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Healthy Aging
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Work-life issues


Once you have made long-term health care and financial plans, it's time to decide how you want to retire.

If you are still working, you probably can't imagine that retirement would give you too much time on your hands. But, giving up your daily routine may be more difficult than you think. It's a good idea to "plan" your retirement leisure time. Your plan doesn't have to be elaborate or set in stone. Just think about what you're going to do. Do you want to travel? Improve your tennis game? Write a book? Volunteer? Read more books? Plant a garden? It's good to think about some long-term goals and to focus on some hobbies that can keep you busy. Otherwise all that free time could be overwhelming. Check with your local community center to see what kind of classes and activities they offer. Getting involved with a group will keep you connected.

What if you can't or don't want to retire? You could stay at your current job (maybe with reduced hours). Or you could try something new — something you always wanted to do. Or something that pays the bills, but is low stress. You might think that being in your 50s or 60s is a barrier to getting a job. But more and more older people are re-entering the workforce or entering the workforce for the first time.

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More information on Work-life issues

Explore other publications and websites

  • Estate Planning FAQs (Copyright © American Bar Association) - This publication gives an overview of estate planning, including information on wills, revocable trusts, power of attorney, advanced directives, and the probate process.
  • Financial Information (Copyright © Caring Connections) - This site provides information on financial planning for end-of-life care. It discusses topics such as health care costs, living costs, funeral planning, and other expenses.
  • Social Security: What Every Woman Should Know - This booklet offers important information about Social Security coverage and women. It explains what steps to take if there is a change in name, marital status, or employment, and when you retire.
  • What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan - This publication explains different types of retirement plans and how they are regulated. It also answers frequently asked questions about changes that can affect your retirement plan.

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Content last updated August 12, 2010.

Resources last updated August 12, 2010.

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