Travel Diary: Townterview in Islamabad

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / October 21, 2011

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton held a townterview in Islamabad, Pakistan on October 21. You can find a transcript of the townterview here.

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Ashim C. in India writes:

Both questions and answers reflected clearly reflected the sharp slide in the warmth of relationship and the resultant mood of governments of two countries. Underlying thoughts in the questions can best be understood by putting in background an imaginary similar interaction between a Chinese leader and a carefully selected representatives of Pak civil society. Barring a few questions, most of the questions seemed to be inspired by official position of Pakistani establishment on demand of US to act against terrorist safe havens in Pakistan. But one's sense is that Mrs. Clinton's references to silk route, good trade relations with neighbouring countries and most importantly trade not aid ( which threatens the big business of American aid from which Pak elite possibly profits hugely ) and her private discussions with Pak leaders shall set into evolution new policy responses to the very volatile situation in Afpak region. The challenge is in persisting with position USA has taken on various issues preferably without touching deeply engraved Pakistani sensibilities to mentions of India. Probably, Mrs. Clinton would have done better if she had not unttered the word India in this public discussion. There were reference to drone attacks and loss of PAK civilian lives and unexpressed lamentation in so many words about violation of PAK sovereignty. One wonders how people so concerned about their sovereignty can so conviently forget that Pakistan has in a way permanently punctured it's sovereignty by ceding part of disputed POK to China. Certainly, drone attacks on terrorist even in Pak territory in a mutually agreed decision to cooperate in war against terrorism is qualitatively vastly different from ceding territory to a third country by government besides being violative standard norm of behaviour, which dictates one cannot part what is disputed.

Posted on Mon Oct 24, 2011

Tariq N. in Pakistan writes:

The Almighty may bless more Pakistan, the work that is done by USA for whole community of Pakistani people may be more fruitful in future for ever and the people may get wisdom and prosperity.Amen

Posted on Mon Oct 24, 2011

Donald M. in Virginia writes:

The leader of Afghanistan would join forces with Pakistan if the United States departs, that indicates he could be a trojan horse for the Afghan People. Has anyone looked into the wherabouts of Mushraf who also probably has onnections to the leader of Afghanistan. Considering the 600 Nuclear weapons in Islamabad, the turmoil and bad blood between India and Pakistan, could lead to interesting battle if the Pakistan Intelligence Service gets involved. An investigation into the leaders past connections into Pakistan, friends or possible family members. When is the State Department going to change the flavor of the coffee in Pakistan? Apparently, were getting the same flavor of terrorism from this country after all the billions of dollars spent!

Posted on Sun Oct 23, 2011

Palgye in South Korea writes:


Posted on Sat Oct 22, 2011

Aamir in Pakistan writes:

hi every one,, my view is that she is doing nice effort, i am doing small business, it is my requiest to hillary, please open the ways for business people if once the trade open theways of success will also open for all small and big business man,

Posted on Sat Oct 22, 2011

Susan Z. in Iowa writes:

Where Hillary goes, freedom is bound to follow.

Thanks for all of your efforts Madame Secretary of State.

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

W.W. writes:

Hello Mrs.Secretary, hello Pakistani friend

a deeper and serious pakistani effort is now request to fight terrorism and Violent unevolved Islam in Syria and Iran

Appreciate Yr. Kind cooperation

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Indus in Portugal writes:

We appreciate the US programs which have been done in response to earthquake and flood disasters, educational progrmas and the support of US since the creation of Pakistan (since 1947) when there was no one else in the world to support the country. The muslim world at this moment seems to be divided in shiat and sunni factors; how will America behave to decrease this divide

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Asim in Pakistan writes:

she is doing great job and building the trust between the pakistan and usa that must be filled with diplomatic means. I believe usa giving aid to the pakistan but the leak of awareness in local poeple that they getting the aid form usa and other thing is that

there should be USA based school in remote areas in pakistan and usa teachers should visit pakistani universities to build the good relation among the nation

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Tauseef in Pakistan writes:

The mental capabilities and reach of the so-called, "senior corporate executives" of Pakistan can be judged from their remarks in the "Comments" field.

Never mind such idiots. Pakistan is at such a lowly position because such people are given a move-over over other deserving candidates.

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Ahmed in Pakistan writes:

With having a in-depth knowledge of our poor nation where only 2million out of 118 million are paying tax,where the elite n the rulers n the head of the political parties who have all their illegally collected money in the Swiss Banks.Only only one decision of the USA can turn every citizen of Pakistan as their real,loyal n trusted ally ,friend comrade,only if the USA by virtue of his power being the champion of Justice-refunded all the Swiss Bank deposited money to the people of Pakistan,the rest will be settled once for all by this honest nation with the dirty RULERS themselves.Any in future the entire Pakistani Nation will ever stand with USA

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Nauman B. in Pakistan writes:

Hillary Clinton and Hina Rubbani Khar Joint press conference was an encouraging and hope provoking, due respect is visibly given to the All Parties Conference resolution.

Ms Clinton is Larger than life ,She has the resolve, patience and empathy along with all that is required to handle complected international issues. she was firm at her stand but still winning hearts of the Citizens of a country that is disturbed confused on bilateral mutual trust. Hillary Clinton deserves or in other words this world deserves a leader like her. she has a 360 degree view of he issues. wishing for this world to be a batter place for our childern and their coming generations . Nauman Bajwa Pakistan

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Muhammad in Pakistan writes:

Think Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton doing her best in diplomacy and she is the best diplomat of the time , but in my opinion need of time is to adress common people of pakistan and to tell them how USA is helping them in various fields.

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

Jawaid in Pakistan writes:

I am a former senior corporate executive...i have always liked Hillary Rodham Clinton and would like to be her personal and family friend

Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011

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