wheelchair accessible entrance(s) to the Russell, Dirksen, and Hart Buildings.

**In case of an emergency requiring you to evacuate during a Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing, the Committee staff has been trained to assist, and will help you reach the designated evacuation site.

The Russell Building

  • The wheelchair accessible entrance to the Russell building is on Delaware Avenue, NE.  It is to the left of the staircase that is at the corner of Constitution and Delaware Avenues, NE. 




  • The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is located in room 412 on the Constitution Avenue side of the building.  After entering Russell through the wheelchair accessible entrance, proceed to the fourth floor using the elevator bank to your right.  Upon exiting the elevator, proceed to the right.
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation while you are in the Russell Building, proceed to Russell Freight Elevator 16 which is on the C Street side of the building.  The freight elevator has been designated as the primary evacuation site for employees and visitors with mobility impairments.  This elevator is marked with a blue sign that says “Primary Staging Area”.  The Capitol Police will operate the elevator and assist with the evacuation.  The likely instruction will be to take the elevator to the basement, and proceed through the Russell loading dock, exiting near the corner of First and C streets.


The Dirksen Building

  • There is one wheelchair accessible entrance to the Dirksen building on C Street, NE, near the corner of First Street.  It is very close to the entrance to SDG-50, the Dirksen Auditorium.


  • If you are attending a hearing in Dirksen 106, the closest wheelchair accessible entrance is in Hart, at Constitution and 2nd Street.
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation while you are in the Dirksen Building, proceed back to the C Street side of the building.  The freight elevator # 2 has been designated as the primary evacuation site.  This elevator is marked with blue signs that say “Primary Staging Area”.  Take the elevator to the Ground Floor and exit the building on C Street.  The Capitol Police will check these areas and provide assistance.

 The Hart Building

  • There are two wheelchair accessible entrances to the Hart building:


    1. Constitution Avenue, near the corner of Second Street, NE

This entrance is the closest wheelchair accessible entrance to the hearing room in106 Dirksen. 




    1. Second Street, NE,  in what is called “the Hart Horseshoe”


Once you have entered the Hart Building through either wheelchair accessible entrance, proceed toward the large sculpture in the center of the Hart atrium.  There are elevator banks located at either side of the sculpture. This entrance is closest to the hearing room in Hart 216.

  • In the event of an emergency evacuation while you are in the Hart Building, please proceed to the C Street side of the building.  Freight elevator #14 has been designated as the “Primary Staging Area”.  The Capitol Police will check these areas and provide assistance.



Updated June 2012

Committee Videos