U.S. Launches Virtual Embassy Tehran

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / December 06, 2011

Virtual Embassy Tehran website, as seen on December 6, 2011. [State Department image/ Public Domain]

Today, the United States announced the online opening of the Virtual U.S. Embassy Tehran as an opportunity for engagement between the peoples of Iran and the United States. Virtual Embassy Tehran is not a formal diplomatic mission, nor does it represent or describe a real U.S. Embassy accredited to the Iranian Government. But, in the absence of direct contact, it can work as a bridge between the American and Iranian people.

As Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton noted in her welcome video posted to the site, "This is a platform for us to communicate with each other -- openly and without fear -- about the United States, about our policies, our culture, and the American people."

State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland said, "Outreach efforts like these are essential to bringing information and alternative viewpoints to the Iranian people, especially as the Iranian regime continues its efforts to control the flow of information to and from the Iranian people. This Virtual Embassy is just the first of many ways in which we will seek to challenge the Iranian regime's efforts to place an electronic curtain of surveillance, satellite jamming and online filtering around its people, and I look forward to enhancing our communication efforts directly to the Iranian people."

You can view the Virtual Embassy site can be viewed in English at: iran.usembassy.gov and tehran.usembassy.gov; and in Persian at persian.iran.usembassy.gov. Please also visit the USAdarFarsi Facebook and Twitter pages.

We hope that this virtual embassy will prove to be a useful tool, and we welcome your feedback. Please leave your thoughts and ideas about how we can engage even more and deepen our relationship.

Related Content: Under Secretary Wendy Sherman holds a briefing on the rollout of Virtual Embassy Tehran.

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Thomas in Denmark writes:

I wish happy new year to all Ameican people and united states Government.Have nice time the days ahead

Posted on Fri Dec 30, 2011

Edix in Iran writes:

hey , thank you so much for doing this for us , as you know we were a good nation in the past and still are but we just need opportunity , we have not a lot of things and first of all freedom , maybe if we had just freedom a lot of our problems would be solve , i don't know maybe not , I'm not a politician just a young person who looking for an opportunity to live his life better than this .
thank you thank you thank you .

All the best .

Posted on Mon Dec 19, 2011

Dr. Jabbar F. in New Hampshire writes:

It's wonderful that the state department cares enough to attempt this.

I wish you would consider more ways to help the iranian people overcome their dicatorship.

It should be clear now that without unfettered intent access the Iranians can not duplicate the Arab spring. It is also clear that the masses need to receive footage of events on he ground as events happen.

In case of Iran these two objectives can be achieved by the following:

1. Free, un-censorable, satellite Internet access beeping down from the skies free of charge for all Iranian activists to access.

2. Breaking the BBC- Persian electronic jamming by the Iranian regime.

Surely this would involve less effort and cost the USA less than a full out war.

Posted on Sun Dec 18, 2011

Reza Z. in Iran writes:

Hi & Best Greetings

I had Travelled to USA with my Father&my; Brother at Summer of 1976 for few months,before Iran Revolution,My Father had Requested US Immigration in that year,is there any Chance or Hope to Follow it up?

Pls advice & revert me the result.

Kind Regards,your's Reza Z.

Posted on Wed Dec 14, 2011

Thomas in Denmark writes:

I thanks and appriciate sec.Clinton,this is really a magnificent art of diplomacy

Posted on Mon Dec 12, 2011

Hamid S. in Iran writes:

I love usa .Ilike to countinue my studies in the usa .thank you for your knndness because of opening virtual embassy for iranians.I am M A in educational planning .I like to study Phd in educational leadership.please guide me .thanks Its the best way of communication with the us lovers.

Posted on Sat Dec 10, 2011

Reza in Iran writes:

I wish to change the relations between Iran and America.this is the first act .thanks US .i am really optimistic about this.Iranians and Americans are the best people in the world.

Posted on Fri Dec 09, 2011

Moris in Canada writes:

It is really a positive step to keep strong relationship between Iran and U.S. I just which then a best of luck and wish that this virtual embassy will prove to be a useful tool.

Posted on Fri Dec 09, 2011

Abbas M. in Iran writes:

I think opening a virtual embassy will be good

Posted on Thu Dec 08, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

Well, I was wrong. Iran's government failed to seize the great opportunity of using your website to their own advantage and they closed it down for Iranians, saying it violated Iranian law for Iranians to see it, possibly because they think America is in a de facto but illegal war with Iran.

I suppose the propaganda value to them was less than the harm from boring them to death with pleasantries about submission of their sovereignty to Washington for approval.

Regardless, Iranians might be asking themselves who should decide what they can see, the citizens or some government censor?

In shutting down access to your new website, Iran is confirming what critics are saying, that its current revolutionary government is more oppressive than the Shah.

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

Faramarz in Maryland writes:

Thank you for this. Another sign of a great leadership and having compassion for the Iranian people who love to visit, study, and travel to US. There have been many many upsetting stories about iranian citizens required to make financial and emotional hardships and travel over the past 30 plus years to different parts of the world to just present their case for obtaining a visa to US. Thanks you Again.

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

Saeed in Iran writes:

Hi ,

i live in iran , and i'm GAY , we are not free here for our relationship , could you help me ?

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

Hossein in Washington, D.C. writes:

AS an Iranian living in USA. I am very happy of the news. Thank you US Gov.

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

Are we doing favors for the Iranian government by identifying their dissenters?

I hope it is not news to you that the US is not the only country monitoring internet communications, and that free speech is not protected in Iran.

Of course it will become a propaganda platform for Iranian intel, free of charge.

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

W.W. writes:

Can you do the same for Europe please

European citizen are now struggling under financial terrorism

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

Angela in the U.S.A. writes:

Sec. Clinton I think this is a wonderful platform for more communication with the Iranian people directly! I hope that the citizens will be able to access the site with no interruptions. I would like to add that..although controversial, I think along with reaching out to the citizens that we should have direct talks with the leaders as well..regularly. Why not? Be the Bee Charmer. Thank you for your service and all of the good things that you do..as shown here with this new Virtual Embassy!

Posted on Wed Dec 07, 2011

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