USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Secretary Clinton

The White House (Blog): Supporting Human Rights in Burma

Yesterday’s announcement that President Obama will become the first U.S. President to visit Burma marks an historic step in the United States’ engagement with Burma Read more >>

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Video of the Week: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at the inauguration of USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on November 8, 2012.

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Photos: Secretary Clinton in Haiti

U.S. Secretary of State Visits USAID sites in Northern Haiti: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to northern Haiti on October 22.

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Driving Economic & Social Change – Highlight Women Entrepreneurs in Peru

Luzmila Huarancca Gutiérrez began making textiles at home in Ayacucho, a region located in the Andean Highlands. The quality of her work quickly attracted buyers from across Peru and abroad, and today she is a leader in the artisanal textile industry, managing a network of 800 artisans in Ayacucho.

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Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society

New video from last month’s Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society event, featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Joyce Banda of Malawi, and journalist Nicholas Kristof.

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Video of the Week: Turning the Tide on Global Hunger

In this Feed the Future video, narrator Matt Damon discusses efforts to turn the tide against global hunger and increase agricultural production around the world.

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Saving Mothers, Giving Life

Mother and Child Uganda 9 21 12

Imagine that you are a young woman who is pregnant, lives in a remote location far from a hospital, and you have a husband and mother-in law who think giving birth at home with an untrained attendant will suffice. Read more >>

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Secretary Clinton Glimpses Legacy of Vietnam War-era Bombs in Laos

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a brief visit to Laos this month, making her the highest serving U.S. Government official to visit the country since 1955. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Secretary Clinton visits Malawi

Secretary Clinton With the Lumbadzi Milk Bulking Group in Malawi  Dairy farmer Margaret Chinkwende explains her work to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Martin Banda of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Lilongwe, Malawi, August 5, 2012. Photo Credit: State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Secretary of State Clinton visits farmers at Malawi’s Lumbadzi Milk Bulking Group. Dressed in locally produced “chitenge”, she joined the farmers in a dance to celebrate successful growth in the dairy sector. Chitenge are highly valued cultural depictions of special events in Malawi. During her visit, the Secretary noted that with U.S. support, Malawi’s dairy sector has grown, [...]

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Thinking Across Borders in Southeast Asia

In July, I traveled to Cambodia to join Secretary Clinton at the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Ministerial meetings where we launched “LMI 2020” – a deepening of the United States’ commitment to Southeast Asia. Read more >>

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