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Our Environment: Today’s Scene

2013 January 29

'Look', January 20, 2013 by 'photocafe' on Flickr.

Last Friday, we asked you to submit photos that captured the small moments, that can create the larger picture of our lives and environment today.

Today’s chosen image was taken on January 20, 2013, shared with us by ‘photocafe’ on Flickr.

State of the Environment is your opportunity to be a partake in Documerica’s vision. Forty years ago, 22,000 photographs made EPA’s final cut. 22,000 images taken through a decade, captured the average American day, our national challenges and achievements. The United States environment, had never been documented like this before. Until now, Documerica was an achievement that was not revisited, it was an opportunity awaiting a chance for evolution.

Decades from today, what will your photos tell us about our world?

Entries may be submitted to State of the Environment on Flickr through 2013.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Arman.- permalink
    January 29, 2013

    22,000 Photographs Go Beyond The U.S.-

    Those photographs not only important for your country, but also for this planet who should reach clean environmental. By these green photos, the people in the world can contribute to save the earth…….!

  2. Master Melvin M. Lusterio permalink
    January 30, 2013

    The Good Force with you!

    Very good photos! Thank you for taking care of our environment!

    Live forever and prosper!

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