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Documerica Challenge: Clean Water Act turns 40!

2012 March 19

2012 is the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, our law in the United States that protects our most irreplaceable resource.

Check out this image and a gallery of more from Documerica, showing what life was like in the early 1970s before the Clean Water Act and EPA’s work got going.

Chemical storage tank on beach, Documerica photo by Marc St-Gil June, 1972

Lake Charles Louisiana, Documerica photo by Marc St-Gil June 1972

See our gallery of water favorites submitted to date, like this one!

woman kayaks with jack russel Nisqually Wildlife Refuge March 2012

Little Jack Russel on Point, Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, WA. State of the Environment photo by Tom Colegrove, March 2012.

There is no doubt there is still work to do, so we want to hear from you! Can you see the difference near you?

What has four decades of better environmental awareness and protection accomplished? Through State of the Environment, we’re putting out a challenge to take photos of water quality near you.

Where possible, find a Documerica photo of a river, harbor, beach or other body of water near you, match it with a current photo taken since 2011 through this coming year, and send it into with the help of Flickr. Make your view part of the big picture!

State of the Environment: 2011-2013 on Flickr.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Tammy Stoner permalink
    April 15, 2012

    Please list specifics as to how a citizen files a citizen action suit against polluters dumping pollutants into our streams and rivers.

    In spite of forty years, there are still people that don’t get the need for clean water, and state and local governments that allow violators to ignore principles of our constitution and clean water laws.

    Unfortunately the feds get it, but leave the mess to state and local governments to figure out the solutions, without adequate funding to address, and so laws are ignored, at all of our expense.


  2. June 13, 2012

    Standing by what you said is a very good thing in blogosphere. But it is important that you support your logics with good, sensible reasoning

  3. June 15, 2012

    Hi,I would just like to say what a great Article by Kim Roach it’s the first time i have ever read anything by Kim but i am now a fan of Kim’s.Thanks very much Kim for all of the tips you gave us.

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