USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Aid

Humanitarian Aid in a Changing World

Have you ever wondered how the international humanitarian response system actually works in practice? How is life-saving assistance provided to people caught up in conflicts, natural disasters and other crises when the capacity of their governments to respond is outstripped?  How many agencies are on standby? How much does it cost to respond to some [...]

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Shah: In defense of smart foreign assistance

As featured on CNN’s Global Public Square This week more than 2,000 government, civil society and private sector leaders have gathered in Busan, South Korea with one goal: to improve the quality and effectiveness of development aid. The setting is especially significant; 50 years ago, South Korea was largely a country of peasant farmers. It [...]

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Policy, Planning, and Learning (PPL) Celebrates One-Year

December 24, 2009: as DC was beginning its holiday retreat, a group of career USAID staff walked over to USDA to congratulate our newly confirmed Administrator. There was a great feeling of anticipation as we briefed him on our ideas for bringing policy, strategic planning, budget responsibilities and many core competencies back into the Agency.  [...]

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