OnSafety is the Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here you'll find the latest safety information as well as important messages that will keep you and your family safe. We hope you'll visit often!


Manténgase seguro: chequee su calefacción

Blog in English

Recientemente dos mujeres murieron en Chicago por intoxicación con monóxido de carbono (CO), según las noticias de Telemundo Chicago. El noticiero informó que se sospecha, que el causante fue un calentador defectuoso. Por otra parte, en Oxford, Connecticut, un hombre falleció supuestamente debido a altos niveles de CO hallados en una casa que estaba cuidando. Los perros en la casa también murieron (Connecticut Post, 1/30/13).

Estas muertes reportadas son solo dos de entre otros trágicos sucesos que nos recuerdan que el monóxido de carbono es un asesino. De hecho, el CO es llamado el “asesino invisible”, porque usted no puede detectarlo a través de los sentidos, ya que no tiene color, olor ni sabor. Evite ser víctima de este “asesino silencioso”.

La mejor forma de prevenir la intoxicación por monóxido de carbono en su hogar es:

  • Haga que un profesional chequee anualmente los equipos de calefacción por quema de combustible que posee en su hogar – caldera, chimenea, calentador de agua, etc. – para asegurarse de que están funcionando adecuadamente.
  • Instale alarmas de monóxido de carbono en todos los niveles de su casa y en las áreas fuera de sus dormitorios.
  • Si usted utiliza un generador cuando hay un apagón, manténgalo en el exterior, lejos de puertas y ventanas. NO USE un generador en su garaje.

Las muertes por monóxido de carbono son mucho más comunes de lo que pudiera imaginarse. Según un nuevo informe de la CPSC (Comisión de Seguridad de Productos del Consumidor de EE.UU.):

  • Cada año entre el 2007 y el 2009 hubo un promedio de 169 muertes no intencionales y no asociadas al fuego debidas a la intoxicación por CO.
  • 1/3 de las muertes fueron asociadas al monóxido de carbono proveniente de sistemas de calefacción, tales como calderas.
  • Más del 40% de las muertes por monóxido de carbono ocurren por usar generadores, operándolos en un garaje o sótano, lo cual es extremadamente peligroso.
  • La mayoría de las muertes por CO ocurren en los meses más fríos del año: noviembre, diciembre, enero y febrero.

Además de los peligros del monóxido de carbono, también los calefactores portátiles tienen que ser operados con extremo cuidado para prevenir incendios no intencionales. Los calefactores portátiles están relacionados con un promedio de 100 muertes cada año entre el 2008 y el 2010.

Apenas la semana pasada, funcionarios locales de bomberos señalaron a los calefactores portátiles como la supuesta causa de incendios en hogares de Portsmouth, Va. (vía el canal de TV Fox 43) y Bristol Township, Pa. (en PhillyBurbs.com).

  • Apague el calefactor portátil cuando vaya a dormir o a salir de la habitación.
  • Mantenga el calefactor portátil  al menos a tres pies de cualquier objeto que pueda incendiarse, incluyendo cortinas y muebles.

Asegúrese de tener alarmas de humo en buen funcionamiento en todos los niveles de su casa, fuera de las áreas de los dormitorios y dentro de cada dormitorio.

Busque información adicional para salvar vidas en el Centro de Información sobre Monóxido de Carbono de la CPSC.


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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2013/02/mantengase-seguro-chequee-su-calefaccion/

Be Safe: Check Your Home Heating

Blog en español

Two women are reported to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning recently in Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune.  The newspaper reports that a faulty boiler is suspected. Elsewhere, in Oxford, Conn., a man reportedly died due to high levels of carbon monoxide (CO) found in a home where he was housesitting. The dogs in the house died, too. (Connecticut Post, 1/30/13).

These reported deaths are just two of the regular, tragic reminders we see that carbon monoxide is a killer. In fact, CO is called the “invisible killer,” because you can’t see, smell or taste it. Don’t let this happen to you.

The best way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in your home is to:

  • Have fuel-burning home heating appliances – your furnace, chimney, water heater, etc. – checked by a professional every year to make sure they are working properly.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms on every level of your home and outside bedroom areas.
  • If you use a generator when the power goes out, keep it outside, far from windows and doors. Do NOT use a generator in your garage.

