You are here: Home Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch

The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch evolved as a cooperative project among the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Marine Fisheries Service - NMFS, the National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC), and the CoastWatch - Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico - Regional Node.

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The objective of Hypoxia Watch is to develop new near-real time data and map products using shipboard measurements of bottom-dissolved oxygen and disseminate them over the Internet.

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The data collected from annual Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) summer groundfish surveys is used to generate products that form the basis for summertime advisories on anoxic and hypoxic conditions in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. For details on the process steps involved in converting dissolved oxygen data into map contours, see Hypoxia Contour Process (1.14 MB).

Hypoxia ? ... a deficiency in oxygen

Hypoxia in aquatic systems refers to waters where the dissolved oxygen concentration is below 2 mg/L. Most organisms avoid, or become physiologically stressed, in waters with oxygen below this concentration. Also known as a dead zone, hypoxia can also kill marine organisms which cannot escape the low-oxygen water, affecting commercial harvests and the health of impacted ecosystems.


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