Jeff Davis

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Old Dominion University
Sports Management
ROTC fact:
A former high school athlete, Jeff enrolled in Army ROTC as a freshman at Old Dominion University.


Well, it all started back when I was in high school I did the Junior ROTC program which is a different program that kind of prepares you to go in to ROTC. And ROTC was a major factor in deciding which school I went to and Old Dominion just seemed like the best fit for me. What makes a good leader in my mind is just being able to get people to follow you and follow you with confidence.

I definitely try to take on a mentor role and we also have a mentor program within the battalion as well. So we take MS 1 to our freshmen MS 2 to our sophomores under our wings and try to guide them along help them with any questions they may have whether it's related to ROTC or regular college life in general.

Jeff's got a pretty bright future. If he carries the same personality he has here, which I know he will, his soldiers are going to like him, his platoon sergeant's going to like him and I know that he'll get along well with his future commanders.

The colonel is definitely a jokester, he loves getting out there as we call 'smoking and joking' with the cadets he'll love to play soccer with us at PT. We're at physical training right now, that takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at zero six and we go to about zero seven thirty.

One important thing that Jeff Davis does in leading PT is he leads by example.

I love PT, I love the PT aspect of ROTC, it's something I look forward to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Army ROTC has helped me become a better student. It's definitely put a focus on studying and getting everything out of college that you put into it. And I've definitely done that thus far.