“Lest We Forget: UNESCO Remembers”

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / February 02, 2011

Track 17 with memorial of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz in Berlin, Germany, Jan. 27, 2011. [AP File]

Ambassador David T. Killion, U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO, visited Auschwitz-Birkenau on February 1, 2011. He shared his thoughts about the visit in this posting on The Hill blog; you can also find his text below.

"Today I traveled to the Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, along with the Presidents of Senegal and Georgia, former leaders of France, Germany, Turkey, current ministers, ambassadors and other dignitaries to mark the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps. That such a group has come together, Muslims, Jews and gentiles, to share this experience is, in itself, a milestone in bringing the world together in the goal of reconciliation and peace.

"The trip, organized by the Aladdin Foundation, UNESCO, and the Mayor of Paris, is of particular importance as the survivors, witnesses and liberators of the atrocities that took place in these camps pass away. We are here because the world needs to continue to teach the lessons of this terrible chapter in our history. As Dr. Mustafa Ceric ,The Grand Mufti of Bosnia Herzegovina, poignantly noted, 'Those who deny the Holocaust are capable of committing another Holocaust.' We cannot allow the distance of generations nor relational space from those most directly impacted by the Holocaust to blur the lessons we must share with our future leaders.

"UNESCO, the United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was born out of the ashes of the Holocaust and the Second World War. Its mission is to establish new foundations for the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind. Yet today, as the remaining survivors disappear, Holocaust denial, revisionism, glorification and anti-Semitism are on the rise. This is why the U.S. and many other countries worked together to build consensus in 2007 in UNESCO's General Conference to give the organization the mandate to develop Holocaust Education programs within the United Nations system.

"UNESCO is uniquely positioned to reach out to the world community to make a difference in a way that matters. Its role in Holocaust education affirms the goals shared by the late Democratic Representative Tom Lantos of California -- the only Holocaust survivor ever to have served in Congress -- and President George W. Bush, who worked together seven years ago to return the U.S. to UNESCO in order to promote human rights and freedom throughout the world.

"UNESCO's work is to develop programs that encourage intercultural dialogue. That work will help other countries move away from using texts such as the notorious anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion in their school curricula. Too many children around the world are not learning the truth about the Holocaust, due to teachers who are either misinformed or misrepresenting history. UNESCO assists by providing materials to teachers that help them understand the truth about the Holocaust and how best to teach it.

"Such programs require support. Private individuals, companies, and foundations, as well as governments, can help UNESCO in this vital work. Our common challenge is to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust continue to be taught to future generations. A trip like the one I am on today is important because it brings a diverse group of leaders of different faiths to the very ground where man inflicted unimaginable atrocities on his fellow man. Even more important, however, is our obligation to teach children about the past in order to preserve our world for the future. UNESCO can help bring the world together in this vital work."

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John in Canada writes:

God bless all the souls that resisted and paid with their lives. God bless those that did not have a chance. God grant the living the wisdom to do better.

Posted on Tue Mar 08, 2011

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