Recap of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2010 Posts

Agencies across the Federal government are observing National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) today, October 15th. This week we've heard from Federal and community leaders about the importance of NLAAD and this year's theme, Save a Life. It might be your own. Get tested for HIV. According to the CDC, the rate of new AIDS diagnoses among Latino men is three times that of white men, and the rate among Latinas is five times that of white women. At, we encourage increased awareness, testing and linkages to care for the Hispanic/Latino community. Here's a summary of our NLAAD blog posts.



  1. Aaron Adams says:

    I think that education is the key. Anything that can be done to make people understand how important it is to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS is a really worth while activity. Keep up the great work, and keep educating people on the risk of AIDS. I think most people simply believe that it can’t happen to them. Obviously, that is not true.

  2. Education is extremely important of how the disease is spread. We need to also teach that getting tested is equally as important. People have no idea how many times AIDS is transmitted because their partner didn’t know they were infected!

  3. Aaron Adams says:

    I have even heard of wives getting HIV/AIDS from their husbands and vice versa, because they were not faithful. I would imagine that a large percentage of cases are transmitted unintentionally because the person has no idea that they are infected. I, however, have heard the occasional story of a person who is angry about being infected and tries to infect others intentionally. That is one more reason to be careful and always use protection during sexual activity, and to get tested regularly.

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