U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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ICYMI: Sen. Coons talks Delaware River dredging in interview

Dredging Today published a Q&A on Tuesday highlighting Senator Chris Coons’ thoughts on the job-creating potential of the Delaware River dredging project currently underway.

We are already seeing signs of job creation and growth as a result of the Delaware River dredging project. I have heard from businesses, labor leaders and private equity companies that they see the Port of Wilmington and the other ports on the Delaware River as perfectly situated to handle more cargo and take advantage of their proximity to major population centers on the East Coast. With the completion of the 45’ channel in the Delaware River, we will see tens of thousands of direct and indirect jobs created as ports are expanded, cargo volume increases and people are hired to handle every downstream aspect of what comes in and what goes out.

Click here to read the full article.  

Port of Wilmington