USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Global Health Initiative

Delivering Quality, Affordable and Equitable Care to Improve Health

The U.N. High Level Meeting on Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases marks only the second time in history the UN has held a special meeting on a health issue: the first was for HIV/AIDS in 2001. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent an urgent and growing global public health concern. In 2008, NCDs — diseases such [...]

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Saving Lives Across Nepal: Female Community Health Volunteers

Taking a health sector initiative “to scale” and making it sustainable is a challenging development goal. Ambitious, but achievable. In Nepal, the Ministry of Health and Population has succeeded in bringing maternal and child health information and health services to every community in the country. This, in spite of the fact that the majority of [...]

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USAID’s Frontlines – April/May 2011

Read the latest edition of FrontLines to learn about the Agency’s work in global health and in Iraq, including these stories: An exclusive interview with U.S. Lt. Gen. John Allen on how the United States’ military and civilian arms found common ground in Iraq. Allen is President Obama’s new nominee to lead U.S. and NATO [...]

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Extending Quality Health Services to Underserved Groups through Faith Networks

By Susan K. Brems, Ph.D., Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health In Ghana last week, I had the privilege to participate in the Africa Christian Health Associations’ 5th Biennial Conference, “Improving Women’s and Children’s Health in Africa.” Christian Health Associations and networks from Africa and partner organizations met to take stock of their [...]

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USAID’s Battleground: Expanding Access and Strengthening Health Systems

Administrator Shah: “Our experience with GHI has made it clear: our largest opportunities to improve human health do not lie in optimizing services to the 20% of people in the developing world currently reached by health systems; they lie in extending our reach to the 80% who lack access to health facilities. That is where the [...]

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Leading Through Civilian Power

After months of effort and meaningful discussions, today I was happy to join Secretary Clinton to unveil the first ever Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) at a State Department town hall. Complementing the Presidential Policy Directive on development that was released earlier this year, the QDDR helps make real the commitment the Secretary has [...]

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Helping Women Avoid HIV Infection and Transmission

Submitted by Jessica DiRocco, USAID Bureau for Global Health HIV-positive and pregnant with her second child, Grace Abalo was like many other women in the developing world- in need of services to prevent her child from contracting HIV. Determined to have her baby born healthy, Grace and her husband joined a USAID-funded family support group [...]

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Up Close and Personal With Our Global Health

Submitted by Nicole Schiegg, USAID’s Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications I recently traveled to Senegal, Ethiopia, and Mozambique to visit a wide range of global health programs supported by USAID and other U.S. Government Agencies including the Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense, and the Peace Corps. My colleague, Zeke Emanuel, from the White House Office of Management and [...]

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Democratic Republic of Congo Joins Malaria Initiative

Submitted by Chris Thomas On Tuesday, November 16th, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) became the 16th focus country of the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and one of the most important. DRC is the second largest and third most populated country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly 95 percent of the population – some 69 million people [...]

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Focus on Nutrition: Creating Inclusive Partnerships and Deepening our Knowledge

Cross-posted from DipNote, the U.S. Department of State Official Blog Author: Ertharin Cousin, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies in Rome. Recently, I visited Bangladesh to find out how you feed a country that has half the population of the United States squeezed into an area the size of the state of Iowa. One [...]

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