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What We Do

The Volpe Center's eight Technical Centers encompass all of the research, innovation, technology, and program analysis functions performed on behalf of our sponsors. Each Technical Center leverages multidisciplinary capabilities to address national transportation goals. The expertise of Volpe Center's staff spans a wide range transportation modes and disciplines—staff include civil, electrical, mechanical aeronautical engineers, physical and social scientists, human factors experts, economists, planners, information technologists, and safety operation specialists to name a few. Managers build project teams drawing across the organization from this broad range of expertise. The result is innovative solutions arising from creative and resourceful collaboration.

View Technical Center Fact Sheets

Key Official

Anne Aylward Anne Aylward, Deputy Associate Administrator for Research and Innovation, leads the Volpe Center's Technical Centers. More >>

Explore our Technical Centers

Center for Transportation Policy and Planning Center for Safety Management Systems Center for Environmental and Energy Systems Center for Transportation Logistics and Security Center for Infrastructure Systems and Engineering Center for Air Traffic Systems and Operations Center for Human Factors Research and System Applications Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies

Strategic Initiatives for Research and Innovation

By bringing together thought leaders, decision-makers, and other stakeholders from across the global transportation enterprise, we work to anticipate future transportation issues and generate fresh approaches to emerging issues. Through high-impact strategic initiatives, including outreach, we facilitate knowledge exchange across the transportation community and heighten awareness about the Volpe Center's technical portfolio, capabilities, staff and contributions to the Nation.

View strategic initiatives and upcoming events

Technical Outreach and Colloquia

Our Sponsors

Since 1970, the Volpe Center has provided critical support to the DOT modal administrations and offices, other Federal agencies, state and local governments and organizations, foreign governments and entities, and the private sector.

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Principal Technical Advisors

Our Principal Technical Advisors work closely with the Volpe Center leadership team and other senior technical staff to identify emerging transportation technologies and address pressing national transportation challenges.

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