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Child & Adult Care Food Program

Nutrition and Nutrition Education

Teach children about healthy eating that will last them a lifetime. CACFP has resources and publications that will help you put together great tasting, nutritious meals and snacks that children will enjoy.


Healthy Meals Resource System


National Food Service Management Institute

Team Nutrition


Adult Day Care Fact Sheets

Adult Day Care Resource Manual

Afterschool Snacks Cycle Menus

And Justice for All Poster

Building Blocks for Fun and Healthy Meals

Building for the Future Pamphlet (en español)

Building for the Future Poster (en español)

Care Connection
Cookbook for Child Care Centers
Cookbook for Homes

Feeding Infants: A Guide for Use in the Child Nutrition Programs

Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
Grow It! Try It! Like It!

Keeping Kids Safe

Mealtime Memo for Child Care (en español)
Maximizing the Message: Helping Moms and Kids Make Healthier Choices

Menu Magic for Children

MyPlate Resources

Nibbles for Health

Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children: Provider Handbook

Recipes for Childcare

The Two Bite Club

Last modified: 01/09/2013