Transportation Division

Transportation Division

1.  Commercial Travel Office. Getting ready to travel in or out of Korea?   Visit the CTO for your Official Duty passenger commercial travel arrangements (Air, Bus, Rail); located within Moyer Recreation Center, Yongsan Garrison. Hours of operation Monday through Friday 0800-1700, closed weekends and holidays. For assistance contact  our representative at 725-6176 .

2.  Movements Branch. Now it’s time to leave Korea or you have just arrived. Our personal property counselors can assist you arrange for shipment or delivery of personal property and POVs. Outbound personal property Building 4106 South Yongsan Garrison, Inbound personal property Building 1230 Camp Kim; POV Pickup and Delivery is located on Camp Kim. Hours of operation Monday through Friday 0800-1700, closed weekends and holidays. For shipment information call our representative at 738-4838,

3.  Drivers’ testing (licenses). Arrived in Korea and need a driver License?  Our Driver Testing and License Issue Section can do this for you. Testing for issuance of POV licenses. Hours of operation Monday through Friday 0800-1700, closed weekends and holidays. Monday – Thursday Testing 0830 and 1330; Friday Testing only for Korean language speakers. Our representative at 738-3236 can provide you more information.

4.  Transportation Motor Pool. If you have a need to perform official duty and need a government vehicle, the Transportation Motor Pool can provide you an answer to your needs. Contact Vehicle Dispatch Monday through Friday 0700-1900 closed weekends, holidays 0700-1600. Please call 738-5007 for further information. 

Total pageloads: 4/68 (9/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 3/28/2011 10:13:18 AM
Date last updated: 10/24/2012 12:12:23 PM