USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for USAID Forward

USAID Contest to Recognize Pioneers in Science and Technology for Development

USAID-related science programs assist in expanding training for people around the globe. Photo credit: Zahur Ramji (AKDN)

USAID Office of Science and Technology (OST) is excited to announce the Agency’s first-ever Science and Technology Pioneers Prize contest Read more >>

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USAID Reforms Aim to Strengthen Local Institutions and Systems

Palestinians unload bags of flour donated by USAid at a depot in the West Bank village of Anin near Jenin. Photo Credit: Mohammed Ballas/AP.

“No country wants to be dependent on another. No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid. No family wants to be beholden to the assistance of other … But aid alone is not development. Read more >>

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Moving USAID Forward in Haiti

There is a myth that when USAID enters into an agreement with a U.S.-based non-governmental organization or contractor, most of the money stays in the United States. The reality is much different. A significant amount of resources is spent locally.

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FY13 Budget: Making Smart Investments

The Fiscal Year 2013 International Affairs budget, which was released on February 13, showcases President Obama’s commitment to making smart, efficient investments to help those in the greatest need while helping to create economic opportunity and safeguarding American security. It is important to remember that these numbers represent lives around the world that can be [...]

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Selectivity and Focus

You’ve heard USAID talk about selectivity and focus in theory, but what do these principles mean in practice? In response to the global trends that are reshaping the development landscape and in line with the QDDR and PPD, USAID will apply seven operational principles across the Agency to help us focus on achieving and measuring [...]

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Turning Impossible Challenges into Solvable Problems

Recently, USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah delivered an address at the TED annual conference where he noted that “… scientific and technological breakthroughs do more than address specific technical challenges; they inspire collective action by turning impossible challenges into solvable problems”. In my remarks on “Turning Impossible Challenges into Solvable Problems” at the University of [...]

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Innovation at USAID

Innovation is critical to the future of USAID, and our ability to reach development goals effectively.  The first-ever Global Development Policy calls on USAID to, “increase our investments and engagement in development-focused innovation by seeking and scaling up potential game-changing development technologies.”  As the term innovation becomes more common in the international and American dialogue, [...]

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Unleashing the Power of Women and Girls

By: Steve Radelet, USAID Chief Economist Women and girls are an extremely powerful force for development. A woman’s economic wellbeing is fundamental to her family, her community, her children, and her children’s children. Women are vital to economic growth, income generation, and security and stability. More than 70 percent of the farmers in Africa are [...]

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Addressing the World’s Greatest Development Challenges

By: Susan Reichle, Assistant to the Administrator for the Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) As a career Foreign Service Officer, I’ve seen many international frameworks that try to address some of the world’s greatest development challenges. It’s a tricky balance to strike—ensuring the inclusion of viewpoints from the international partners we depend on, [...]

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Leading Through Civilian Power

After months of effort and meaningful discussions, today I was happy to join Secretary Clinton to unveil the first ever Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) at a State Department town hall. Complementing the Presidential Policy Directive on development that was released earlier this year, the QDDR helps make real the commitment the Secretary has [...]

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