Carbon-monoxide deaths are more common than you might think. According to a new CPSC report:

  • There were an average of 169 unintentional, non-fire CO poisoning deaths each year between 2007 and 2009.
  • 1/3 of the deaths were associated with carbon monoxide from heating systems, such as furnaces.
  • More than 40% of carbon-monoxide deaths are from using generators, such as operating them in a garage or basement, which is extremely dangerous.
  • Most CO deaths occur in the colder months of the year: November, December, January and February.

In addition to carbon monoxide risks, space heaters also need to be handled with extra care to prevent unintentional fires. Space heaters are associated with an average of 100 deaths each year between 2008 and 2010.

Just last week, local fire officials reportedly blamed space heaters for fires at homes in Portsmouth, Va. (via Fox 43-TV) and Bristol Township, Pa. (via PhillyBurbs.com).

  • When you use a space heater, follow these safety tips:
  • Turn the space heater off when you go to sleep or leave the room.
  • Keep the space heater at least three feet away from anything that can burn, including curtains and furniture.

Have working smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside bedroom areas and inside each bedroom.

Look for additional life-saving information in CPSC’s Carbon Monoxide Information Center.


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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2013/02/be-safe-check-your-home-heating/

Dec. 28: Crib Standard Deadline Fast Approaching

The deadline for child care centers, hotels, motels and places of public accommodation to comply with the new crib standards is coming up.

As a refresher: Beginning June 28, 2011, there are new new federal safety standards for cribs. All cribs made and sold after that date must meet these new standards, which prohibit traditional drop-side cribs, strengthen crib slats and mattress supports, improve the quality of hardware, and require more rigorous testing from entering the marketplace.

Cribs provided by child care facilities, family child care homes, hotels, motels and other places of public accommodation have until Dec. 28, 2012, to meet the requirements of the new standards.

Here are some materials that we have created to help you understand the new standards and what you need to do:

In addition, we continue to receive questions about the new standard. Many of your questions revolve around evacuation cribs and play yards.

Evacuation Cribs

Cribs in child care facilities, family child care homes and places of public accommodation must meet the requirements of the new federal safety standards for full-size or non-full-size cribs. The regulations do not offer any exemptions or exceptions for evacuation cribs, regardless of how they are used.

Play Yards

The new crib standards do not apply to play yards. CPSC recently strengthened the safety standards for play yards. This new standard will take effect in February 2013. From CPSC’s regulatory perspective, a play yard can be used in lieu of a crib. HOWEVER, some state regulations prohibit the use of play yards in lieu of cribs in a child care setting. If you choose to replace the cribs in your child care with play yards, please familiarize yourself with your state regulations.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2012/12/dec-28-crib-standard-deadline-fast-approaching/

CPSC Research: 1 Child Dies Every 2 Weeks

1 Child Dies Every 2 Weeks Infographic

A new CPSC data report shows that 349 people (84 percent of them children under 9) were killed between 2000 and 2011 when TVs, furniture, or appliances toppled over onto them. The 41 reported deaths in 2011 were the highest number reported in one year. That’s an increase from 31 in 2010 and 27 in 2009.

Here are excerpts from our Twitter chat in February with more information and safety tips from CPSC, Kids in Danger and Dr. Gary A. Smith of Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Help teach all parents to prevent these tragedies. Share the poster above on Facebook. Pin it on Pinterest. Post it on Twitter. Print and post it for parents in your communities.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2012/12/cpsc-research-1-child-dies-every-2-weeks/

Single-Load Liquid Laundry Packets Harmful

single-load liquid laundry packets

In 2012, CPSC staff has learned of about 500 incidents involving children and adults who were injured by single-load laundry packets like those shown above. Children have required hospitalization from ingesting the product due to loss of consciousness, excessive vomiting, drowsiness, throat swelling, and difficulty breathing (requiring intubation).

Do NOT let children handle laundry packets. Keep them locked up and out of a child’s sight and reach.

Read and Share this CPSC Safety Alert.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2012/11/single-load-liquid-laundry-packets-harmful/