CPSC Fireworks Safety Press Conference - This Fourth of July, Put Safety First

Press Release # 10-282


Screen reading: "This Fourth of July, Put Safety First"

Pictures of mannequins in various poses and locations; last movement of 1812 Overture playing in background.

Simultaneous with sounds of cannon shots from 1812 Overture: (1) hand of mannequin explodes; (2) watermelon explodes; (3) with mannequin sitting behind a desk, desk explodes; (4) another watermelon explodes; (5) clothing of two mannequins holding sparklers burns; (6) firework rockets pelt mannequin sitting on chair; (7) another mannequin sitting behind a desk, desk explodes; (8) clothing of mannequin with fireworks in pockets burns; (9) another mannequin sitting behind a desk, desk explodes.

Audio and video: CPSC Chairman Inez Tennenbaum: "The numbers speak to the importance of our event today, consumers should know that there are about 200 injuries each day involving fireworks during the months surrounding the fourth of July. 200 injuries each day. And as we hear from Jason many of these injuries can be life altering".

Audio and video: Jason Henderson, fireworks injury victim: "I just hope, hope that somebody out there thinking about doing it, just its not worth it, you know you can mixem the chemicals together 5 or 6 times and get away with it, and then it just takes one time."

Picture of Jason Henderson after fireworks incident.

Audio and video: Jason Henderson: ".. and when it goes off it can really severely damage you and can change your life."

Audio and video: CPSC Chairman Inez Tennenbaum: "The fourth of July is such a wonderful time of year, whether you are headed out to watch a brilliant display of fireworks at a community event or celebrating in the backyard. Put safety first".

Screen reading: "For more life saving tips go to cpsc.gov"

Screen reading: "Watch, Share, Save. Watch the video. Share with a friend. Save a life."
