
Anti-Drug Efforts

I am actively involved both at home and in D.C. with the prevention and treatment of substance abuse. I believe our approach to drug use must be consistent and it must focus on engaging entire communities in combating substance abuse.


The combination of the financial crisis and the loss of 9 million jobs, has made economic recovery difficult. Over the last 31 months, the economy has created more than five million private sector jobs and economic recovery is slowly taking hold, in part because of the efforts of this Administration and the then-Democratic Majority. The Recovery act stabilized the downturn and last fall, the President signed the Small Business Jobs Act to help restore the flow of credit to small businesses and encourage hiring. But we still have a long way to go before we make up the nearly nine million jobs destroyed by the financial crisis and recession.


Strengthening our schools is vital to our kids success in the global economy. I spend a lot of time in local schools and with local educators. I know that they are struggling with reduced resources, but working hard to provide a quality education to our next generation of leaders. We need to support their efforts.


Energy is the essential force powering our nation’s businesses, manufacturing, transportation network and households. Energy powers everything from the cars we drive, to the computers on our desks, to the iPods in our pockets.


Michigan is surrounded by the largest system of fresh water on Earth. The Great Lakes hold a full 90 percent of the fresh surface water in the United States. They are a priceless and irreplaceable natural resource. I am working to ensure that the federal government is a full partner in helping to restore the Great Lakes, especially Lake St. Clair.

Foreign Affairs

In an increasingly interconnected world, an active, realistic, and effective foreign policy is more important than ever. I firmly believe that our prosperity increasingly depends on the United States being a leader in the world as we work with our friends and allies to solve complex problems and take advantage of new opportunities. Our nation cannot afford to pull back from the international community on economic, diplomatic, or security matters.

Government Reform

I strongly believe that one of Congress’ most important responsibilities is to conduct vigorous oversight to ensure that laws are being faithfully carried out, that taxpayer’s dollars are well spent, and that allegations of abuse are being thoroughly investigated.

Health Care

On June 28th, 2012 the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act – the new health reform law. In the two years since this law was established, it has benefited millions of Michiganders by improving health care coverage and reducing costs. At the same time, the law’s most significant reforms have yet to take effect, including the provision that will prevent private insurers from denying Americans coverage because of a preexisting condition or kicking them off their plan because they get sick – both of which become effective in 2014.

Homeland Security

Keeping America safe is our most important duty. During the 113th Congress, we are continuing our efforts to strengthen our Nation’s security infrastructure, borders, and ports; provide our first responders the resources and training they need to do their jobs; and improve our ability to prepare and respond to disasters.


I have talked with families who have lost their homes to foreclosure and seen the consequences throughout our neighborhoods. While our local real estate market has improved considerably since the foreclosure crisis began, the statistics in our area remain deeply troubling. In July 2012, Michigan still had the 7th highest foreclosure rate in the country. In just one month, 8,757 Michigan families received foreclosure notices, including 917 in Macomb County and 1,137 in Oakland County.

Social Security

Social Security has provided a secure retirement in the United States. Social Security is the only universal, portable, defined benefit system for American workers, and it is a program I strongly support. It is vital to preserve and strengthen Social Security, both for today’s retirees and tomorrow’s.


I am working to dramatically change U.S. trade policy. I believe that U.S. businesses and workers can compete in the global marketplace if the playing field is level, the rules of competition are fair, and unfair barriers to our products are knocked down.


The debt owed to the men and women who have fought for our country is immeasurable. Without their sacrifices – and the sacrifices of their families – all of us would not live as freely as we do.