Dialogue With Young African Leaders

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 30, 2011


The United States Government, led by the State Department, will host youth engagement programs throughout Africa during the month of May to showcase the efforts of young African leaders, to engage with them in discussions about current challenges on the continent, and to help them discover ways to bring about positive change.

The Dialogue presents an opportunity to showcase and reflect on how young African leaders are building the future of their communities and nations. In addition to events sponsored by the State Department, the United States International Development Agency (USAID) and the Peace Corps, there will be digital interactions via the Bureau of African Affairs’ Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DOSAfricanAffairs), Twitter, and other social media platforms to allow young Africans and Americans, entrepreneurs and business leaders, to exchange ideas on an array of topics.

The Dialogue is part of ongoing engagement with young Africans stemming from the August 2010 President’s Forum with Young African Leaders and follow-on events, with future high-level youth engagement activities and programs on the continent planned.

Objectives of the Dialogue with Young African Leaders is to:

  • Showcase young African leaders in civil society and business who are motivating youth and highlighting to global audiences a new generation of Africans who are shaping the continent’s future;
  • Emphasize the Administration’s priority of mutual responsibility as the foundation of the U.S.-Africa partnership and reinforce the U.S. commitment to supporting African solutions to Africa’s challenges;.
  • Help build networks between young American and African leaders that will lead to lasting partnerships.

For more information please contact: Marissa Rollens, U.S. Department of State, Bureau of African Affairs, 202-663-0531, AFEngage@state.gov

PRN: 2011/666

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