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Dot Com Disclosures — the FTC’s staff publication about online advertising — was published 12 years ago. Of course, the same basic consumer protection principles apply online, in mobile marketing, and in other media, but a lot has happened since then.  In light of technological changes, is it time for revised guidance about making disclosures required by FTC law?

That’s the subject of a day-long workshop to be hosted by the FTC on May 30, 2012. The agency has put together a list of questions to consider, including:

• How should advertisers make effective disclosures in social media platforms and mobile devices that limit the space that’s available?

• When can disclosures provided separately from the initial ad be considered adequate?

• What are the options when people are using devices that don’t don't allow them to download or print the terms of an agreement?

• How can disclosures made in ads be retained when the ad is aggregated (like on a dashboard) or re-transmitted (through retweeting, for example)?

• What are the disclosure opportunities and limitations presented by hyperlinks, jump links, hashtags, click-throughs, layered disclosures, icons, etc.?

• How can short, effective, and accessible privacy disclosures be made on mobile devices?

• What does the research show about how the use of mobile and other devices can affect the effectiveness of disclosures?

The FTC began its fresh look at Dot Com Disclosures last year and wants to know if there are additional topics you think should be covered. We’d also like to see realistic examples and mock-ups we can use for illustration and discussion.

Interested in participating as a panelist? Email us at by March 30th with a statement outlining your background in the issues. Panelists will be selected based on their expertise with an eye toward including a broad range of views. We’re also asking for any papers or research about the topics.

The workshop, which is free and open to the public, will be held at the FTC Conference Center at 601 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC.


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does one have to register in order to attend? If so, how?

No registration necessary, wesleyb. It's free and open to the public.

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