Decision and Information Sciences Argonne Logo

Research Areas:

   Energy, Environment, and

   National and Homeland

   Infrastructure Assurance

   Emergency Preparedness

   Social Dynamics

   Policy Analysis

Core Capabilities:

   Systems Analysis

   Modeling, Simulation, and

   Complex Adaptive Systems

   Decision Support and Risk

   Information Sciences

Maps to DIS

Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization

Modeling and simulation comprise a discipline that, when combined with visualization, looks at ways to understand the interactions of system components and the system — not as separate entities but as a whole. Within Argonne and DIS, experts in modeling, simulation, and visualization are focusing on performing computational experiments (simulations over time) for both physical and social systems by using modeling and simulation concepts and approaches. Our team of skilled computer scientists develops reusable architectures and tools that support model integration, model simulation, and model result analysis.

Argonne's modeling, simulation, and visualization programs span many domains:

  • Military Logistics
  • Utility Infrastructure
  • Chemical and Biological Warning Systems
  • Facility Management at Installations
  • Energy Systems
  • Emergency Management
  • Dispersion Modeling
  • Public Health

Generic and open-source software techniques developed at Argonne are leveraged across the above-mentioned domains for discrete-event simulations, Monte Carlo simulations, agent-based modeling frameworks, sensor monitoring, system modeling, scientific visualization, and data mining.

Various integrative modeling approaches have opened new research avenues, bringing together scientists from many disciplines to investigate issues and develop systems that benefit both public and private sectors. A key strength of Argonne/DIS Division's cross-disciplined focus is the ability to synthesize/integrate best-of-breed simulation and analysis models, with technologies like agent-based models, to produce suites of tools that analyze complex interactions and feedback mechanisms between societal and physical processes.

For more information, contact:
James St. Aubin, Group Leader
Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Group
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 221
Argonne, IL, 60439
Phone: 630-252-9237
Fax: 630-252-9868
E-mail James St. Aubin

Related Information

Associated Projects

Infrastructure and Essential Services Economics (IESE)

The Distributed Integrated Ocean Prediction System

Community Vaccination and Mass Dispensing Model (CVMDM)

Transportability Analysis Reports Generator (TARGET)

Modeling a Virtual Military Installation

Biological Warning and Incident Characterization (BWIC)

Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment (TEVA)




Available Software

Dynamic Information Architecture System (DIAS)

Selected Publications

LBC: Logistics Battle Command

Multiscale Agent-Based Consumer Market Modeling

Argonne's Simphony: A Modular Toolkit for Composing Advanced Integrated Simulations

Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis: ABMS of HIE Network

ELIST-Mature Macro-Level (Network) Logistics and Transportation Planning Model

TARGET: Transportability Analysis Reports Generator

More publications

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